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Pendleton Don - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—25 из 34.

  • Baltimore Trackdown
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • A police chief betrays his code of honor to the Mafia and tries to persuade fellow officers to accept money from the Mob. Those who refuse are killed.Through all his miles along the hellfire trail, the Executioner has always looked on the police as soldiers on the same side.But Mack Bolan sees this lawman as a traitor, both to his badge and to Bolans cause. Will the warrior break his own rules to stop the corrupt cop?
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  • Beirut Payback
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Mack Bolan learns that archenemy Greb Strakhov is in Lebanon. The Executioner has a personal vendetta with the KGB terror merchant.Bolans mission is twofold: to settle the score with Strakhov, and to avenge the 240 U.S. Marines who lie dead in the wake of a suicide-bomber attack. A single life lost is unacceptable to Bolan.But not even the combat-hardened Executioner is prepared for the utter carnage he finds in Beirut. There, Death respects no barriers.In a conflict in which none of the warrior factions seem to want peace, Bolan knows what he has to do. Make sure that the savages instigating the strife are silenced — forever!
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  • Blood Dues
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Rumors and rumbles of a Cuban exile connection with the Mafia crime machine in Miami have come to Bolans ears.The Executioner enters an old battleground, only to find hordes of Cuban outcasts crowding the city center, and the teeming core of Miami pulsing to a new Latin death song.Grim specters and faithful friends of a former life weave a deja vu tapestry as Bolan hits both the Mob and an exile splinter movement.Clouds of terror hang low over Americas southern ocean playground. The rumbles are turning to thunder. Unless Bolan can stop the Havana hurricane, Miami and its beaches will be awash in blood!
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  • Blood Heat Zero
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Mack Bolan, exhausted by the firestorm that is his life, decides to take a well-deserved R and R. But instead of some tropical resort, the Executioner plans to challenge natures whims in the depths of an Icelandic glacier.On a perilous trip beneath the polar ice cap, he makes a discovery to startling it is tantamount to an act of war.And the innocent vacation becomes a hunt — with Bolan as the prey.
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  • Blood Sport
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Mack was back in an undercover role. Posing as a U.S. Army sergeant selling guns to terrorists, Bolan struck deep into the ranks of Europes most brutal group of Kidnappers.A team of world-class athletes had been taken hostage. The captors — the Zwilling Horde. The aim— pirating of a deadly chemical weapon. The answer — Mack Bolan!The Executioner was up against fearsome adversaries — the vicious Tania, who liked to scorch the flesh of friends, and the hideous Rudi, a giant hulk whose battle with Bolan added a new dimension to savagery.But they didnt have a chance in hell. When Bolan is reduced to bare fists, only the dead are safe!
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  • Blood Testament
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Two men take the same pledge — to see justice done. Mack Bolan, a self-styled executioner, made his vow in silence and alone. Hal Brognola took his oath for all America to see. Hunter and prey in former years, they are now lifelong friends. Their friendship is their strenght — and their weakness.The mission: Mack Bolan must rescue Brognola's kidnapped wife and children, and clear his friend's name of treachery.The enemy that Bolan must face is ruthless and neck deep in the blood of a late U.S. president and his brother. The frame and snatch smell of CIA involvement, and Bolan knows that underworld links with Clandestine Ops run deep at Langley. With these odds, can Bolan stop his friend's world from falling apart?
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  • California Hit
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • The sunny Golden Gate city finds out what the Executioner is all about when he explodes into their midst, hot on the trail of the inner enemy and "Mr. King," the behind-the-scenes boss of all that moves and breathes in the western states.Bolans assault blazes a wide swath, zeroing in on the kingpins home base. A deadly Chinese Communist cell, some misled ecology freaks and a group of militant leftists all find themselves in danger of being burned by the swiftly racing torch of the Executioner. No one is going to stop him this time. No way.
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  • Day of Mourning
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Mack Bolan sensed danger when he lost contact with Stony Man Farm. The Phoenix fortress in Virginias Blue Ridge Mountains should be impenetrable. But was it? Bolan returned home to find the Stony strongholds security violated and ace armorer, Andrzej Konzaki, mortally wounded. A web of treachery now enshrouded the Farm, imperiling its existence. In one blood-drenched night, Bolan embarked on an odyssey of revenge. From D.C.s corridors of power to the cathouse depths of sewer city, he pursued an elusive specter who bartered in mens souls. And each time the trail led to a dead end. Who was this faceless enemy?
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  • Death Squad
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • The dreaded Black Hand has let out a $100,000 contract on Bolan's life, and every trigger-happy gunman in the country is trying to collect. At the same time, local, state, and federal police forces have banded together in the greatest manhunt in history to stop Bolan.Fired with a holy vengeance, Bolan recruits nine buddies — all heroes of the Vietnam war, all specialists in the more sophisticated aspects of meting out death.
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  • Doomsday Disciples
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Using the American tradition of freedom of religion as a smoke screen, a cultist group had gone mad in the streets of San Francisco. People were being slaughtered in the name of a bizarre new sacrilege, The Universal Devotees. Killings were random, senseless...Mack Bolan quickly identified the devil incarnate — Nguyen Van Minh, a stateless Asian refugee who had mastered mind-control on a massive scale.Bolan smelled KGB. Evidence grew that the killer creed was a Soviet weapon for wholesale butchery. When a senators lovely young daughter was sucked into its ranks, The Executioner launched the one deadly brand of combat — firestorms of glory that scorch yet revive the earth — that could crush Minhs blasphemy at its accursed heart.
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  • Hellfire Crusade
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • The militant brother of an Arab ruler has kidnapped a brilliant young American. And Mack Bolan knows that in wrong hands the teenagers knowledge of nuclear devices could change the course of history.The Executioner faces awesome odds as he blitzes a forbidding desert fortress in the tiny oil sheikhdom. His mission: to rescue the hostage and stop the rebels plans to launch a holy revolution.
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  • Meltdown
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • A series of "accidents" at nuclear power stations across the United States is destabilizing America's energy program.In the fallout of this highly complex plot, the United States will be forced to rely on Third World oil, oil whose flow is controlled by the Russian KGB.Mack Bolan must push to the core of this sabotage before a full-scale disaster occurs. But it's a race with a temperature gauge that goes only one way — straight toward a nuclear meltdown.
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  • Renegade Agent
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Frank Edwards, a busted CIA agent, was trafficking with terrorists in Europe. His illegal-weapons supplier was a Defense Department contractor in Massachusetts. His European connection was a high-ranking British Intelligence Officer.Macks task: eliminate all of these bastards. He blows the hell out of an armament factory in New England, flattens a munitions warehouse at Londons Heathrow airport. Then on to Frank Edwards base to bring hell on earth.The man from blood moves with the speed of a shock wave. To the Executioner, there is no worse scum than a turncoat agent.
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  • Run to Ground
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • A private army of killers bursts across the Mexican border into Arizona, seeking revenge for an attack on their narcotics stronghold. They discover their quarry holed up in tiny desert town and issue an ultimatum: surrender the target or die!Seriously injured in the brutal firefight at the druglord's rancho, the Executioner is trapped in an ever-tightening circle of doom.As the noose closes around him, can Bolan summon the strength to prevent the annihilation of his desert sanctuary?
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  • Save the Children
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Someone is stealing America's children, and the disappearances are shattering the structure of U.S. Society, leaving families in total despair.With the police and federal agencies handcuffed by laws and procedures, the situation is critical.Mack Bolan fears for these innocent lives at the hands of human predators. The Executioner searches high and low for targets in Chicago — and finds them: from a high-profile politician to a Mafia kingpin.
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  • Tennessee Smash
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • BEGINNING OF AN ENDThe guy never saw what had come for him. The two-hand chop at either side of the neck sat the guy down and shuttered the eyes without so much as a gasp of understanding. Bolan hoisted the unconscious man to his shoulder and headed for the front door. Throwing the double bolts, he stepped into the little security room that marked the final obstacle.The guard had both feet on the desk, a Schmeisser one lunge away. Both feet crashed to the floor as he tried for it -a mere heartbeat removed from ...
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  • Texas Showdown
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • A power-hungry Texas billionaire was planning to stage a revolution in Mexico. But the FBI and CIA knew only that their agents, sent to infiltrate his mysterious strike force of elite mercs, had suffered horrible deaths.The president's decision — send in Able Team!Breaking through the high security of the crazen Texan's base, Bolan's reborn Death Squad begins a blitzing series of combat events that bring them into the very hellheart of the drug wars of Bolivia and the Caribbean — and the sex war of the billionaire's Mexican debutante wife.Surrounded by assassination, betrayal, and revenge, Gadgets Schwarz, Pol Blancanales and Carl Lyons must not fail — only they can stop open war between the United States and Mexico.
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  • The Bone Yard
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Theres a wild card in Vegas.The Mafia, the Japanese yakuza and the Vegas Old Guard each want control of the city.Mack Bolan is the new player and hes dealing in death, with skills learned in a hell called Nam and honed to a sharp edge in the urban jungle.To shave the odds the Executioner pulls a Joker from the deck, Tommy Anders. The game is down to one last hand — winner takes all.
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