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Powers Tim - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—5 из 5.

  • Dinner At Deviants Palace
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • First published in 1985, this legendary and still distinctive novel may attract new fans, although the postnuclear-war theme has become somewhat dated. Technology has vanished in a barbaric, 22nd-century California run by a Sidney Greenstreet lookalike messiah, Norton Jaybush, who boasts a fancifully colossal "night club of the damned" in Venice and his own Holy City in Irvine. His young hippie followers, aka "Jaybirds," drift in a hallucinatory Philip K. Dick-style dream, while "redeemers" strive to rescue them. The serviceable plot focuses largely on the efforts of the hero, Gregorio Rivas, a musician and former redeemer who lives in "Ellay," ...

  • Hide Me Among the Graves
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Winter, 1862. A malevolent spirit roams the cold and gloomy streets of Victorian London, the vampiric ghost of John Polidori, the onetime physician of the mad, bad and dangerous Romantic poet Lord Byron. Polidori is also the supernatural muse to his niece and nephew, poet Christina Rossetti and her artist brother Dante Gabriel.But Polidori's taste for debauchery has grown excessive. He is determined to possess the life and soul of an innocent young girl, the daughter of a veterinarian and a reformed prostitute he once haunted. And he has resurrected Dante's dead wife, transforming her into a horrifying ...

  • Mari stregati
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Una fantasy orrorifica con i pirati, uno spadaccino voodoo? Chi potrebbe mai mescolare il mondo del pirata Barbanera con la magia nera se non Timothy Powers, il creatore di Le Porte di Anubis, l’autore pi? originale e geniale prodotto dal mondo fantascientifico e fantastico negli ultimi decenni. Lo scenario di questo eccezionale romanzo ? il Mar dei Caraibi del 1718, periodo di grandi cambiamenti per i pirati, un tempo strumento dell’Impero Britannico, libera forza mercenaria che non riveste pi? nessuno scopo strategico per gli inglesi. ? su questo scenario in evoluzione che compare il giovane John Chandagnac, ex burattinaio orfano ...