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Leiber Fritz - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—25 из 25.

  • Il grande tempo
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Il Grande Tempo ? uno dei pi? strani e affascinanti romanzi di fantascienza moderni. Alla sua pubblicazione, la XVII Convention mondiale di Science-Fiction gli assegn? il premio Hugo per il miglior romanzo dell’anno. Il concetto su cui si basa ? grandioso: una guerra di viaggiatori nel tempo, che si muovono nel passato e nel futuro, mescolandosi alle battaglie di tutte le epoche, lungo un arco di miliardi di anni. Gli stessi protagonisti provengono dai tempi e dai luoghi pi? disparati, e per alcuni di loro il corso stesso della storia ? diverso dal nostro: ? il caso del comandante tedesco che proviene ...
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  • Nostra Signora delle Tenebre
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • ? una agghiacciante fantasy urbana, ambientata nella metropolis di San Francisco. Ma anche la modernissima San Francisco, con le sue colline, la sua baia assolata e i suoi grattacieli altissimi e rilucenti, pu? diventare il regno del terrore quando strane ombre cominciano ad aggirarsi furtive tra i caseggiati.Per Franz Westen, vedovo, scrittore di racconti del soprannaturale per la televisione, l’incubo comincia all’improvviso, quando, una notte, si affaccia alla finestra del suo appartamento per scrutare con il binocolo le luci della citt? ed ? testimone di una scena inquietante: l?, sulla cima di Corona Heights, la solitaria ed ...
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  • Novilunio
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Perduta in uno spazio brulicante di stelle, sola in una nera giungla di vuoto cosmico, la Terra ha sognato per migliaia d'anni la propria solitudine. Come in una grande casa abitata da vecchi abitudinari, nella quale nessuno viene mai a rendere visita, cos? gli abitanti della Terra pensano che nessuno possa venirli a trovare da quel nero abisso scintillante di punti luminosi che splende sopra le nostre teste, di notte.Come la Luna ? stata una fedele compagna della Terra nella sua solitudine celeste, cos? le stelle sono state soltanto immagini remote, indistinte, piccole fiamme sospese nel cielo, inaccessibili ...
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  • Ombre del male
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • Questo romanzo di uno dei «padri» della fantascienza, Fritz Leiber, assume oggi una modernit? sconcertante, perch? ha saputo esprimere nel modo pi? netto i dubbi e le perplessit? dell’uomo contemporaneo di fronte a delle realt? che paiono inspiegabili. La scienza «ufficiale» riesce a giustificare compiutamente tutti i fatti che vediamo accadere intorno a noi? Forse molte risposte dovrebbero essere cercate in una conoscenza pi? antica e dimenticata, che poneva come chiave di volta dell’universo i poteri indefiniti della mente umana. Met? della razza umana, si chiede Fritz Leiber, pratica ancora, attivamente, le arti arcane? Forse tutte le ...
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  • Our Lady of Darkness
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • Sometime during a three-year drunk in San Francisco, Franz Westen, a pulp author, bought two strange books. One was —a “science of cities”—by the black magician and socialite Thibaut de Castries; the other an early journal of Clark Ashton Smith, a writer of horror stories. As Westen tries to piece his life together, these books draw him to the ashes of a wealthy, brilliant and degenerate bohemian cult, and to a grotesque living world of technological curses.One morning, while examining the city through binoculars, Franz glimpses a priest-like dancing figure on a desolate hill. Fascinated and ...
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  • Swords Against Death
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • is a fantasy short story collection by Fritz Leiber featuring his sword and sorcery heroes Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. It is chronologically the second volume in the complete seven volume edition of the collected stories devoted to the characters.The Fafhrd and Gray Mouser stories follow the lives of two larcenous but likable rogues as they adventure across the fantasy world of Nehwon. The pieces in follow the duo as they shake the dust of Lankhmar from their feet in the wake of the deaths their of their first loves. There follow a miscellaneous series of adventures from their wanderings.
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  • Swords and Deviltry
  • Жанр: Героическая фантастика
  • is a fantasy short story collection by Fritz Leiber featuring his sword and sorcery heroes Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. It is chronologically the first volume in the complete seven volume edition of the collected stories devoted to the characters.The Fafhrd and Gray Mouser stories follow the lives of two larcenous but likable rogues as they adventure across the fantasy world of Nehwon. The pieces in introduce the duo and their relationship, present incidents from their early lives in which they meet their first lady-loves, and relate how afterwards in the city of Lankhmar the two met and allied themselves with each other, and lost their first loves through their defiance of the local Thieves' Guild.
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  • Swords and Ice Magic
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • is a fantasy short story collection by Fritz Leiber featuring his sword and sorcery heroes Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. It is chronologically the sixth volume in the complete seven volume edition of the collected stories devoted to the characters.The Fafhrd and Gray Mouser stories follow the lives of two larcenous but likable rogues as they adventure across the fantasy world of Nehwon. In the duo face a series of challenges from Death of greater or lesser subtlety, the pique of deities they formerly worshiped whose names they now rarely even take in vain, a voyage to the strange equatorial ocean of Nehwon, and recruitment to succor Nehwon's Iceland, the legendary Rime Isle, menaced by Sea Mingols and a pair of refugee gods.
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  • Swords in the Mist
  • Жанр: Героическая фантастика
  • is a fantasy short story collection by Fritz Leiber featuring his sword and sorcery heroes Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. It is chronologically the third volume in the complete seven volume edition of the collected stories devoted to the characters.The Fafhrd and Gray Mouser stories follow the lives of two larcenous but likable rogues as they adventure across the fantasy world of Nehwon. In the duo confronts the mystically concentrated hate of the citizens of Lankhmar, go their separate ways during a period of hard times, the Mouser becoming an enforcement thug and Fafhrd an acolyte of a newly introduced religion, recuperate after their reconciliation with a sea voyage, invade the boudoir of an absent sea deity, traverse a passage to another world, and there undertake a bizarre quest to the Castle Mist.
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  • The Big Time
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Fritz Leiber (1910–1992) is best known as a fantasy writer, but his achievements and influence are also considerable in the horror and science fiction fields. One of his major SF works is the Change War series, about rival time-traveling armies locked in a bitter, age-old war for control of existence; the battles frequently alter the course of human history. The most important work of Leiber's Change War series is the Hugo Award-winning novel , in which doctors, entertainers, and wounded soldiers find themselves treacherously trapped with an activated atomic bomb inside the Place, a room existing outside of space-time. It's not one of Leiber's strongest novels: the cutesy-girlish narrative voice is unconvincing, while the demands of describing time travel and time paradoxes inevitably strain the prose. But is a tense, claustrophobic SF mystery, and possibly the ultimate locked-room whodunit.Won Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1958.
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  • The Green Millennium
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Hugo and Nebula award-winning Fritz Leiber is a science-fiction grand master with an unparalleled ability to discern the stranger side of the universe. The Green Millennium is set in a futuristic human society based on our own. The regimented, regulated and bureaucratized life style led by the misanthropic Phil Gish leaves him feeling vaguely dissatisfied and emotionally cut off from other people. He is surprised when a pure green cat appears in his room, a cat who makes him feel happier and more alive than he has ever felt. Phil decides to call the cat Lucky, hoping his life will take a turn for the better. If you consider different as change for the better, then Gish really has got something in Lucky-something that everyone else wants-including the Mob, the FBI, some nude aliens, and a gorgeous mystery woman. When Lucky seems to vanish into thin air, Phil will do anything to get him back, even if it means challenging the very powers that rule his world.
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  • The Knight and Knave of Swords
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • is a fantasy short story collection by Fritz Leiber featuring his sword and sorcery heroes Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. It is chronologically the seventh and last volume in the complete seven volume edition.The Fafhrd and Gray Mouser stories follow the lives of two larcenous but likable rogues as they adventure across the fantasy world of Nehwon. In the duo has settled permanently on Rime Isle with their new wives, their bands of followers taking on the role of peaceful traders. The first two stories concentrate on this settling-in process, while the final two deal with various magical curses and afflictions suffered by the protagonists.
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  • The Wanderer
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • All eyes were watching the eclipse of the Moon when the Wanderer — a huge, garishly colored artificial world — emerged. Only a few scientists even suspected its presence, and then, suddenly and silently, it arrived, dwarfing and threatening the Moon and wreaking havoc on Earth’s tides and weather. Though the Wanderer is stopping in the solar system only to refuel, its mere presence is catastrophic. A tense, thrilling, and towering achievement.Won Hugo Award for the Best Novel in 1964.
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  • Wanderer im Universum
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Zuerst beobachteten nur ein paar Wissenschaftler das Herannahen des Planeten »Wanderer«.Dann war er pl?tzlich f?r alle Menschen sichtbar und sp?rbar — ein neuer Planet, der an Naturgewalt alles ?bertraf was die Erde in ihrer langen Evolution erlebt hatte. Dieses Ph?nomen machte aus der Erde einen Ameisenhaufen. Der »Wanderer« brachte den Menschen den Tod. Aber f?r viele bedeutete er einen neuen Lebensinhalt.F?r Millionen von Menschen, die wie Ameisen ?ber die schwankende Kruste unseres Planeten hasteten, kam der »Wanderer« als Schrecken, um die Kenntnisse der Wissenschaft zu widerlegen, um die Welt zu zerst?ren — aber vielleicht auch, um Herz und Verstand der Menschen zu ?ffnen ...Dieses weitgespannte Werk des amerikanischen Autors wurde auf der Londoner Weltkonvention als bester Roman des Jahres 1965 mit dem internationalen SF-Preis ausgezeichnet.
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