Sartre Jean-Paul -
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Книги 1—3 из 3.
- La N?usea
- Жанр: Философия
- Por ecima de su formato de diario ?ntimo, La n?usea (1938) es sin duda una novela metaf?sica, una novela de un innegable calado filos?fico, pero tambien es el relato detallado de la experiencia humana de una calamidad, de una calamidad de nuestro tiempo: el sentimiento y la contemplaci?n del absurdo de la existencia
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- Les Mots
- Жанр: Философия
- Une approche et une ?tude de l'oeuvre de Sartre: le contexte de sa cr?ation, des ?l?ments de biographie de l'auteur, l'?tude des personnages, la structure de l'oeuvre, des analyses th?matiques, une pr?paration pour l'examen et des sujets corrig?s.
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- No Exit
- Жанр: Философия
- JEAN Paul Sartre's No Exit was first performed at the Vieux-Colombier in May 1944, just before the liberation of Paris. Three characters, a man and two women, find themselves in hell, which for them is a living-room with Second Empire furniture. Each of the characters needs the other two in order to create some illusion about himself. Since existence, for Sartre, is the will to project oneself into the future-to create one's future-the opposite of existence, where man has no power to create his future, his hell. This is the meaning of the Sartrean hell in the morality play No ...
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