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Reichs Kathy - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—17 из 17.

  • Break No Bones
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • It's the second-to-last day of archaeological field school. Dr Temperance Brennan's students are working on a site of prehistoric graves on Dewees, a barrier island north of Charleston, South Carolina, when a decomposing body is uncovered in a shallow grave off a lonely beach… The skeleton is articulated, the bone fresh and the vertebrae still connected by soft-tissue; the remains are encased in rotted fabric and topped by wisps of pale, blond hair – a recent burial, and a case Tempe must take. Dental remains and skeletal gender and race indicators suggest that the deceased is a middle-aged white male – ...
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  • Cross bones
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The latest gripping thriller from world class forensic anthropologist, Kathy Reichs, bestselling author of Bare Bones and Monday Mourning Temperance Brennan has a mystifying new case in this eighth novel from New York Times bestselling author and world-class forensic anthropologist Kathy Reichs. Tempe is called in to interpret the wounds of a man who was shot in the head, but while she tries to make sense of the fracture patterning, an unknown man slips her a photograph of a skeleton, telling her it holds the answer to the victim's death. Detective Andrew Ryan is also on the case and, ...
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  • Deadly Descisions
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From Publishers WeeklyCritics (and publicists) often compare Reichs to Patricia Cornwell, as both are women who write bestselling thrillers featuring a female forensic expert. There's a significant difference between them, though. Reichs brings to her grisly novels a scientific detail and authenticity that Cornwell rarely matchesAa virtue arising from Reich's background as a top forensic anthropologist for the governments of North Carolina and Quebec, a background mirrored by that of her heroine, Tempe Brennan. But CornwellAa journalist before she turned novelistAis a more accomplished writer than Reichs, and her more fluid prose and plotting support a heroine ...
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  • Devil Bones
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In a house under renovation, a plumber uncovers a cellar no one knew about, and makes a rather grisly discovery – a decapitated chicken, animal bones, and cauldrons containing beads, feathers, and other relics of religious ceremonies. In the center of the shrine, there is the skull of a teenage girl. Meanwhile, on a nearby lakeshore, the headless body of a teenage boy is found by a man walking his dog.Nothing is clear – neither when the deaths occurred, nor where. Was the skull brought to the cellar or was the girl murdered there? Why is the boy’s ...
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  • Informe Brennan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • La antrop?loga forense Temperance Brennan es una de las primeras personas en acudir al monte donde acaba de estrellarse un peque?o avi?n de pasajeros. Casi todos ellos eran estudiantes que formaban parte de un equipo de b?isbol, y entre las v?ctimas tambi?n podr?a encontrarse Katy, la hija de Tempe.Asustada la doctora decide investigar los motivos de la tragedia y, a partir de ese momento, se ver? envuelta en una conspiraci?n dirigida a entorpecer por todos los medios su trabajo y acabar con su vida.
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  • Testigos del silencio
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • La doctora Temperance Brennan acaba de llegar a Montreal para cubrir el puesto de directora del Departamento de Antropolog?a forense de la provincia de Qu?bec. Atr?s ha dejado una situaci?n matrimonial delicada y una ?poca de trabajo nada f?cil, por lo que Temple acaricia la perspectiva de un relajante fin de semana. Antes, sin embargo, debe personarse en el lugar donde la polic?a acaba de encontrar un cad?ver descuartizado y meticulosamente clasificado en bolsas de pl?stico.El singular proceder del asesino le resulta terriblemente familiar a la forense, y en ...
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  • Zapach ?mierci
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Pracuj?ca jako antropolog s?dowy w Montrealu, doktor Tempe Brennan zostaje wezwana do klasycznego z pozoru przypadku odkrycia kobiecych ko?ci na terenie opuszczonego cmentarza. Analiza szcz?tk?w ofiary wskazuje, ?e mo?e to by? kolejna zbrodnia maniakalnego zab?jcy kobiet. Nikt nie daje wiary tym hipotezom, dop?ki…Ksi??ka, kt?ra zainspirowa?a tw?rc?w serialu tv "Ko?ci"***Kathy Reichs jest autork? wielu powie?ci kryminalnych, kt?rych cech? g??wn? jest prezentacja ?mierci tak?e w uj?ciu medycznym. Jej utwory to dzie?a pe?ne strachu i przera?...
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