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Roth Philip - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—14 из 14.

  • Everyman
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • "I'm thirty-four! Worry about oblivion, he told himself, when you're seventy-five." Philip Roth's new novel is a fiercely intimate yet universal story of loss, regret, and stoicism. The best-selling author of The Plot Against America now turns his attention from "one family's harrowing encounter with history" (New York Times) to one man's lifelong confrontation with mortality. Roth's everyman is a hero whose youthful sense of independence and confidence begins to be challenged when illness commences its attack in middle age. A successful commercial advertising artist, he is the father of two sons who despise him and a daughter who ...
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  • Indignation
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Against the backdrop of the Korean War, a young man faces life’s unimagined chances and terrifying consequences.It is 1951 in America, the second year of the Korean War. A studious, law-abiding, intense youngster from Newark, New Jersey, Marcus Messner, is beginning his sophomore year on the pastoral, conservative campus of Ohio’s Winesburg College. And why is he there and not at the local college in Newark where he originally enrolled? Because his father, the sturdy, hard-working neighborhood butcher, seems to have gone mad — mad with fear and apprehension of the dangers of adult life, the dangers ...
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  • Me Cas? Con Un Comunista
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • El sue?o americano se convierte en pesadilla.En plena caza de brujas, durante la era McCarthy, Iron Rinn -cavador de zanjas primero, actor radiof?nico m?s tarde- ve c?mo tras participar en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, comprometido en la lucha por un mundo mejor, termina en la lista negra, desempleado y perseguido por el fanatismo ideol?gico.En este camino tendr? un papel fundamental la exquisita actriz Eve Frame. El matrimonio de ambos se transformar?: de idilio fascinante y perfecto pasar? a ser un tremendo y cruel culebr?n. Y cuando ella revele a ...
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  • Nemesis
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • With Roth leaps back again, to Newark in 1944, in the summer, polio season — but this year, the worst outbreak of polio in a lifetime, and long before there was even a glimpse of a vaccine. The fact of the eradication of polio, an affliction unknown in the lifetime of most Americans now, only makes Roth's recreation of the disease all but horror-movie immediate: unstoppable, unpredictable, unknowable, evading diagnosis until it is too late, with cases spreading through a neighborhood by the hour and children dead overnight or consigned to an iron lung for the rest of their lives (and what is an iron lung, any reader might have to ask, only to find out, and then be horrified at how polio could redefine everyday life?).
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  • Operacja Shylock
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Wyobra?my sobie sytuacj?, gdy do z?udzenia podobny do nas nieznajomy zaw?aszcza nasze imi? i nazwisko, przypisuje sobie nasz ?yciorys i je?dzi po ?wiecie, podszywaj?c si? pod nas.W ksi??ce tej, gdzie w mistrzowski spos?b fakty splataj? si? z fikcj?, Philip Roth spotyka m??czyzn?, kt?ry by? mo?e jest, a mo?e nie jest Philipem Rothem. A wszystko dlatego, ?e kto? o tym nazwisku przemierza pa?stwo Izrael, propaguj?c dziwaczn? ide? ?ydowskiego exodusu a rebours. Roth postanawia powstrzyma? tego cz?owieka – nawet gdyby mia?o to oznacza? wcielenie si? w uzurpatora.Pe?na napi?cia, zabawna, nasycona emocjami, inteligentnie napisana i t?tni?ca narracyjn? energi? Operacja Shylock jest histori? szpiegowsk?, politycznym thrillerem, refleksj? nad istot? to?samo?ci, a jednocze?nie rodzajem wyznania.
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  • Operation Shylock
  • Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
  • In this fiendishly imaginative book (which may or may not be fiction), Philip Roth meets a man who may or may not be Philip Roth. Because with that name has been touring Israel, promoting a bizarre reverse exodus of the Jews. Roth is intent on stopping him, even if that means impersonating his own impersonator.With excruciating suspense, unfettered philosophical speculation, and a cast of characters that includes Israeli intelligence agents, Palestinian exiles, an accused war criminal, and an enticing charter member of an organization called Anti-Semites Anonymous, Operation Shylock barrels across the frontier between fact and fiction, seriousness and high comedy, history and nightmare.
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  • Our Gang
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • A ferocious political satire in the great tradition, Our Gang is Philip Roth’s brilliantly indignant response to the phenomenon of Richard M. Nixon.In the character of Trick E. Dixon, Roth shows us a man who outdoes the severest cynic, a peace-loving Quaker and believer in the sanctity of human life who doesn’t have a problem with killing unarmed women and children in self-defense. A master politician with an honest sneer, he finds himself battling the Boy Scouts, declaring war on Pro-Pornography Denmark, all the time trusting in the basic indifference of the voting public.
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  • Portnoys Complaint
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • “Touching as well as hilariously lewd . . . Roth is vibrantly talented . . . as marvelous a mimic and fantasist as has been produced by the most verbal group in human history.” Alfred Kazin, New York Review of Books“Deliciously funny . . . absurd and exuberant, wild and uproarious . . . a brilliantly vivid reading experience.” The New York Times Book Review“Roth is the bravest writer in the United States. He’s morally brave, he's politically brave. And Portnoy is part of that bravery.” Cynthia Ozick, Newsday“Simply one of the two or three funniest works in American fiction.” Chicago Sun-TimesPortnoy’...
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  • Spisek przeciwko Ameryce
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Philip Roth od lat diagnozuje Ameryk?, wykazuj?c krucho?? jej rzekomo fundamentalnej tolerancyjno?ci i demokracji. W swojej wielkiej ameryka?skiej trylogii – „Ameryka?ska sielanka”, „Po?lubi?am komunist?”, „Ludzka skaza” – odmalowuje wielokulturowego molocha spo?ecznego, podatnego na autodestruktywne fobie i mody ideologiczne: lewacki anarchizm, prawicowy despotyzm, rasizm.„Spisek przeciwko Ameryce” wpisuje si? w?a?nie w ten najlepszy nurt pisarstwa wielokrotnego kandydata do literackiego Nobla, godnego nast?pcy wielkich mistrz?w prozy zza oceanu. W tej powie?ci Roth poddaje Ameryk? eksperymentowi historii alternatywnej: co by by?o gdyby w roku 1940, u szczytu szalej?cej za Altantykiem ...
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  • The Plot Against America
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • When the renowned aviation hero and rabid isolationist Charles A. Lindbergh defeated Franklin Roosevelt by a landslide in the 1940 presidential election, fear invaded every Jewish household in America. Not only had Lindbergh, in a nationwide radio address, publicly blamed the Jews for selfishly pushing America towards a pointless war with Nazi Germany, but, upon taking office as the 33rd president of the United States, he negotiated a cordial 'understanding' with Adolf Hitler, whose conquest of Europe and whose virulent anti-Semitic policies he appeared to accept without difficulty. What then followed in America is the historical setting for this startling new novel by Pulitzer-prize winner Philip Roth, who recounts what it was like for his Newark family – and for a million such families all over the country – during the menacing years of the Lindbergh presidency, when American citizens who happened to be Jews had every reason to expect the worst.
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  • The Prague Orgy
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • In quest of the unpublished manuscript of a martyred Yiddish writer, the American novelist Nathan Zuckerman travels to Soviet-occupied Prague in the mid-1970s. There, in a nation straightjacketed by totalitarian Communism, he discovers a literary predicament, marked by institutionalized oppression, that is rather different from his own. He also discovers, among the oppressed writers with whom he quickly becomes embroiled in a series of bizarre and poignant adventures, an appealingly perverse kind of heroism.The Prague Orgy, consisting of entries from protagonist Nathan Zuckerman's notebooks recording his sojourn among these outcast artists, completes the trilogy and epilogue . It provides a startling ending to Roth's intricately designed magnum opus on the unforeseen consequences of art.This Vintage edition is the first paperback publication of the epilogue.
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