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Koontz Dean - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 26—42 из 42.
  • Przy Blasku Ksi??yca
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Spokojny, ?yj?cy w harmonii ze ?wiatem malarz, Dylan O'Conner, pewnego wieczoru zostaje napadni?ty przez zagadkowego cz?owieka, kt?ry w pokoju motelowym aplikuje mu tajemniczy zastrzyk.Wkr?tce dowiaduje si?, ?e grozi mu ?miertelne niebezpiecze?stwo – musi ucieka? przed bezwzgl?dnymi mordercami, kt?rzy nie cofn? si? przed niczym, by wyeliminowa? ka?dego, kogo ob??kany "doktor" dosta? w swoje r?ce.Towarzyszy mu m?odszy brat cierpi?cy na autyzm oraz Jilly, dziewczyna pr?buj?ca swoich si? jako komik na estradach Po?udniowego Zachodu, kt?rej r?wnie? wstrzykni?to tajemnicz? substancj?. Musz? ...
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  • Sussurri
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • A ventinove anni, dopo un’infanzia e un’adolescenza difficili, la bella e intelligente Hilary Thomas ? arrivata al successo. Ma quando viene aggredita nella sua lussuosa villa di Beverly Hills da un maniaco omicida, i peggiori incubi del passato sembrano rimaterializzarsi nei bagliori della lama acuminata del suo aggressore. Non baster? fuggire, non baster? lottare, non baster? nemmeno ucciderlo: lui torner?, pi? forte della morte, a ossessionarla, costringendola a scavare disperatamente nei segreti sepolti per scoprire una realt? allucinante. Da Hollywood a Napa Valley, dalle piscine soleggiate delle dimore dei divi alla penombra umida di morte dell’obitorio, il ritmo tranquillo della vita quotidiana in California viene sconvolto da eventi ben pi? spaventosi e dirompenti dei terremoti ai quali la gente ? ormai abituata. Esistono forze, nella mente umana, al confronto delle quali le scosse telluriche sono carezze e le urla di morte soltanto sussurri.
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  • The Darkest Evening Of The Year
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • With each of his #1 New York Times bestsellers, Dean Koontz has displayed an unparalleled ability to entertain and enlighten readers with novels that capture the essence of our times even as they bring us to the edge of our seats. Now he delivers a heart-gripping tour de force he's been waiting years to write, at once a love story, a thrilling adventure, and a masterwork of suspense that redefines the boundaries of primal fear – and of enduring devotion.Amy Redwing has dedicated her life to the southern California organization she founded to rescue abandoned and endangered golden retrievers. ...
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  • The Moonlit Mind: A Tale of Suspense
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • Twelve-year-old Crispin has lived on the streets since he was nine — with only his wits and his daring to sustain him, and only his silent dog, Harley, to call his friend. He is always on the move, never lingering in any one place long enough to risk being discovered. Still, there are certain places he returns to. In the midst of the tumultuous city, they are havens of solitude: like the hushed environs of St. Mary Salome Cemetery, a place where Crispin can feel at peace — safe, at least for a while, from the fearsome memories that plague him… ...
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  • The Voice of the Night
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The voice of the night can transform childhood fantasy into terrifying reality. If you listen to the voice, you may never see the dawn again! Colin Jacobs is a shy, awkward, bookish fourteen-year-old. His only real companions are those from the science fiction stories he loves. But his life changes when Roy Borden, the most popular kid in town, becomes his 'blood brother'. There's only one problem. Roy has a secret — a secret so terrible that Colin can hardly imagine it. By the time he comes to face the truth, it's almost too late. His own life is in danger — and no one will believe him…
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  • Watchers
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Prolific Koontz's recent horror efforts (Strangers, Phantoms, Whispers) smothered readers under ungainly layers of fatty subplots and scleroid exposition. In this 49th novel, he strips away much of the excess to deliver his leanest book since The Vision (1977), and his best ever, an imaginative and unusual blend of suspense and sentiment as man, woman, and dog flee from horrors both inhuman and inhumane. The dog, a golden retriever, is the novel's centerpiece. World-weary Travis Cornell stumbles upon him snarling at something deep in a California woods. Showing uncanny wit, the dog leads Travis out of the forest, responding to ...
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  • What the Night Knows (with bonus novella Darkness Under the Sun)
  • Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
  • In the late summer of a long-ago year, Alton Turner Blackwood brutally murdered four families. His savage spree ended only when he himself was killed by the last survivor of the last family, a fourteen-year-old boy.Half a continent away and two decades later, someone is murdering families again, re-creating in detail Blackwood's crimes. Homicide detective John Calvino is certain that his own family--his wife and three children--will be targets, just as his parents and sisters were victims on that distant night when he was fourteen and killed their slayer.As a detective, John is a man of reason who deals in cold facts. But an extraordinary experience convinces him that sometimes death is not a one-way journey, that sometimes the dead return.
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  • Your Heart Belongs To Me
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From the #1 New York Times bestselling master of suspense comes a riveting thriller that probes the deepest terrors of the human psyche – and the ineffable mystery of what truly makes us who we are. Here an innocent man finds himself fighting for his very existence in a battle that starts with the most frightening words of all.At thirty-four, Internet entrepreneur Ryan Perry seemed to have the world in his pocket – until the first troubling symptoms appeared out of nowhere. Within days, he's diagnosed with incurable cardiomyopathy and finds himself on the waiting list for a heart transplant; ...
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  • Zwiadowca Piekie?
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • "Zwiadowca piekie?" to pierwsza ksi??ka Koontza, kt?ra ukaza?a si? na rynku polskim – dzi?ki wydawnictwu "?wiat Fantasy". Pozycja ta zosta?a wydana do u?ytku wewn?trzklubowego w roku 1986. Na uwag? zas?uguje fakt, ?e wydano j? w bardzo ma?ym nak?adzie stu sztuk! Oryginalne wydanie pod tytu?em "The haunted earth" pochodzi z roku 1973 i zosta?o wydane przez "Lancer Books". Ksi??ka jest unikatowa ze wzgl?du na ma?y nak?ad oraz bardzo cenna, jako ?e jest najstarsz? i zarazem pierwsz? ksi??k? auto…
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  • ?zy Smoka
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • Wydawa?oby si?, ?e nie mo?e istnie? ?aden zwi?zek pomi?dzy par? szanowanych detektyw?w z policji w Laguna Beach i tr?jk? bezdomnych w??cz?g?w. A jednak tajemnicza, przera?aj?ca istota przepowiedzia?a, ?e wszyscy umr? jeszcze tej nocy.Po og?oszeniu wyroku ca?y ?wiat otaczaj?cy bohater?w nagle si? zmienia, przestaj? obowi?zywa? nawet prawa fizyki i wsz?dzie czyhaj? niebezpiecze?stwa.Skazani nie poddadz? si? jednak; b?d? dzia?a? wsp?lnie, by przed ?witem dotrze? do sanktuarium nowego, straszliwego boga…
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