Lovesey Peter -
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Книги 1—25 из 30.
- Abracad?ver
- Жанр: Триллер
- Abracad?ver, mezcla de humor negro y ejemplar ejercicio de deducci?n, combina con gran habilidad la ambientaci?n de ?poca y el retrato de los personajes con una excelente intriga.En el Londres del siglo XIX, el sargento Cribb y el agente Thackeray -asiduos protagonistas de las obras de Lovesey-, investigan las siniestras y humillantes bromas de que est?n siendo objeto algunos de los m?s famosos artistas de music hall durante sus representaciones. Sin embargo, nadie r?e la noche en que una joven muere durante su n?mero de desaparici?n en un espect?culo de magia. Los polic?as de Scotland Yard se lanzan tras la pista del escurridizo asesino y deben poner a prueba su astucia en este duelo singular con una mente maligna.
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- Detektyw Diamond I ?mier? W Jeziorze
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- Peter Diamond to ostatni prawdziwy detektyw. Gliniarz z niez?omnymi zasadami. Kieruje si? sztuk? dedukcji, nie ufa technice i komputerom. Nie wierzy w skuteczno?? metod nowoczesnych laboratori?w. ?ledztwo prowadzi zawsze po swojemu.Jego metody zostaj? wystawione na pr?b?, kiedy w jeziorze policja znajduje nagie cia?o kobiety. Patolodzy i genetycy uznaj? wkr?tce, ?e maj? do?? dowod?w, by wskaza? podejrzanego. Ale Diamond nie przerywa ?ledztwa…
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- Diamond Dust
- Жанр: Триллер
- "A consummate storyteller." – Colin DexterWith another court case over and a local villain banged up for a few years, Detective Inspector Peter Diamond is keen to get his teeth into another case. So when a call comes in that a woman's body has been found in one of Bath's parks he gets himself to the scene in record time, where he is able to identify the victim as his wife and to establish the fact she's been shot. Mad with grief, Diamond eventually concedes he cannot be an unbiased member of the investigation. Keeping himself away from ...
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- El Falso Inspector Dew
- Жанр: Триллер
- A bordo del Mauretania, que zarpa de Southampton, en la primera semana de septiembre de 1921, viajan numerosos pasajeros que encarnan el lujoso y cosmopolita ambiente de los a?os veinte. Entre ellos, se encuentra un dentista que trata de huir de su tir?nica esposa y que viaja con el nombre de un famoso detective, el inspector Dew. Sin embargo, durante la traves?a se produce un crimen y el capit?n decide recurrir al falso inspector para descubrir al asesino… El desafortunado dentista se ver? en serios aprietos para responder a los antecedentes del due?o del nombre usurpado. El FALSO INSPECTOR DEW es una nueva muestra del talento de Lovesey para combinar sabiamente ingenio y humor con una trama muy emocionante.
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- Sidra Sangrienta
- Жанр: Триллер
- `Sidra sangrienta` es la historia de un crimen «con solera». Duke Donovan, un militar norteamericano de servicio en el Reino Unido, fue ahorcado en 1945 acusado de asesinato. ?l y otro soldado ayudaron en la cosecha de manzanas en una granja, en la que se produjeron algunos disturbios. El descubrimiento de un cr?neo humano en un barril de sidra condujo a la detenci?n y condena de Duke. Un ni?o refugiado, Theo, fue el principal testigo en el juicio. A?os despu?s, en 1964, Theo est? realizando un lectorado en una universidad y una muchacha norteamericana, Alice, que se presenta como la hija de Duke Donovan le convence para regresar al lugar de los hechos y tratar de demostrar la inocencia de su padre…
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- Skeleton Hill
- Жанр: Триллер
- On Lansdown Hill, near Bath, a battle between Roundheads and Cavaliers that took place over 350 years ago is annually reenacted. Two of the reenactors discover a skeleton that is female, headless, and only about twenty years old. One of them, a professor who played a Cavalier, is later found murdered. In the course of his investigation, Peter Diamond butts heads with the group of vigilantes who call themselves the Lansdown Society, discovering in the process that his boss Georgina is a member. She resolves to sideline Diamond, but matters don't pan out in accordance with her plans.
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- Stagestruck
- Жанр: Триллер
- "A wickedly clever writer." – Ruth RendellClarion Calhoun is a fading pop star wanting to launch an acting career. The audience at her debut on stage at Bath's Theatre Royal are expecting a dramatic evening – but what they get is beyond their wildest imagination. When Clarion is rushed to hospital with third degree burns, rumours spread through the theatrical community and beyond. In the best theatrical tradition, the show goes on, but the agony turns to murder. The case falls to Peter Diamond, Bath's top detective – but for reasons he can't understand, he suffers a physical reaction amounting to phobia each time he goes near the theatre. As he tries to find its root in his past, the tension at the Theatre Royal mounts, legends come to life and the killer strikes again…
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- The Case Of The Dead Wait
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- The Rosemary and Thyme series, to which this new Peter Lovesey story belongs, has been adapted for TV in the U.K., with Felicity Kendal and Pam Ferris in the starring roles. In its first successful season, the show drew in seven million viewers with each episode. (It’s available in the U.S. on DVD.) Fans of Peter Lovesey’s other popular series, the Peter Diamond mysteries, won’t want to miss two new titles from Soho: The Circle and The Secret Hangman.
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- The House Sitter
- Жанр: Триллер
- Macavity AwardsThe identification of the woman found murdered on Whiteview Sands poses more questions than it answers. Emma Tysoe was a respected psychologist and an official criminal profiler with several successful cases to her credit. Why was she sun-bathing alone so far from home? How did she get there? Who is the mysterious 'Ken' in her private life? What was the murder weapon? Why did the man who noitce she was dead then completely disappear from the scene? When Peter Diamond is brought into the investigation he sheds some light on these matters – most importantly by discovering that she had been seconded under the greatest secrecy to work on the profile of the person who has assassinated one celebrity and is threatening to kill more. Are these killings connected to Emma's death? Diamond thinks so, but he cannot persuade his colleagues to agree with him, and even he cannot make all the pieces fit the jigsaw he's envisaged.
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