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Sagan Carl - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—8 из 8.

  • Contato
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • …Contato deve ser a obra de Carl Sagan mais conhecida. O cientista e divulgador de ci?ncias experimentou pela primeira vez o g?nero romance para apresentar suas id?ias a respeito do universo, da humanidade e da pr?pria ci?ncia.O livro conta a hist?ria de uma pesquisadora que utiliza radiotelesc?pios ? procura de vest?gios de vida inteligente fora da Terra. A trama avan?a quando um sinal ? detectado. Com certeza a parte do livro que mais me intrigou foi as especula??es sobre as conseq??ncias de sabermos que n?o estamos sozinhos. As regras da economia, religi?o e pol?tica internacional seriam seriamente modificadas na an?lise de Carl.O livro nos faz pensar, e vale a pena a leitura.
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  • Kapcsolat
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Carl Sagant nem kell bemutatni a hazai olvas?k?z?ns?gnek. A nemzek?zi h?r? amerikai csillag?sz ?s kozmosztkutat? azok k?z? a term?szettud?sok k?z? tartozik, akik tud?sukat ?lvezetes ?s ?rthet? form?ban osztj?k meg a laikus ?rdekl?d?kkel. Magyarorsz?gon Carl Sagan neve az ?DEN S?RK?NYAI c?m? k?nyv?vel ?s a KOZMOSZ telev?zi?s sorozattal v?lt ismertt?. A KAPCSOLAT (Contact) c?m? reg?nye igazi bestsellerr?, s?t, t?lz?s n?lk?l vil?gszenz?ci?v? v?lt, ?s a vil?...
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  • The Nuclear Winter
  • Жанр: Научная литература: прочее
  • Carl Sagan, a modern-day Renaissance man of science, was born in 1934 in New York. After graduating with both a B.A. and a B.S. degree from the University of Chicago, Sagan completed his M.S. in physics and earned a Ph.D. in astronomy and astrophysics in 1960.Sagan was nominated to join the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in 1962. At the same time, he also worked with the Nobel-prize winner Joshna Lederberg, investigating the origins of life on Earth, and taught genetics at Stanford. Sagan then taught astronomy at Harvard until 1968, when he became professor of astronomy and space ...
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  • The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God
  • Жанр: Документальная литература
  • Carl Sagan's prophetic vision of the tragic resurgence of fundamentalism and the hope-filled potential of the next great development in human spiritualityThe late great astronomer and astrophysicist describes his personal search to understand the nature of the sacred in the vastness of the cosmos. Exhibiting a breadth of intellect nothing short of astounding, Sagan presents his views on a wide range of topics, including the likelihood of intelligent life on other planets, creationism and so-called intelligent design, and a new concept of science as "informed worship." Originally presented at the centennial celebration of the famous Gifford Lectures in Scotland in 1985 but never published, this book offers a unique encounter with one of the most remarkable minds of the twentieth century.
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