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Martini Steve - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—6 из 6.
  • El abogado
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Uno de los primeros clientes del abogado Paul Madriani es Jonah Hale, un anciano que se encuentra en un grave aprieto cuando Jessica, su hija, sale de la c?rcel: Jonah y su esposa se han encargado de la educaci?n de Amanda, su nieta de ocho a?os, debido a la drogadicci?n de la madre de la ni?a, pero, a ra?z del importante premio que ha ganado el matrimonio en la loter?a, Jessica decide secuestrar a la peque?a y pedir a su padre una gran suma de dinero si desea recuperarla. Jonah, que tiene la custodia legal, se niega, por lo que Jessica recurre a los servicios de Zolanda, una activista radical de los derechos de la mujer, que acusa a Jonah de haber abusado sexualmente de Amanda. El caso se complicar? con un asesinato del cual Jonah ser? el principal sospechoso.

  • Guardian of Lies
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Defense attorney Paul Madriani gets caught in a web of deceit and murder involving Cold War secrets, a rare coin dealer who once worked for the CIA, and a furious assassin in one of the most entertaining novels yet in this New York Times bestselling series.A woman pauses in the hallway of a darkened San Diego beach house at night – listening for just the right moment when she can flee before her companion notices that she's gone.A man outside watches the same mansion, waiting for a sign that he can enter on his mission of ...

  • Shadow of Power
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The Supreme Court is one of our most sacred – and secretive – public institutions. But sometimes secrets can lead to cover-ups with very deadly consequences.Terry Scarborough is a legal scholar and provocateur who craves headline-making celebrity, but with his latest book he may have gone too far. In it he resurrects forgotten language in the U.S. Constitution – and hints at a missing letter of Thomas Jefferson's – that threatens to divide the nation.Then, during a publicity tour, Scarborough is brutally murdered in a San Diego hotel room, and a young man with dark connections is charged. ...

  • The Rule of Nine
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The Old Weatherman dreams of a plan that could be his swan song, an attack to drive a stake through the heart of the right-wing establishment and bury it for good. Now he's found the money, the ideal weapon, and the professional who knows how to use it. And he has set his sights on the perfect target at the very seat of the United States government, in the heart of downtown Washington. It will be a strike heard round the world.San Diego defense attorney Paul Madriani is still reeling from the trauma of a near nuclear ...