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Puzo Mario - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—9 из 9.
  • El Padrino
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • En `El Padrino`, de Mario Puzo, asistimos a la plasmaci?n literaria de una especie de contracultura, la Mafia, seg?n es presentada en la narraci?n, y luego en numerosos libros subsiguientes, series y pel?culas. La Mafia es una sangrienta organizaci?n criminal, en aras obviamente de espurias bonanzas econ?micas e incluso sociales, que de Sicilia y todo el sur de Italia, se traslad? a los Estados Unidos merced a la inmigraci?n, y, especialmente, a la ciudad de Nueva York. Puzo podr?a presentar tan s?lo los aspectos de la trama de la organizaci?...
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  • Los tontos mueren
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Novela del escritor estadounidense Mario Puzo, y su primera obra publicada tras el ?xito de “El Padrino”. Trata sobre John Merlyn, un escritor principiante, funcionario del departamento de avituallamiento del ejercito, que viaja a Las Vegas y se convierte en jugador casi profesional, donde se conoce con Cully, jugador profesional en bancarrota el cual se convierte en un alto funcionario del hotel Xanad?, mano derecha de uno de los due?os.
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  • Ojciec Chrzestny
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Jedna z wielkich powie?ci XX wieku, sprzedana w ponad 20 milionach egzemplarzy, ws?awiona obsypanym Oscarami filmem Francisa Forda Coppoli z genialn? rol? tytu?ow? Marlona Brando. Opowie?? o honorze i nienawi?ci, szacunku i pogardzie, mi?o?ci i ?mierci. Motto ksi??ki stanowi cytat z Balzaca – Za ka?d? wielk? fortun? kryje si? zbrodnia. Don Vito Corleone jest Ojcem Chrzestnym jednej z sze?ciu nowojorskich Rodzin mafijnych. Tyran i szanta?ysta (s?ynne powiedzenie "mam dla Ciebie propozycj? nie do odrzucenia"), a zarazem cz?owiek honoru, sprawuje rz?dy ?elazn? r?k?. Jego decyzje maj? charakter ostateczny. ...
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  • Six Graves To Munich
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A novel of blood and vengeance from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Godfather.Michael Rogan was an intelligence officer behind enemy lines in World War II Europe. But he made the mistake of falling in love, which gave him something to lose-or to be taken from him.Captured by the Nazis, Michael was treated as an experiment. A piece of meat. A subject upon which his captors committed atrocity upon atrocity. But not before they did the same to his wife-and unborn son. He's lived with the horror of that experience for ten years.Now, Michael Rogan has returned to Europe to find the men who tortured him. And he's going to make sure that they never have to live with the horror as he did…They will die with it.
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  • The Fourth K
  • Жанр: Политический детектив
  • A new Kennedy has been elected president. A man who has inherited all the good looks, wealth, and youthful idealism of his famous uncles. He is Francis Xavier Kennedy – and suddenly the old dream of Camelot once again seems possible. But the energetic new president is also haunted by the darker side of the Kennedy legacy – a legacy of tragedy even the best intentions may be powerless to avert. Now the horrifying assassination of a great world leader and kidnapping of the president's daughter by terrorists have launched President Kennedy on a desperate course that could end in disaster – unless he is stopped.
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  • The Godfather
  • Жанр: Криминальный детектив
  • The story of Don Vito Corleone, the head of a New York Mafia family, inspired some of the most successful movies ever. It is in Mario Puzo’s “The Godfather” that Corleone first appears. As Corleone’s desperate struggle to control the Mafia underworld unfolds, so does the story of his family. The novel is full of exquisitely detailed characters who, despite leading unconventional lifestyles within a notorious crime family, experience the triumphs and failures of the human condition. Filled with the requisite valor, love, and rancor of a great epic, The Godfather is the definitive gangster novel.
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  • The Last Don
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Mario Puzo, author of The Godfather, knows a thing or two about the Mafia and about the movie business; here he brings them together. In the prologue, a Mafia don oversees the double christening of two infant boys, Dante and Cross, into the Clericuzio family. Later, when Cross is tapped to take over as the "Hammer" of the Clericuzios, their prime hit man, he proves not cold-blooded enough for the role. Dante takes his place, and Cross moves from Las Vegas to Hollywood, which proves to be an even worse den of iniquity. When he falls for a movie star Athena Aquitaine, he exhibits the "fatal flaw" the old don always warned against: loving a beautiful woman. A taut novel of sex and money, of love and power.
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  • The Sicilian
  • Жанр: Политический детектив
  • Michael Corleone stands on the dock at Palermo. His two-year exile in Sicily is over, but the Godfather has charged him with a mission: do not return to America until he can bring with him the man named Salvatore Guilano. Giuliano – a legend, the bandit ruler of Western Sicily, a vicious leader fighting for his peasant countrymen against the corrupt government of Rome. But Guiliano's deadliest battle is not with the police or the armies of Rome, but with Don Croce malo, the ruthless Capo di Capi of the Mafia. By challenging the Don's iron-clad control, Guiliano sets in motion a feverish war in which the loser must surely die. Enter Michael Corleone, at sea amid a flood of treachery, passion, and deceit. The secret is that he soon discovers promises greater success than Michael hoped for – and the cruelest threat he has ever faced. Once again, Mario Puzo has created a masterful story of evil on an epic scale, mesmerizing us with the terrible magic of the Mafia.
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