Miller, Jr. Walter -
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Книги 1—3 из 3.
- Cantic? pentru Leibowitz
- Жанр: Социальная фантастика
- Ideea Evului Mediu postatomic ?i a repet?rii ciclice a istoriei g?se?te ?n romanul de fa?? una dintre expresiile sale cele mai puternice ?i mai coerente. ?n momentul ?nceperii povestirii, cu ?ase sute de ani dup? catastrofa atomic?, mici comunit??i religioase ?ncearc?, la modul cel mai naiv cu putin??, s? conserve ultimele ale ?tiin?ei str?vechi, ap?r?ndu-le ?n fa?a barbariei.
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- Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse Woman
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- It has been nearly forty years since Walter M. Miller, Jr., shocked and dazzled readers with his provocative bestseller and enduring classic, Now, in one of the most eagerly awaited publishing events of our time, here is Miller’s masterpiece, an epic intellectual and emotional tour de force that will stand beside 1984, and In a world struggling to transcend a terrifying legacy of darkness—a world torn between love and violence, good and evil—one man undertakes an odyssey of adventure and discovery that promises to alter not only his destiny but the destiny of humankind as well….
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