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- Dziki wiatr
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Kiedy Jassie Blair pods?ucha?a, ?e Chase nie zamierza jej po?lubi?, poprzysi?g?a zemst?. Pragn??a, aby cierpia? jak pot?pieniec. Ale cho? pi?kna i dzielna Jessie potrafi?a stawi? czo?o ka?demu m??czy?nie, z Chasem nie posz?o tak ?atwo. W swojej niewinno?ci nie rozumia?a, ?e on po prostu szale?czo jej po??da. A zmi?kczy? jej twarde serce m?g? jedynie m??czyzna wyzbyty m?skiej pychy i dumy, Chase zrozumia?, ?e jego ?ycie jest puste bez Jessie, dopiero wtedy, gdy los rzuci? go na drugi koniec ?wiata.
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- Warrior’s Woman
- esilient beauty Tedra has devoted her life to the art of combat, and no one, least of all a man, has ever been able to pierce through that rigid armor of single-minded purpose. When political upheaval forces her to flee her homeland, the strongly independent maiden finds that her only refuge is in the arms of a bronzed barbarian.n a brotherhood where warriors rule supreme, Challen is the fiercest and most feared. He quickly claims Tedra as tradition and his own desires demand, but though he sparks her yet unfulfilled passion, the proud fighter refuses to submit to any man’s will. Challenging him to physical battle, she also dares him to discover that she is a worthy opponent, partner, and companion—and together they can conquer all realms.
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