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Lukyanenko Sergei - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—2 из 2.
  • Labyrinth of reflections
  • Жанр: Киберпанк
  • Sergey Lukjanenko, 30, is one of the today's most popular Russian Sci-Fi writers. His first works were published in 1988. Currently his bibliography includes more than 40 titles of novels and short stories. The Author defines his genre as the «hard action science fiction», but all his works also have a very well defined philosophical aspect. The novel offered to your attention was written in 1997 and became the real 'cult book' of the Russian Internet.Sergey is married, he lives in Moscow.Email: sl@amc.ru Homepage: http://www.rusf.ru/lukian/ (In Russian)THE NOVEL «LABYRINTH OF ...
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