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Preston Douglas - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—6 из 6.
  • Cold Vengeance
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In this case, Special Agent Pendergast doesn't want only justice; he seeks revenge. His wife Helen has been murdered, and his hunt for her killer will take him to faraway places and lead him to dangerous contacts. As his search takes him ever deeper into the secrets of Helen's life, he comes to the realization that the woman closest to him had held her secrets tightly. An exceptionally strong number of a bestseller series.
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  • Der Codex
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • ?hnlich wie Child, fliegt Preston hoch und schnell, das Werk verwandelt sich in einen h?chst spannenden wissenschaftlichen Thriller.Das Buch aus dem Titel ist ein Maya Artefakt das das gesamte Wissen der alten Kulturen ?ber Medizin und Pflanzenkunde enth?lt.Die darin enthaltenen Informationen w?ren jedem Pharmaunternehmen Milliarden wert, allerdings hat die Sache einen Haken. Das Buch wurde, zusammen mit einigen anderen unbezahlbaren Kunstsch?tzen tief im Dschungel Honduras von dem legend?ren Grabr?uber Maxwell Broadbent mit ins sein eigenes Grab genommen. Er hat seinen drei S?hnen Informationen hinterlassen die zu dieser Stelle ...
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  • The Book of the Dead
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The New York Museum of Natural History receives their pilfered gem collection back…ground down to dust. Diogenes, the psychotic killer who stole them in Dance of Death, is throwing down the gauntlet to both the city and to his brother, FBI Agent Pendergast, who is currently incarcerated in a maximum security prison. To quell the PR nightmare of the gem fiasco, the museum decides to reopen the Tomb of Senef. An astounding Egyptian temple, it was a popular museum exhibit until the 1930s, when it was quietly closed. But when the tomb is unsealed in preparation for its gala reopening, the killings-and whispers of an ancient curse-begin again. And the catastrophic opening itself sets the stage for the final battle between the two brothers: an epic clash from which only one will emerge alive.
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  • Two Graves
  • Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
  • For twelve years, he believed she died in an accident. Then, he was told she'd been murdered. Now, FBI Special Agent Aloysius Pendergast discovers that his beloved wife Helen. But their reunion is cut short when Helen is brazenly abducted before his eyes. And Pendergast is forced to embark on a furious cross-country chase to rescue her.But all this turns out to be mere prologue to a far larger plot: one that unleashes a chillingly-almost supernaturally-adept serial killer on New York City. And Helen has one more surprise in store for Pendergast: a piece of their shared past that makes him the one man most suited to hunting down the killer.His pursuit of the murderer will take Pendergast deep into the trackless forests of South America, to a hidden place where the evil that has blighted both his and Helen's lives lies in wait . . . a place where he will learn all too well the truth of the ancient proverb:
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  • Venganza
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Cuando ten?a once a?os Gideon Crew fue testigo del brutal asesinato de su padre. Veinte a?os despu?s, est? decidido a cumplir la promesa que le hizo a su madre: honrar la memoria de su padre, un cient?fico acusado injustamente por el gobierno de Estados Unidos de ser el responsable de una serie de graves errores de encriptaci?n. Gideon no s?lo revelar? la verdad, adem?s llevar? a cabo su venganza.Sin embargo, aunque consiga acabar con el ejecutor de su padre, su peripecia no ha hecho m?s que empezar. Los ...
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