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Mallery Susan - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 26—50 из 66.
  • La amante cautiva
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Vendida… a un atractivo pr?ncipe del desiertoVictoria McCallan hab?a decidido ofrecerse como pago a las deudas de juego de su padre al pr?ncipe Kateb de El Deharia. Sin embargo, la joven secretaria, que trabajaba en palacio, no esperaba que el pr?ncipe le hiciese una contraoferta… Cuando el pr?ncipe Kateb, viudo desde hac?a cinco a?os, se llev? a Victoria al desierto para que fuera su amante durante seis meses, no lo hizo con la intenci?n de enamorarse de ella. Pero la descarada estadounidense no tard? en tentarlo. El pr?ncipe estaba obligado a tomar una esposa de su misma condici?n social, pero el coraz?n de Kateb le ped?a que actuase de otro modo…
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  • La Pasi?n del Jeque
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • ?Se celebrar?a, despu?s de todo, una boda real?Maggie Collins hab?a ido al ex?tico reino de El Deharia, situado en mitad del desierto, para restaurar el veh?culo antiguo del pr?ncipe Qadir, no para casarse. La atractiva mec?nica hab?a sufrido ya en el amor, y el matrimonio, aunque fuera con un seductor jeque, no entraba en sus planes. Pero entonces, Qadir le hizo una oferta que deber?a haber rechazado. Iba a ser un compromiso temporal… hasta que ella descubri? que estaba embarazada, y el honor empuj? a Qadir a darle a Maggie y a su hijo la protecci?n de su nombre
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  • Lip Service
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Skye Titan's wealthy father thinks he can still dictate his daughter's choice in men. Now widowed and a single mother, Skye isn't the yes-girl she once was. Especially since the love of her life is back in Texas after eight long years. He won't like the answers to the questions he's asking. About why she left him at the altar. And about her eight-year-old daughter.Former navy SEAL Mitch Cassidy comes home to find nearly everything different. His wounds from battle have changed the way people treat him. His cattle ranch is suddenly organic. But time hasn't touched his desire for Skye – or the sting of her betrayal. Forget lip service. He's asking that luscious mouth of hers to reveal the truth. But will Mitch be able to put the past aside to help Skye get out from under her father's thumb.and help himself recover from a broken heart?
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  • One in a Million
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Single mom and B B owner Stephanie Wynne lived without stopping, until FBI Agent Nash Harmon showed up as her guest…and the star of her passionate fantasies. When he kissed her for real, Stephanie set some ground rules to avoid the messy complications of relationships with men. Sexy pillow talk was fine, but love…?Nothing surprised Nash, until Stephanie's lively and quirky attitude brought out the beast in him and made his hormones rage out of control-not to mention his steely emotions. Nash experienced an intimacy with Stephanie that stunned him. Of course, he agreed to a no-strings relationship with her, but his mission soon changed into a burning desire for matrimony!
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  • Rozados por el Peligro
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • ?C?mo podr?a convencerla de que quer?a cuidar de ella para siempre?Elizabeth Duncan estaba acostumbrada a centrar todas sus energ?as en el trabajo en lugar de en el placer… excepto durante aquella ?nica noche que pas? con el agente especial David Logan, que desapareci? en una misi?n secreta tras su breve y dulce encuentro.Cinco a?os despu?s, durante una misi?n en Rusia, David se qued? de piedra al volver a ver a Elizabeth y comprobar que nada hab?a cambiado entre ellos. Aunque ahora Elizabeth y su peque?a reci?n adoptada estaban en peligro. Y David decidi? que deb?a protegerlas…
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  • S?lo para m?
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Cuando la mejor amiga de Pia O’Brian muri?, ?sta esperaba heredar a su querido gato, pero, en lugar de eso, Crystal le dej? tres embriones congelados. Pia no cre?a que estuviera preparada para la maternidad. Sin embargo, dispuesta a cumplir el sue?o de su amiga, decidi? convertirse en madre soltera… y ese mismo d?a conoci? a un hombre guap?simo y sexy.Ra?l Moreno, un famoso ex jugador de f?tbol americano que se hab?a criado en una casa de acogida, era ahora m?s rico de lo que podr?a haber imaginado nunca y dirig?a un campamento para los ni?os necesitados de Fool’s Gold. Aunque despu?s de su ?ltima relaci?n hab?a decidido olvidarse de las mujeres, no pod?a sacarse de la cabeza a la dulce y sexy Pia… y le propuso un descabellado plan.
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  • Seductive One
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • "Smart, sexy entertainment." – Christina DoddFor the Marcelli sisters of California wine country, the season is ripe for romance!Of all the Marcelli sisters, the one who dreams of running the family's winery is Brenna – and she's about to get her chance. But taking the helm at Marcelli Winery is tougher than she bargained for – especially when she butts heads with her grandfather, whose Old World ways dictate that a male should inherit the business. In need of some fast capital in order to prove her grandfather wrong, Brenna turns to Nic Giovanni, her family's nemesis…Years ...
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  • Siempre te Esperar?
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Ella hab?a encontrado el trabajo perfecto para ?l… convertirse en el pap? de su futuro hijo…Despu?s de una desastrosa relaci?n que la hab?a dejado embarazada y sola, Hannah Bingham supo que deb?a regresar a Merlyn County; aunque eso significara tener que enfrentarse a su familia y explicar los errores que hab?a cometido. Con lo que no hab?a contado era con la presencia de Eric Mendoza, su amor de juventud, que se hab?a convertido en un hombre peligrosamente guapo… y entregado a su carrera. Por mucho que dijera que su profesi?n lo era todo para ?l, Hannah sab?a que deseaba tener un hogar y una familia…
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  • Simplemente perfecto
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Cuando la mejor amiga de Pia O’Brian muri?, ?sta esperaba heredar a su querido gato, pero, en lugar de eso, Crystal le dej? tres embriones congelados. Pia no cre?a que estuviera preparada para la maternidad. Sin embargo, dispuesta a cumplir el sue?o de su amiga, decidi? convertirse en madre soltera… y ese mismo d?a conoci? a un hombre guap?simo y sexy.Ra?l Moreno, un famoso ex jugador de f?tbol americano que se hab?a criado en una casa de acogida, era ahora m?s rico de lo que podr?a haber imaginado nunca y dirig?a un campamento para los ni?os necesitados de Fool’s Gold. Aunque despu?s de su ?ltima relaci?n hab?a decidido olvidarse de las mujeres, no pod?a sacarse de la cabeza a la dulce y sexy Pia… y le propuso un descabellado plan.
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  • Sin miedo a la vida
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Durante la adolescencia, Molly Anderson se hab?a enamorado plat?nicamente del atractivo Dylan Black, a pesar de que era un joven demasiado rebelde y s?lo ten?a ojos para su hermana Janet. Pero antes de marcharse de su ciudad natal con el coraz?n roto, Dylan le hab?a dado a Molly el anillo de compromiso rechazado por Janet y le hab?a prometido llevarla a correr una aventura alg?n d?a. Bueno, como todo su mundo se hab?a venido abajo de repente, Molly decidi? buscar a Dylan y aceptar su ofrecimiento.Dylan siempre hab?a sentido debilidad por Molly. Entonces, ?por qu? no pasar unos d?as con ella y divertirse sin lazos emocionales de por medio? Despu?s, los dos hab?an prometido seguir su camino. Pero eso fue antes de que Molly despertara su deseo y conmoviera su alma c?nica con su valor callado. Tal vez algunas promesas estaban destinadas a romperse…
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  • Straight From The Hip
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Izzy has always been the fearless Titan sister. But when an oil rig blows up, leaving her barely able to see, her sisters find themselves as concerned by her emotional withdrawal as by the possibility that the explosion was no accident. Are the mind games their long-lost brother Garth has been playing turning physical? Or is someone else out to get them?When her sisters enroll her in a survivor training camp, Izzy is not happy. Nick, her instructor, is determined that she won't be left in the dark. In more ways than one. But if he tells her the terrible truth behind why he's helping her, he'll never see her again. Unless they're both willing to take the biggest risk of all.
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  • Surrender in Silk
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Dangerous GamesJamie Sanders was finally turning her back on her secret life as a government agent to search for who she really was – as a person, and as a woman. But first she had to take on one final mission. She was determined to help the man who had made her into a lethal killing machine – the man who had also awakened the woman within her…But as she rescued Zach Jones from his foreign captors and tried everything in her power to heal the wounds that scarred him, inside and out, she had to accept what she'd been hiding from for years – that he was what she'd been searching for all along.
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  • Sweet Spot
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • "Responsibility" should be Nicole Keyes's middle name. After all, not many people would sacrifice their lives to run the family bakery and raise a younger sibling. But with Nicole's twin sister now blissfully married and her younger sis turning out more femme fatale than girl-next-door, super reliable Nicole is getting sick of putting everyone else's needs first!Enter Hawk. The deliciously sexy former NFL player offers Nicole a taste of the freedom she craves. Hawk may know the way, blindfolded, to her sweet spot, but Nicole's not about to let him get close enough to break her heart. Of course, she might not have a choice in the matter if Hawk's past keeps getting in the way of their present…
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  • Sweet Talk
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Don't ask Claire Keyes. The twenty – eight – year – old piano prodigy has never had a regular boyfriend, much less a real romance. Her music career has left little room for friends or family – which is just part of the reason she hasn't seen the family bakery or her two sisters in years.But now Nicole is sick, and Jesse is AWOL. Despite the fact that Claire can't boil water, she's determined to play caretaker. Connecting with her sisters tops her to – do list.along with falling in love, or at least in lust, for the first time.Ruggedly sexy Wyatt just might fit the bill. Although he keeps saying that he and Claire come from entirely different worlds, he lights up hotter than a bakery oven whenever Claire is near. If this keeps up, she just might sweet – talk him into her bed.and her life.
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  • Sweet Trouble
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Jesse Keyes has done some serious growing up. With a steady job and a vibrant four-year-old son, Gabe, she's in a far better place than when she left Seattle five years ago.pregnant and misunderstood by almost everyone in her life.Now it's time to go home and face her demons. But her sisters, Claire and Nicole, aren't exactly impressed with the new and improved Jesse. And then there's Matt, Gabe's father, who makes it clear that he never wants to see her again despite the lust that still smolders between them.Jesse doesn't know if she can make up for all the mistakes of her past. But the promise of sweet nights with Matt might just give her the extra incentive she needs to make it worth the trouble…
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  • Tempting
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • After three romantic flame-outs in a year and a restaurant career going nowhere, Dani Buchanan needs a fresh start. She goes looking for her biological father, but never expects to find a senator running for president. As his long-lost 'love child,' Dani could seriously derail the election- something his handsome campaign manager Alex Canfield isn't going to let happen. Dani isn't about to let Alex run her life, no matter how tempting she finds him-and Alex isn't going to allow Dani to melt his cynicism, no matter how close he has to get. The last thing either of them wants is love, especially with scandals brewing and family trouble on the way. But Dani and Alex are forced to trust each other, and when trust turns to passion, the potential for disaster is only a tabloid scandal away.
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