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le Carre John - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—13 из 13.

  • Call For The Dead
  • Жанр: Шпионский детектив
  • George Smiley had liked Samuel Fennan, and now Fennan was dead from an apparent suicide. But why? Fennan, a Foreign Office man, had been under investigation for alleged Communist Party activities, but Smiley had made it clear that the investigation — little more than a routine security check — was over and that the file on Fennan could be closed. The very next day, Fennan was found dead with a note by his body saying his career was finished and he couldn't go on. Smiley was puzzled...
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  • La Casa Rusia
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Esta extraordinaria novela cuenta la peripecia de Barley Blair, un modesto editor brit?nico, aficionado al jazz, bebedor y negligente, que fortuitamente se ve envuelto en una trama de espionaje internacional y en una intensa relaci?n amorosa… De visita en Mosc?, en el transcurso de una fiesta se gana las simpat?as espont?neas de un extra?o ruso que pretende salvar a su pa?s pasando informaci?n militar de alto secreto a Occidente. Lo que parece simple an?cdota adquiere un giro inesperado cuando, m?s tarde, Katya, una hermosa joven rusa, env?a a Blair ...
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  • The Russia House
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • John le Carr? was born in 1931. He attended the universities of Bern and Oxford. Later he taught at Eton and spent five years in the British Foreign Service. THE SPY WHO CAME IN FROM THE COLD, his third book, secured him a wide reputation and was followed by THE LOOKING-GLASS WAR, A SMALL TOWN IN GERMANY, THE NAIVE AND SENTIMENTAL LOVER, and his trilogy TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY, THE HONOURABLE SCHOOLBOY and SMILEY'S PEOPLE. His most recent novels are THE LITTLE DRUMMER GIRL and A PERFECT SPY. Though he divides his time between England and the continent, he is most at home in Cornwall.
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