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Книги 1—15 из 15.
- Ночной дурман
- Жанр: Любовная фантастика
- Джиллиан Конрад никогда не верила в вампиров. Однако именно она стала живым оружием против них. Отчаявшийся ученый напал на нее и вколол сыворотку, являющуюся смертельным ядом для вампиров. Беднягу расстреляли прямо на глазах у Джиллиан, и его секреты умерли вместе с ним.Деклан Рейс — вампир только наполовину, но он всем сердцем ненавидит кровососов. Он знает, что яд, текущий по венам Джиллиан, способен уничтожить всех нежитей. Сыворотка имеет побочный эффект — с ней кровь девушки становится неотразимой для всех вампиров, включая Деклана, чьи вампирские порывы выходят из-под контроля.Разрываясь между обетом защитить и инстинктивным голодом, Деклан вводит Джиллиан в сумрачный мир борьбы и смерти. Но скоро он понимает: его желание вызвано не просто жаждой крови…Перевод: вычитка: оформление:
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- Angel with Attitude
- Жанр: Любовные детективы
- When you’re hot for a demon, you might as well kiss your halo good-bye…Falling naked into the killer whale tank at MarineLand is always bad news, but it’s a real bummer when you’ve just been kicked out of Heaven. Former angel Valerie Grace is determined to reverse her banishment – Earth’s just no fun.Her best friend is a slightly perverted human-turned-rat, and she’s being tailed by a sexy Tempter Demon named Nathaniel, who’s trying to lure her to hell with kisses that are almost worth the trip. With the talking rodent sneaking peeks down her shirt and Nathaniel getting more irresistible every minute, this ex-angel has only one hope: find the stolen Key to Heaven and go home.
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- Bitten & Smitten
- Жанр: Любовные детективы
- Blind dates can be bad, but Sarah Dearly's date is a true contender for worst ever. His neck nibbling didn't just leave a bruise; it turns her into a vampire, and the newest target for a pack of zealot vampire hunters. With her date now their latest victim, Sarah runs for her immortal life - straight into Thierry de Bennicoeur, a master vampire who is just a wee bit suicidal. Thierry can't resist a damsel in distress and agrees to teach Sarah how to live the vampire life if she'll help him end his own. But as it turns out, Sarah may be his best reason for living. Bitten & Smitten is a study in contrasts: frothy chick-lit wrapped around a grittier reality and a flip side featuring a modern heroine paired with a Brontean hero. And Rowen makes it all work together beautifully.
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- Cо второго укуса
- Жанр: Любовная фантастика
- Вообще-то в бар для одиноких сердец Джулию занесло по чистой случайности. И она никак не рассчитывала встретить там красавчика, который продемонстрирует ей острые клыки, заявит, что она реинкарнация его возлюбленной, погибшей три столетия назад, и предложит удовлетворить все ее сексуальные желания. Кажется, он вполне серьезно… вот только почему ее сердце упорно молчит?Перевод: MadLena, редактура: Таташа, оформление: Alegoriya
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- Fanged & Fabulous
- Жанр: Любовные детективы
- My name is Sarah Dearly, and I've got major problems. Last month, I was turned into a vampire by the world's worst blind date. Then I may have, totally by accident, started a war between the mostly peaceful bloodsuckers and a bunch of sociopathic vamp hunters who have nicknamed me the Slayer of Slayers. Now I'm being used as bait to draw out the hunters' bad-ass leader, while my gorgeous 600-year-old boyfriend Thierry seems to be blowing me off, and my sizzle-hot, fanged friend Quinn is trying to turn my self-defense lessons into make-out sessions. So you know what? I'm done. I've had it. There comes a time when a vamp has to just suck it up and go after what she wants. And as soon as I figure out what that is, that's exactly what I'll do...
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- Hot Spell
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- Everybody knows there’s no love lost between paranormal investigators Amanda LaGrange and sexy Jacob Caine. They can’t even stand being in the same room together….Well, unless it’s an enchanted bedroom.And they’re trapped there, at midnight.And the sexual tension suddenly becomes too powerful to resist…Then that bedroom gets really hot, really fast! But come morning, they still can’t keep their hands off each other. Are they cursed forever? If so, neither one’s complaining?.
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- Lady & the Vamp
- Жанр: Любовные детективы
- Former vampire hunter Michael Quinn is living a nightmare: he's been turned into a vampire. His only hope is the "Eye" - a long-lost artifact that, once every millennium, will grant one wish to its possessor. Fortunately for Quinn, he has a map detailing the path to the "Eye." All he needs to do is find it, then he can wish himself back into humanity.Janie Parker has made a lot of many mistakes in her life, not the least of which was getting tricked into working for a demon. Not only is the pay awful, but she ...
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- Reign Check
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- Fresh from finding out that she is a demon princess, fighting her aunt for her life, and rescuing her father from being poisoned, Nikki Donovan is looking forward to getting back to her regular high school life. But when Rhys, the handsome king of the faery realm, decides to show up at her school as a "foreign exchange student," Nikki knows this won't be possible. Couple with this a whole host of other problems: there's a new prophecy that claims she will destroy everyone. Her conflicted feelings for Rhys and her boyfriend, Michael, are getting in the way of their relationship. Her best friend Melinda just might be a demon-slayer-in-training, and her old crush Chris might know of her demon side. Throw in a field trip to none other than Hell itself … and Nikki's going to be hoping for a rain check on more than just her homework!
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- Reign or Shine
- Жанр: Ужасы
- As if trying to fit in at a new school isn't stressful enough, sixteen-year-old Nikki Donovan just found out that her long-lost father is, in fact, the demon king of the Shadowlands — the world that separates and protects us from the Underworld. When she is brought there by the mysterious — and surprisingly cute — messenger Michael, she learns that her father is dying, and he wants her to assume the throne. To complicate matters, a war is brewing between the Shadowlands and the Underworld, her half-demon qualities are manifesting, and her growing feelings for Michael are completely forbidden. Ruling a kingdom, navigating a secret crush, and still making it home by curfew — what's a teenage demon princess to do?
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- Something Wicked
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- Living in Eden isn't exactly heaven on earth… Darrak, the demon inside of Eden Riley, is able to take physical shape during the day. And Eden wouldn't mind getting her hands on him-if it wasn't a threat to her immortal soul. But while trying to rid themselves of the curse that binds them, they could get the distance they need…or each have their own private hell to pay.
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- Stakes & Stilettos
- Жанр: Любовные детективы
- Newly vamped Sarah Dearly wants her normal life back, but fate is fighting against her. She tries to get a regular job and gets staked in the interview, only to be rescued by a masked vampire who calls himself the Red Devil. Then a wallflower-turned-witch curses her, making her a bloodthirsty, sun-allergic nightwalker--the worst vampire there is. As if all that weren't enough, she can't get married because her 600-year-old boyfriend, Thierry, is in a centuries-long marriage of convenience he can't escape.As Sarah's nightwalker tendencies make her more dangerous, even to those she loves, she'll have to counteract that curse, unmask the increasingly intriguing Red Devil, and get a commitment from her man. But if that's what it takes to secure her happiness, Sarah is ready...even if it means embracing her inner vamp to do it.
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- Tall, Dark & Fangsome
- Жанр: Любовные детективы
- Sarah Dearly's positive attitude is waning. Perky and bubbly no longer describe her and frankly being a vampire is the least of her worries. Gideon Chase, leader of all vampire hunters, is being consumed by Hellfire and his only hope is that Sarah will bite him during a ritual under the full moon and turn him into a vampire. To ensure her help he has threatened to kill all the people she loves, inc. Thierry, her master vampire boyfriend and she has no doubt that he can and will do it. He has also demanded she break ...
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- The Demon in Me
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- Hell hath no fury… Fate has led Eden Riley to become a "psychic consultant" to the police, even though her abilities are unreliable at best. Those paranormal powers are about to get her into a jam she couldn't have predicted: After her hunky police detective partner guns down a serial killer in front of her, Eden realizes that she's quite literally no longer alone. A voice in her head introduces himself as Darrak. He's a demon. But not in a bad way!…Like a woman possessed. Darrak lost his original body three hundred years ago, thanks to a witch's curse. This is the first time he's been able to speak directly to a host, plus there's a bonus: Eden's psychic energy helps him to take form during daylight hours. He wants to use this chance to find a way to break his curse — finally. Otherwise, Eden's going to have to learn to live with this sexy demon… like it or not. But she thinks she might like it.
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