Mina Denise -
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Книги 1—12 из 12.
- Campo De Sangre
- Жанр: Триллер
- Paddy Meehan, una joven de 18 a?os, trabaja como botones en un peri?dico de Glasgow y sue?a con llegar a ser periodista. Un d?a, a la redacci?n llega la historia de la muerte de un ni?o a manos de dos chavales de diez y once a?os, pero Paddy ve pistas que indican que detr?s de los dos chicos hay un adulto. Pronto se dar? cuenta de que sus investigaciones pueden llevarla a un suicidio profesional, una crisis personal y, adem?s, ponerla en grave peligro.
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- Deception aka Sanctum
- Жанр: Триллер
- Lachlan Harriot is in a state of shock. His wife Susie has been convicted of the murder of serial killer Andrew Gow, a prisoner in her care. Unless Harriot can come up with grounds for an appeal in two weeks' time, Susie will be given a life sentence, depriving her of her home, her family and her two-year-old daughter.Harriot is convinced that his wife, a respected forensic psychiatrist, is innocent, and each night climbs the stairs to Susie's study where he goes through her papers, laboriously transcribing onto his computer her case notes, her interviews with Gow ...
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- Exile
- Жанр: Триллер
- The last time Maureen O'Donnell saw Ann Harris, she was in the Glasgow Women's Shelter smelling of a long binge on cheap drink. A month later Ann's mutilated body, stitched into a mattress, is washed up on the banks of the Thames. No-one, except for Maureen and her best mate, Leslie, seems to care about what has happened to her, and Maureen is the only person who thinks Ann's husband is innocent.But solving Ann's murder comes as light relief. Maureen's father is back in Glasgow, Leslie is sloping about like a nervous spy, and then there's Angus, ...
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- Field of Blood
- Жанр: Триллер
- Paddy Meehan discovers that one of the boys charged with the murder of toddler Brian Wilcox is her fiance Sean's cousin, Callum. Soon Callum's name is all over the news, and her family believe she is to blame. Shunned by Sean and by those closest to her, Paddy finds herself dangerously alone.
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- Garnethill
- Жанр: Триллер
- Maureen O'Donnell wasn't born lucky. A psychiatric patient and survivor of sexual abuse, she's stuck in a dead-end job and a secretive relationship with Douglas, a shady therapist. Her few comforts are making up stories to tell her psychiatrist, the company of friends, and the sweet balm of whisky. She is about to end her affair with Douglas when she wakes up one morning to find him in her living room with his throat slit.Viewed in turn by the police as a suspect and as an uncooperative, unstable witness, Maureen is even suspected by her alcoholic mother ...
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- Muerte en el Exilio
- Жанр: Триллер
- Laureen O'Donnell trabaja en la Casa de Acogida para Mujeres de Glasgow, donde conoce a Anne Harris, una chica que llega al centro con dos costillas rotas y en plena batalla contra el alcoholismo. Dos semanas despu?s, el cuerpo de Anne aparece en el r?o, grotescamente mutilado y envuelto en una manta. Todo apunta a que el marido de Anne es el asesino, pero ?no puede haber un culpable menos evidente?Maureen y su amiga Leslie tratan de romper con la indiferencia que rodea el asesinato de Anne, aunque, misteriosamente, Leslie mantiene la boca bien cerrada y no cuenta todo lo que sabe. En un intento por aclarar la confusi?n en la que se ve sumida su vida, Maureen viaja a Londres. Sin embargo, en lugar de solucionar sus problemas, pronto se ver? inmersa en un mundo de violencia y drogadicci?n.
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- Muerte en Glasgow
- Жанр: Триллер
- Maureen O'Donnell no es una chica con suerte. Adem?s de vivir en un barrio marginal de Glasgow y ser paciente de un centro psiqui?trico, se encuentra anclada a un trabajo sin futuro y a una relaci?n herm?tica con Douglas, un psicoterapeuta poco transparente.A punto de poner fin a su relaci?n con Douglas. Maureen se despierta una buena ma?ana con una resaca insufrible y con su novio muerto en la cocina de su piso. La polic?a la considera una de las principales sospechosas, tanto por ser una joven que- se sale de los c?nones de la normalidad como por su car?cter inestable y su actitud poco cooperativa. Incluso su madre y su hermana sospechan de ella. Presa del p?nico y con un sentimiento de abandono por parte de sus amigos y familiares. Maureen empieza a poner en duda todo lo que cre?a inamovible.
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- Resolution
- Жанр: Триллер
- Maureen O'Donnell is facing the darkest episode in her life. She owes more than she makes in a year in back taxes; Angus Farrell, the psychologist who murdered her boyfriend, is up for trial, with Maureen as the reluctant star witness; and her abuser has arrived back in Glasgow in time for the birth of her sister's baby. On top of it all, Maureen – who identifies all too readily with the underdogs of this world – has become embroiled in someone else's family feud.When an elderly stallholder at the flea market where Maureen and Leslie are selling illegally ...
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- Slip of the Knife
- Жанр: Триллер
- Paddy Meehan is home alone when there's a knock at the door. It's the police and they have bad news. Former boyfriend Terry Patterson's naked body has been found in a ditch. He's been tortured, hooded, then shot through the head: all hallmarks of an IRA assassination.Paddy is devastated: Terry was her first lover; the sort of journalist she's always aspired to be. But why have the police come to her? Although she and Terry have had an on/off affair since they first worked together, she hasn't seen him for over a year.She is therefore horrified to find that not only has Terry named her next of kin, but he has left her a huge Georgian house in Ayrshire and several suitcases full of notes.What was Terry trying to tell her? As Paddy begins her investigation into his death, she realizes that if the secret he was about to expose was worth killing for, she is next in line.
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- Still Midnight
- Жанр: Триллер
- Alex Morrow is not new to the police force-or to crime-but there is nothing familiar about the call she has just received. On a still night in a quiet suburb of Glasgow, Scotland, three armed men have slipped from a van into a house, demanding a man who is not, and has never been, inside the front door. In the confusion that ensues, one family member is shot and another kidnapped, the assailants demanding an impossible ransom. Is this the amateur crime gone horribly wrong that it seems, or something much more unexpected?As Alex falls further into the most challenging case of her career, Denise Mina proves why "if you don't read crime novels, Mina is your reason to change" (Rocky Mountain News).
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- The Dead Hour
- Жанр: Триллер
- The second novel in the wonderful Paddy Meehan series by Scotland 's princess of crime.Paddy Meehan, Glasgow's aspiring journalist is back on the beat, trawling the streets of Glasgow for a story – something to prove she can write; that she's better at her job than all her male colleagues; anything that will get her off the terrible night shift that is slowly turning her brains to mush. And then she meets the woman with the poodle perm at the door of a wealthy suburb in the north of the city. It's just a domestic dispute, Paddy's told, ...
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- Two Deaths And A Mouthful Of Worms
- Жанр: Триллер
- This sixteen collection anthology revolves around a charm bracelet that brings misfortune to the holder. The tales are unique yet build off where the previous story left off. Beginning in the Georgia Mountains in 1803, continuing in 1839 and on into the twentieth century, the bracelet moves from one ill-fated soul whose story is unfolded until at the end of the tale, another person holds the bracelet and his or her story is told in the next chapter.The fifteen contributors (Karin Slaughter opens and closes the anthology) seem to have enjoyed adding their spin to the book because all ...
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