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Knox Tom - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—5 из 5.
  • Bible of the Dead
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In the silent caves of deepest France, young archaeologist Julia Kerrigan unearths an ancient skull, with a hole bored through the forehead. After she reveals her discovery, her colleague is killed in suspicious circumstances. Meanwhile, in the jungles of south-east Asia photographer Jake Thurby is offered a curious assignment by a beautiful and determined Cambodian lawyer who is investigating finds at the mysterious 2000-year-old Plain of Jars. Finds which the authorities have gone to great lengths to keep secret. No one knows why. Back in England, an aged professor has been brutally and elaborately murdered. The murder remains unsolved. ...

  • El Secreto G?nesis
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Hace apenas unos a?os, un equipo de arque?logos descubri? en Gobekli Tepe, al sureste de Turqu?a, un templo extraordinario, con enigm?ticos y sofisticados relieves, miles de a?os anterior a las pir?mides de Egipto.El corresponsal de guerra Rob Luttrell es enviado al yacimiento para realizar un reportaje para su peri?dico. Lo que en principio iba a ser un trabajo tranquilo da un giro dram?tico cuando aparece muerto el director de la excavaci?n.Paralelamente, en Inglaterra se produce una oleada de cr?menes ejecutados de acuerdo a primitivos rituales de sacrificios humanos.?Qu? relaci?n guardan las ruinas milenarias de Gobekli Tepe con la terrible cadena de asesinatos?

  • The Genesis Secret
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • If you love Dan Brown you'll love The Genesis SecretIn this epic thriller, a secret with shocking consequences is buried deep in the Middle Eastern desertA remarkable discovery has been made in the far reaches of Kurdistan. A Western archaeological team has unearthed the oldest human civilization – older than the Pyramids and Stonehenge. Sent to cover the story is war reporter Rob Luttrell. He's just survived a Baghdad suicide bombing and wants only to return home to his child. What began as a fascinating assignment quickly turns dangerous as the site is sabotaged and someone ...

  • The Marks of Cain
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A thrilling and startling novel from the author of the international bestseller The Genesis SecretWhen David Martinez, a young lawyer, receives an ancient map from his dying grandfather, the mysteries of his past begin to open up before him. The map leads David into the heart of the dangerous Basque mountains, where a genetic curse lies buried and a frightening secret about the Western world's past is hidden.Meanwhile, London journalist Simon Quinn may have found his big break. A wealthy, elderly woman has been murdered in the most horrific fashion, and another homicide soon follows. ...