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Книги 1—7 из 7.
- Dark Fire
- Жанр: Исторический детектив
- The year is 1540. Shardlake has been pulled, against his better judgement, into defending Elizabeth Wentworth, charged with murdering her cousin. He is powerless to help the girl, yet she is suddenly given a reprieve – courtesy of Cromwell. The cost of the reprieve to Shardlake is two weeks once again in his service.
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- Dissolution
- Жанр: Исторический детектив
- It is 1537 and Thomas Cromwell has ordered that all monasteries should be dissolved. Cromwell's Commissioner is found dead, his head severed from his body. Dr Shardlake is sent to uncover the truth behind what has happened. His investigation forces him to question everything that he himself believes.
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- Dominion
- Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
- 1952. Twelve years have passed since Churchill lost to the appeasers, and Britain surrendered to Nazi Germany after Dunkirk. As the long German war against Russia rages on in the east, the British people find themselves under dark authoritarian rule: the press, radio and television are controlled; the streets patrolled by violent auxiliary police and British Jews face ever greater constraints. There are terrible rumours too about what is happening in the basement of the German Embassy at Senate House. Defiance, though, is growing. In Britain, Winston Churchill's Resistance organisation is increasingly a thorn in the government's side. And in ...
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- El gallo negro
- Жанр: Триллер
- Invierno de 1537, Inglaterra. Bajo el reinado de Enrique Vlll, la disoluci?n de los monasterios est? en marcha.Thomas Cromwell, el temido vicario general del rey se enfrenta a la vieja Iglesia cat?lica con leyes draconianas y la mayor red de informadores nunca vista. La reina Ana Bolena ha sido decapitada y los monasterios, amenazados con la desamortizaci?n, sufren el expolio de sus tesoros y ven peligrar sus tierras, codiciadas por cortesanos y arist?cratas.Y mientras la tensi?n aumenta, los acontecimientos toman un giro desgraciado cuando, en el monasterio benedictino de Scarnsea, el comisionado c?...
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- Invierno en Madrid
- Жанр: Современная проза
- A?o 1940. Imparables, los alemanes invanden Europa. Madrid pasa hambre y se ha convertido en un hervidero de esp?as de todas las potencias mundiales. Harry Brett es un antiguo soldado que conoci? la Guerra Civil y qued? traumatizado tras la evacuaci?n de Dunkerque. Ahora trabaja para el servicio secreto brit?nico: debe ganarse la confianza de su antiguo condisc?pulo Sandy Forsyth, qui?n se dedica a negocios turbios en la Espa?a del Caudillo. Por el camino, Harry se ver? envuelto en un juego muy peligroso y asaltado por amargos recuerdos.
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- Sovereign
- Жанр: Триллер
- From one of P. D. James's favorite mystery authors comes the third Shardlake novelAutumn 1541. A plot against the throne has been uncovered, and Henry VIII has set off on a spectacular progress from London to York, along with a thousand soldiers, the cream of the nobility, and his fifth wife, Catherine Howard, to quell his rebellious northern subjects. Awaiting his arrival are lawyer Matthew Shardlake and his loyal assistant, Jack Barak. In addition to processing petitions to the king, Shardlake's task is to protect a dangerous conspirator until he is transported back to London for interrogation....
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- Winter in Madrid
- Жанр: Исторический детектив
- A compelling thriller and love story set in post-civil War SpainFans of Carlos Ruiz Zafon's and Sebastian Faulks's will fall in love with , the arresting new novel from C. J. Sansom. In September 1940, the Spanish Civil War is over and Madrid lies in ruins while the Germans continue their march through Europe. Britain stands alone as General Franco considers whether to abandon neutrality and enter the war.Into this uncertain world comes Harry Brett, a privileged young man who was recently traumatized by his experience in Dunkirk and is now a reluctant spy for the British ...
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