He can give her everything she's ever wanted… Last year Scarlet King was a blushing bride-to-be, but now she's alone and more than anything longs for a baby. This time she's determined to prove she doesn't need a man! Successful, spine-tinglingly gorgeous John Mitchell has desired Scarlet for years, so seizes the chance to claim her. But his proposal comes with a devilish price: if she wants a baby, they'll do it the old-fashioned way! John reminds Scarlet of the pleasures she's been missing, but when the affair is over will Scarlet gain her wish but lose her heart?
Bianka i Adam kochali si? od lat szkolnych, z t? r??nic?, ?e Adam by? ?wiadomy swego uczucia do Bianki, natomiast ona by?a przekonana, ?e jest on jej najlepszym przyjacielem, ale mi?o?ci szuka?a w ramionach innych m??czyzn. Adam cierpia? tortury, ale dzielnie znosi? jej kr?tkotrwa?e przygody mi?osne i pociesza? j? za ka?dym razem, gdy rozczarowana porzuca?a kolejnego narzeczonego. Przyszed? jednak dzie?, w kt?rym postanowi? znikn?? z ?ycia Bianki, a ona w?wczas odkry?a, ?e Adam jest jedynym m??czyzn?, na kt?rym jej naprawd? zale?y.