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Locke John - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—12 из 12.

  • Callie’s Last Dance
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • With Lou Kelly dead, the powerful people behind Sensory Resources are scrambling to find a new Agency Director. So far they can only agree on one thing: it can’t be Donovan Creed. Unfortunately for them, he’s the only game in town.Meanwhile, in Las Vegas, Willow Breeland, the world’s most ambitious eighteen-year-old, hatches a plan to gain control of mob boss Carmine Porello’s strip club. But her plan depends on gaining the trust and support of Callie Carpenter’s live-in lover, Gwen Peters, and Donovan Creed’s daughter, Maybe Taylor.Against this backdrop, ...
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