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Робинсон Ким - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—25 из 36.

  • Chroniques des ann?es noires
  • Жанр: Альтернативная история
  • Quelle aurait ?t? l’histoire du monde si l’Europe chr?tienne avait disparu au Moyen Age, ravag?e par la peste ? L’Islam et la Chine seraient devenus les civilisations dominantes, d?couvrant l’Am?rique, se faisant la guerre, inventant le chemin de fer et l’atome, cherchant ? l’emporter, ? imposer la foi de Mahomet, Bouddha ou Confucius…A travers les destins de trois personnages — un sentimental, un r?volt? et un intellectuel —, Kim Stanley Robinson d?peint de fa?on ?tonnamment r?aliste sept cents ans de l’histoire d’un univers foisonnant, o? les ...

  • Czerwony Mars
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Niezwykle realistyczny opis kolonizacji Marsa przez Ziemian na pocz?tku XXI wieku. Dramatyczne dzieje osadnik?w, kt?rzy doprowadzaj? do totalnej katastrofy, pr?buj?c przystosowa? planet? do zamieszkania.Czy mimo eksperyment?w na ekosferze planety i zbrodniczych posuni?? mi?dzynarodowych korporacji finansowych Mars si? odrodzi i stanie si? dla ludzi prawdziwym domem? to pierwsza cz??? trzytomowego cyklu o kolonizacji Czerwonej Planety, obsypywanego licznymi nagrodami. Autor, Kim Stanley Robinson, z du?ym znawstwem przedstawia technologiczne aspekty ogromnego, kosmicznego przedsi?wzi?cia, ukazuj?c jednocze?nie skomplikowane losy ludzi uwik?anych w uczuciowe, polityczne i spo?eczne konflikty. ...

  • Fifty Degrees Below
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • The second of three linked novels set in the strife-torn world of big science, operating out of the corrupt political heart of the developed world. In the interface between big science and big business lies the potential for the absolute destruction or salvation of our world, as new discoveries open ever more remarkable doorways into the future. And while good intentions may underlie the science that leads to these discoveries, human greed, on an individual, political or corporate basis, will always seek a way to exploit each and every new development. Combining superb narrative and beautiful writing, these will ...

  • Forty Signs of Rain
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • An elegantly crafted and beguiling novel set in the very near future. Anna Quibler is a technocrat at the National Science Foundation while her husband, Charlie, takes care of their toddler and telecommutes as a legislative consultant to a senator. Their family life is a delight to observe, as are the interactions of the scientists at the NSF and related organizations. When a Buddhist delegation, whose country is being flooded because of climate change, opens an embassy near the NSF, the Quiblers befriend them and teach them to work the system of politics and grants. The Buddhists, in turn, ...

  • Icehenge
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Though it was published almost ten years before Kim Stanley Robinson’s acclaimed Mars trilogy and takes place in a different version of the future, contains elements that should be familiar to readers of the Mars series. Extreme human longevity, Martian revolution, historical revisionism, and shifts between primary characters are all present. is part mystery, part psychological drama, and is set in three distinct time periods. The story shifts from a failed Martian revolution of 2248, to an expedition to explore a mysterious monument on the north pole of Pluto three centuries later, and ultimately to a space station orbiting Saturn, home to a reclusive and wealthy woman who may hold the key to solving a mystery spanning centuries.

  • La Costa dei Barbari
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • 2047: l’America soffre le conseguenze di un attacco nucleare portato a termine in maniera insospettabile da esecutori di nazioni diverse. Da quasi sessant’anni la pi? grande potenza mondiale ? regredita a un’economia di pura sussistenza, e le comunit? vivono un’esistenza separata, ristretta ognuna ai propri confini. Lo stato subisce una quarantena mantenuta con ferrea disciplina dalle squadre di sorveglianza militare giapponese e avallata dalle Nazioni Unite.? in questo scenario apocalittico che si svolge la vicenda di Henry Fletcher, un giovane della comunit? californiana di San Onofre, che per il suo sostentamento dipende interamente dalla pesca e ...

  • Lata ry?u i soli
  • Жанр: Альтернативная история
  • W swej porywaj?cej, g??boko przemy?lanej ksi??ce K. S. Robinson, jeden z najznakomitszych ?wiatowych ?yj?cych pisarzy SF, snuje wizj?, jak mog?aby si? potoczy? historia ludzko?ci, gdyby d?uma w XIV w. zabi?a niemal wszystkich mieszka?c?w Europy, a dominuj?c? rol? na ?wiecie odgrywa?y imperia arabskie i chi?skie. Siedem wiek?w tej alternatywnej historii ?wiata (a? po wsp??czesno??) ogl?damy oczami r??nych bohater?w w r??nych czasach — dusze ?o?nierzy, niewolnik?w, filozof?w, w?adc?w powracaj? co jaki? czas w odmiennych wcieleniach. Losy tych ...

  • Les martiens
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Depuis l’?pop?e des Cent — les premiers explorateurs —, ce sont des g?n?rations d’hommes et de femmes qui ont transform? en colonie durable ce qui n’?tait au d?part qu’un avant-poste ? l’existence bien t?nue. Les exp?ditions internationales qui se sont succ?d? ont d?bouch? sur la cr?ation d’un monde. Celui-ci a connu une ?volution in?luctable, avec son cort?ge de luttes politiques, de r?volutions et de conflits arm?s.A une ?poque o? la long?vit? est de l’ordre d’un si?cle et demi, Les Martiens raconte l’?pop?e de g?n?rations d’humains vivant aux limites de la fronti?re ultime, o? les paysages fa?onn?s par les hommes sont sans cesse en butte aux monstrueux caprices de la nature., c’est la chronique ?pique d’une plan?te qui repr?sente l’un des recours les plus plausibles de l’humanit?. A l’horizon 2050, autrement dit demain…