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Rowland Laura - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—18 из 18.

  • Black Lotus
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Someone has set fire to a cottage on the premises of the prestigious Black Lotus Temple in 1691, Japan, killing three sect members. Veteran samurai-detective Sano Ichiro, the Most Honourable Investigator of Events, Situations and People, is uncharacteristically quick to blame a delinquent orphan-girl found fleeing the scene. But his young wife, Reiko, has different ideas. After hearing rumours of ill doings within the sect, and using information privy only to a woman of the samurai class, Reiko finds that newcomers to the Black Lotus are mysteriously disappearing almost as quickly as the sect can convert them. Unfortunately for the ...
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  • Bundori: A Novel Of Japan
  • Жанр: Исторический детектив
  • From Publishers WeeklyBrutal murders linked to an ancient betrayal send late 17th-century Tokyo into a panic. They also spell big trouble for the Shogun's special investigator, Sano Ichiro, in this sequel to Rowland's well-received first novel, Shinju. The killings are made known when the severed heads of the victims are put on public display, in the manner of an ancient custom known as bundori, or war trophy. The victims are descendants of warriors who, more than a century earlier, were involved in the murder of a powerful warlord. As the killings continue, Sano, though hampered in his ...
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  • El Tatuaje De La Concubina
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A punto de entregarse a los placeres y las comodidades de un matrimonio concertado con la joven y bella Reiko, Sano Ichiro es reclamado en el palacio imperial para descubrir al asesino de Harume, la concubina favorita del sog?n, que ha sido envenenada mientras se hac?a un tatuaje amoroso. Con la experiencia de sus veinte a?os de sosakan-sama -muy honorable investigador de sucesos, situaciones y personas-, Sano debe penetrar en el herm?tico y prohibido mundo de las mujeres del sog?n para intentar desenmara?ar la compleja trama de amantes y rivales de Harume, que ...
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  • La Marca del Asesino
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • El sexto caso de Sano Ichiro, el «muy honorable investigador de sucesos, situaciones y personas»Por primera vez desde que trabajan juntos en la resoluci?n de los cr?menes m?s variopintos, la singular pareja formada por Sano Ichiro y su combativa esposa Reiko se ve abocada a dos casos independientes. En efecto, una oleada de muertes inexplicables se abate sobre los m?s altos funcionarios imperiales y, cuando le toca el turno a Ejima Senzaemon, jefe del servicio de espionaje del sog?n -asesinado misteriosamente durante una carrera de caballos en el castillo de Edo-, Sano ...
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  • The Assassins Touch
  • Жанр: Исторический детектив
  • May 1695. During a horse race at Edo Castle the chief of the shogun's intelligence service, Ejima Senzaemon, drops dead as his horse gallops across the finish line-the fourth in a recent series of sudden deaths of high-ranking officials. Sano Ichiro is ordered to investigate, despite his recent promotion to chamberlain and his new duties as the shogun's second-in-command.Meanwhile, Sano's wife, Reiko, is invited to attend the trial of Yugao, a beautiful young woman accused of stabbing her parents and sister to death. The woman has confessed, but the magistrate believes there is more to this case than ...
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  • The Concubine’s Tattoo
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Twenty months spent as the shogun's sosakan-sama – most honorable investigator of events, situations, and people – has left Sano Ichiro weary. He looks forward to the comforts that his arranged marriage promises: a private life with a sweet, submissive wife and a month's holiday to celebrate their union. However, the death of the shogun's favorite concubine interrupts the couple's wedding ceremony and shatters any hopes the samurai detective had about enjoying a little peace with his new wife. After Sano traces the cause of Lady Harume's death to a self-inflicted tattoo, he must travel into the cloistered, forbidden world of ...
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  • The Dragon Kings Palace
  • Жанр: Исторический детектив
  • It is June 1694, and Reiko, the beautiful wife of Sano Ichiro; Reiko's friend, Midori; the shogun's mother; and Lady Yanagisawa, wife of the shogun's powerful second-in-command, are kidnapped en route to Mount Fuji and imprisoned in the tower of a ruined palace. The shogun demands quick action – and under the threat of death, Sano is forced to work with his sworn enemies, Yangisawa and Hoshina. The women are in imminent danger and the delivery of a ransom note only complicates the situation – revealing a surprising target for the kidnapper's plot, and creating another impossible situation for Sano.
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  • The Perfumed Sleeve
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • November 1694. The streets of Edo are erupting in violence as two factions struggle for control over the ruling Tokugawa regime. One is led by the shogun's cousin, Lord Matsudaira, and the other by the shogun's second-in-command, Chamberlain Yanagisawa. Each side pressures Sano Ichiro, the shogun's most honorable investigator, to join its ranks.When one of the shogun's most trusted advisers is found dead, Sano is forced to honor a posthumous request for a murder investigation. Senior Elder Makino believed that his death would be the result of assassination rather than natural causes. Although he and Sano were bitter ...
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  • The Pillow Book of Lady Wisteria
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Samurai Sano Ichiro and his wife Reiko, are hot on the heels of a mysterious courtesan in bestselling novelist Laura Joh Rowland's latest historical thriller. In the carefully ordered world of 17th century Japan, the Yoshiwara pleasure quarter is home to women who have been sold to brothels as punishment for their crimes. It is here that the shogun's dashing young cousin and heir apparent is found dead – stabbed through the eye with a long hairpin – in the bed of a beautiful courtesan named Lady Wisteria. When both Lady Wisteria and her private journal – or pillow book – turn up ...
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  • The Samurai’s Wife
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Far from the shogun's court at Edo, Most Honourable Investigator Sano Ichiro begins the most challenging case of his career. Upon the insistence of his strong-willed and beautiful wife Reiko, Sano arrives with her at the emperor's palace to unmask the murderer – who possesses the secret of kiai, "the spirit cry," a powerful scream that can kill instantly. A high Kyoto offical is the victim. Treading carefully through a web of spies, political intrigue, forbidden passions and intricate plots, Sano and Reiko must struggle to stay ahead of the palace storms – and outwit a cunning killer. But as they ...
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