Knight Damon -
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- Dio
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- Damon Knight, sulla scena della sf da molti decenni ormai, si ? guadagnato una solida fama di scrittore (ricordiamo il celebre Il lastrico dell’inferno), come curatore di antologie e scopritore di nuovi talenti, e anche come saggista.Qui ci presenta, con una esposizione fredda e lineare che ben si adatta al tema, un tempo in cui uomini e donne possono vivere per sempre e sono spinti solo da una furiosa e vuota ricerca di divertimenti effimeri.
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- Stranger Station
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- From Robert Silverberg’s “Earthmen and Strangers” anthology, 1966:Damon Knight is a slender, soft-spoken man with a deceptively mild smile. He seems gentle and relaxed, but behind the tranquil exterior there seethes a fiercely active mind. Knight has served science fiction as an editor of magazines and anthologies, as a feared and respected critic, as a translator from the French, and as a leader of writers’ conferences and organizations. When not engaged in any of these activities, he writes a little of the stuff himself. His short stories are marked by graceful style, stunning execution, and a profound understanding of character.All these virtues are on display in the present work—plus a chilling portrayal of a weird relationship between man and nonman. Few stories have captured the sense of in an alien being as awesomely well as this one.
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