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Ludlum Robert - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—9 из 9.

  • Krucjata Bourne’a
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Jest to drugi tom powesci o agencie Jasonie Bournie. "Miedzynarodowy spisek oplata siecia intrygi caly swiat. Jej macki siegaja z Hongkongu do Waszyngtonu i Pekinu. Wplatany wbrew swojej woli w zagadkowa i bezwzgledna gre superagent Jason Bourne znow musi walczyc i zabijac. W miare jak zrywa kolejne zaslony falszu, przekonuje sie, ze stawka jest zycie ukochanej kobiety i utrzymanie niepewnej rownowagi miedzy mocarstwami…"
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  • The Bourne identity
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Jason Bourne.He has no past. And he may have no future. His memory is blank. He only knows that he was flushed out of the Mediterranean Sea, his body riddled with bullets.There are a few clues. A frame of microfilm surgically implanted beneath the flesh of his hip. Evidence that plastic surgery has altered his face. Strange things that he says in his delirium -– maybe code words. Initial: "J.B." And a number on the film negative that leads to a Swiss bank account, a fortune of four million...
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  • The Bourne Supremacy
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In this sequel to The Bourne Identity , David Webb, still suffering flashbacks to his Jason Bourne persona, is forced to undertake a final, possibly fatal mission after his wife is kidnapped. He must find and capture an assassin who is posing as Bourne in Hong Kong. By so doing he'll foil a plot that could plunge the Far East and then the world into war. Ludlum's latest has a best seller quality that many imitate but few master. You can quibble about this being too long, too talky, too preposterously implausible, but you can't quit reading. As often happens with sequels, this is not quite up to the standards of the original, but legions of Ludlum fans will send it soaring up the best seller list. BOMC main selection. Charles Michaud, Turner Free Lib., Randolph, Mass.
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  • The Bourne Ultimatum
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The world's two deadliest spies in the ultimate showdown. At a small-town carnival two men, each mysteriously summoned by telegram, witness a bizarre killing. The telegrams are signed Jason Bourne. Only they know Bourne's true identity and understand the telegram is really a message from Bourne's mortal enemy, Carlos, known also as the Jackal, the world's deadliest and most elusive terrorist. And furthermore, they know that the Jackal wants: a final confrontation with Bourne. Now David Webb, professor of Oriental studies, husband, and father, must do what he hoped he would never have to do again – assume the terrible identity of Jason Bourne. His plan is simple: to infiltrate the politically and economically Medusan group and use himself as bait to lure the cunning Jackal into a deadly trap – a trap from which only one of them will escape.
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  • To?samo?? Bourne’a
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • M??czyzna, kt?ry wypad? podczas sztormu za burt? ma?ego trawlera, nie pami?ta ?adnych fakt?w ze swojego ?ycia. Pewne okoliczno?ci sugeruj?, ?e nie by? on zwyczajnym cz?owiekiem – zbyt wiele os?b interesuje si? jego poczynaniami, zbyt wielu najemnych morderc?w usi?uje go zlikwidowa?. Sprawno??, z jak? sobie z nimi radzi, jednoznacznie wskazuje na specjalne przygotowanie, jakie przeszd?. Jego przeznaczeniem jest walka o prze?ycie i wyja?nienie tajemnic przesz?o?ci…"To?samo?? Bourne'a" nale?y do najlepszych powie?ci Roberta Ludluma, pisarza przewy?szaj?cego popularno?ci? wszystkich znanych polskiemu czytelnikowi pisarzy gatunku sensacyjnego. Niekt?rzy twierdz?, ?e jest to jego najlepsze dzie?o, czego po?rednim dowodem kontynuacja w postaci nast?pnych dw?ch tom?w oraz doskona?y film i serial z Richardem Chamberlainem, ciesz?cy si? ogromnym powodzeniem na ca?ym ?wiecie.
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