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Liss David - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—14 из 14.
  • A Spectacle Of Corruption
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Publisher's WeeklyThis sequel to Liss's Edgar Award-winning A Conspiracy of Paper (2000) brings back ex-pugilist Benjamin Weaver and his 18th-century London environs in all their squalid glory. Benjamin has become a "thieftaker," a sort of bounty hunter/private eye, and is investigating the simple case of a threatening letter when he is caught up in a riot, accused of murder and sentenced to hang. After a gutsy escape, he sets about unraveling the mystery of who framed him and why. Donning the disguise of a wealthy coffee planter from Jamaica, Benjamin infiltrates the upper classes, where he encounters ...
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  • Die Teufelsgesellschaft
  • Жанр: Исторический детектив
  • London im 18. Jahrhundert. Der Exboxer und Privatdetektiv Benjamin Weaver wird durch einen erpresserischen Trick in die Dienste des H?ndlers Jerome Cobb gezwungen. Da auch das Wohlergehen seiner engsten Freunde in Cobbs H?nden liegt, muss Weaver mit dem skrupellosen Gesch?ftsmann zusammenarbeiten. In Cobbs Auftrag schleust er sich in die m?chtige Handelsgesellschaft East India Company ein, um dort das Vertrauen des alternden Vorstandsmitglieds Ellershaw zu erlangen - und Zugang zu geheimen Informationen. Offiziell als neuer Aufseher eingesetzt, muss Weaver bald der Durchsetzung von Ellershaws r?cksichtslosen Eigeninteressen dienen, der seine Wiederwahl sichern und die F?hrungsposition der ...
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  • El asesino ?tico
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Cuando Lem acepta el puesto de vendedor de enciclopedias para poder costearse sus estudios, poco sospecha que ser? testigo presencial de un crimen, y que el criminal lo implicar? directamente a ?l. A partir de ah?, Lem tendr? que desentra?ar una compleja trama de corrupci?n y tr?fico de animales que lo obligar? a conocer al peculiar asesino, una especie de Robin Hood inteligente y socarr?n que libra su propia cruzada en un mundo hostil y corrompido.
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  • El mercader de caf?
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • ?msterdam, 1659. En la primera bolsa de valores del mundo, la riqueza se hace y se pierde en un instante. Miguel Lienzo, un h?bil comerciante de la comunidad jud?a de origen portugu?s, que en otro tiempo estuvo entre los mercaderes m?s envidiados, lo ha perdido todo por el repentino hundimiento del mercado del az?car. Arruinado y escarnecido, obligado a vivir de la caridad de su mezquino hermano, est? dispuesto a hacer lo que sea por cambiar su suerte.En contra de las estrictas reglas de la comunidad jud?a, decide asociarse con Geertruid, una ...
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  • La compa??a de la seda
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • David Liss, ganador del prestigioso premio Edgar, sorprende con una magn?fica novela, protagonizada por un peculiar investigador que debe desentra?ar un complot en torno al comercio de la seda con las colonias brit?nicas de ultramar.Londres, 1722. En la ?poca de apogeo del mercado de importaci?n de seda y especias, Benjam?n Weaver, jud?o de extracci?n humilde, ex boxeador y cazarrecompensas, se ve acorralado por el exc?ntrico y misterioso millonario Cobb para que investigue en su provecho. Muy pronto Weaver se ve sumergido en una mara?a de corrupci?n, espionaje y ...
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  • La Conjura
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • Una vez m?s, el aclamado autor David Liss combina su conocimiento de la historia con la intriga, atractivas caracterizaciones y un cautivador sentido de la iron?a, que le permite sumergir al lector en una vivida recreaci?n del Londres de la ?poca y componer un colorido tapiz de las intrigas pol?ticas, los contrastes sociales y la picaresca reinante.«Los lectores de El mercader de caf?, y los amantes de la novela hist?rica y de intriga disfrutar?n con la fascinante ambientaci?n, los ir?nicos di?logos y la picaresca de un h?roe inolvidable.»Benjamin Weaver, jud?o de extracci?n humilde, ex boxeador y cazarrecompensas, es acusado injustamente de haber cometido un asesinato, y que se convertir? en un improvisado detective con imaginativos recursos. Conforme avance en su investigaci?n, comenzar? a emerger el turbio mundo portuario, la corrupci?n pol?tica y la sed de poder.
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  • The Coffee Trader
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Liss's first novel, A Conspiracy of Paper, was sketched on the wide canvas of 18th-century London 's multilayered society. This one, in contrast, is set in the confined world of 17th-century Amsterdam 's immigrant Jewish community. Liss makes up the difference in scale with ease, establishing suspense early on. Miguel Lienzo escaped the Inquisition in Portugal and lives by his wits trading commodities. He honed his skills in deception during years of hiding his Jewish identity in Portugal, so he finds it easy to engage in the evasions and bluffs necessary for a trader on Amsterdam 's stock exchange. ...
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  • The Devils Company
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • With The Whiskey Rebels, David Liss added to the rapidly growing audience for his extraordinary brand of historical suspense fiction. His unforgettable tale of spies and conspiracies in post-Revolutionary War America was a 'gripping, visceral adventure,' according to New York Times bestselling author Matthew Pearl. Now Liss delivers another riveting historical suspense tale – this one set in 1700s London.When Benjamin Weaver is blackmailed into stealing documents from the ruthless British East India Company, he soon discovers the theft of trade secrets is only the first move in a daring conspiracy within the eighteenth century's most powerful ...
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  • The Ethical Assassin
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • No one is more surprised than Lem Altick when it turns out he's actually good at peddling encyclopedias door to door. He hates the predatory world of sales, but he needs the money to pay for college. Then things go horribly wrong. In a sweltering trailer in rural Florida, a couple Lem has spent hours pitching to is shot dead before his eyes, and the unassuming young man is suddenly pulled into the dark world of conspiracy and murder. Not just murder: assassination – or so claims the killer, the mysterious and strangely charismatic Melford Kean, who has struck without ...
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  • The Twelfth Enchantment
  • Жанр: Альтернативная история
  • Lucy Derrick is a young woman of good breeding and poor finances. After the death of her beloved father, she is forced to maintain a shabby dignity as the unwanted boarder of her tyrannical uncle, fending off marriage to a local mill owner. But just as she is on the cusp of accepting a life of misery, events take a stunning turn when a handsome stranger—the poet and notorious rake Lord Byron—arrives at her house, stricken by what seems to be a curse, and with a cryptic message for Lucy. Suddenly her unfortunate circumstances are transformed in ...
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  • The Whiskey Rebel
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • David Liss's bestselling historical thrillers, including A Conspiracy of Paper and The Coffee Trader, have been called remarkable and rousing: the perfect combination of scrupulous research and breathless excitement. Now Liss delivers his best novel yet in an entirely new setting – America in the years after the Revolution, an unstable nation where desperate schemers vie for wealth, power, and a chance to shape a country's destiny.Ethan Saunders, once among General Washington's most valued spies, now lives in disgrace, haunting the taverns of Philadelphia. An accusation of treason has long since cost him his reputation and his beloved ...
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  • Una conspiraci?n de papel
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • En Una conspiraci?n de papel, Benjamin Weaver se enfrenta a un crimen relacionado con la muerte de su padre, un especulador que se mov?a como pez en el agua en la Bolsa de Londres. Para hallar respuestas el protagonista deber? escarbar en su pasado y contactar con parientes lejanos que le reprochan su distanciamiento de la fe judia. Poco a poco, Weaver descubre a una peligrosa red de especuladores formada por hombres poderosos del mundo de las finanzas. David Liss elabora con maestr?a una complicada trama, una h?bil combinaci?n de novela hist?rica y de misterio.
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