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Sawyer Robert - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 26—44 из 44.

  • Illegal Alien
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Aliens, Tosoks, have finally made contact with Earth, but there are only seven of them, and they’ve arrived in a disabled spaceship. The Tosoks are intelligent and surprisingly easy to communicate with, and are happy to tour Earth and see what humans have to offer. But during a stop in Los Angeles, one of the human scientists traveling with the Tosoks is gruesomely murdered, and all evidence points to the alien Hask. The Los Angeles Police Department is determined to indict Hask for the crime, even though the aliens have little concept of laws or crime as we understand them. The only thing the U.S. government can do is secretly procure the services of Dale Rice, a leading civil rights lawyer, and hope he can clear Hask of the charges. But as the trial progresses, evidence indicates a cover-up by one or more of the aliens. Humanity’s survival — not just Hask’s fate — might hinge on the jury’s verdict.

  • Just Like Old Times
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Commissioned for the anthology , edited by Mike Resnick and Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, 1993); first published in On Spec: The Canadian Magazine of Speculative Writing, Summer 1993. Later it was reprinted in several anthologies including On Spec: , , and . In 2008 it was included in collection (1 edition Quarry Press, January 2002).Winner of both the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Award (“the Aurora”) for Best English-Language Short Story of 1993 and the Crime Writers of Canada’s Arthur Ellis Award for Best Short Story of 1993.

  • La genesi della specie
  • Жанр: Социальная фантастика
  • Durante un esperimento di calcolo quantistico Ponter Boddit, uno scienziato Neandertal, supera accidentalmente le barriere che separano il suo mondo da quello della specie umana e si ritrova in un universo parallelo, che gli appare carico di contraddizioni e di ambiguit?. Messo in isolamento, l'alieno diviene un oggetto di studio per un gruppo di ricercatori ed esperti, e un'attrazione irresistibile per i media e per i politici delle varie nazioni, che ne reclamano l'ideale propriet?. Nello stesso tempo, nella dimensione dei Neandertal, il compagno di Ponter, Adikor Huld, viene accusato del suo omicidio. Riuscir? a provare la propria innocenza, pur non potendo neppure immaginare quanto gli ? accaduto?

  • Ludzie
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • W poprzednim tomie — „Hominidach” — neandertalski fizyk Ponter Boddit, podczas eksperymentu z komputerem kwantowym przekroczy? przypadkiem barier? pomi?dzy alternatywn? Ziemi?, na kt?rej jego gatunek jest dominuj?cy, a ludzie wymarli przed tysi?cami lat. Po wielu przygodach, przy pomocy ziemskich naukowc?w, uda?o mu si? wr?ci? do swojego ?wiata.W drugim tomie Ponter Boddit doprowadza do ponownego otwarcia portalu mi?dzy ?wiatami. Wraca na Ziemi? zamieszka?? przez Homo sapiens i znowu spotyka profesor Mary Vaughan. Podczas pierwszej oficjalnej wizyty delegacji ze ?wiata Neandertalczyk?w dochodzi do incydentu, kt?ry stawia pod znakiem zapytania dalsze kontakty mi?dzy gatunkami. Na szcz??cie, udaje si? pokona? pierwsze trudno?ci i rozpoczyna si? wymiana kulturowa mi?dzy obiema Ziemiami.

  • Mindscan
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Jake Sullivan watched his father, suffering from a rare condition, collapse and linger in a vegetative state, and he's incredibly paranoid because he inherited that condition. When mindscanning technology becomes available, he has himself scanned, which involves dispatching his biological body to the moon and assuming an android body. In possession of everything the biological Jake Sullivan had on Earth, android Jake finds love with Karen, who has also been mindscanned. Meanwhile, biological Jake discovers there is finally another, brand-new cure for his condition. Moreover, Karen's son sues her, declaring that his mother is dead, and android Karen has ...

  • Processo alieno
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Quando un'astronave entra nell'atmosfera terrestre alla paura iniziale si sostituisce subito la meraviglia. Con il primo contatto fra terrestri e alieni, sette membri della razza dei Tosok, di incredibile intelligenza, vengono accolti a braccia aperte dal mondo intero. Ma un noto scienziato umano in contatto con il gruppo viene improvvisamente trovato morto, mutilato da un'arma misteriosa, e tutte le prove sembrano condannare uno di loro. Cercando di evitare un incidente planetario, gli Stati Uniti assegnano agli alieni il miglior avvocato della nazione: ne seguir? un processo drammatico e inconsueto, in cui culture diverse, aliene e terrestri, si scontreranno per sancire la verit?.

  • Recuerdos del futuro
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Recuerdos del futuro es la historia de un asombroso descubrimiento en las instalaciones del CERN en Suiza. El equipo de investigaci?n de Lloyd Simcoe y Theo Procopides est? empleando el acelerador de part?culas del laboratorio para buscar el esquivo bos?n de Higgs, una part?cula subat?mica te?rica. Pero su experimento sale terriblemente mal y, durante unos instantes, la conciencia de toda la raza humana es arrojada veinte a?os hacia el futuro.Mientras la humanidad debe resta?ar los catastr?ficos efectos inmediatos del experimento (miles resultan muertos o heridos cuando el cuerpo ...

  • Rollback
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Canadian author Robert Sawyer once again presents likable characters facing big ethical dilemmas in this smoothly readable near-future SF novel. Astronomer Sarah Halifax, who translated the first message from aliens and helped prepare humanity’s response, is 87 when the second, encrypted message arrives 38 years later. To aid the decoding, a tycoon buys rejuvenation treatment for Sarah and Don, her husband of 60 years; however, only Don becomes young again. While coping with the physical indignities of old age, Sarah tries to figure out the puzzle of the second message. The bond between Don and Sarah continues, even while Don is ...

  • Skai?iuojantis Dievas
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Vien? dien? svetimeivi? erdv?laivis nusileido Toronto mieste greta Paleontologijos muziejaus. I? kosminio aparato i?lind?s ?e?iakojis, dvirankis padaras, vardu Holusas, parei?k? nor? pasikalb?ti su ?ymiausiu paleontologu. I? pokalbio paai?k?ja, kad ir ?em?, ir Holuso planeta, ir dar vienas proting? b?tybi? pasaulis per kelis milijardus met? patyr? penkias grandiozines katastrofas TUO PA?IU METU.Vadinasi, ka?as itin galingas (gal net visagalis) akivaizd?iai reguliuoja evoliucij? m?s? Galaktikoje. Holusas mano, kad galima pam?ginti j? surasti...

  • Starplex
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Canadian author Sawyer offers an epic hard-science space adventure full of technical descriptions of starships and physics tempered by human concerns. In the twenty-first century, the human race has both developed faster-than-light travel and contacted nonhuman intelligent races. , under the command of Keith Lansing, is one of the contact makers. Lansing faces hostile crew members, the personal and cultural idiosyncracies of nonhumans, the problems of first contact, and a marriage that may be deteriorating. Scientists on the Starplex study the mysterious artificial wormholes that make space travel routine and convenient. Then the wormholes' creators appear, and the scientists must understand and communicate with them to save the galaxy.

  • The Terminal Experiment
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • has propelled Robert J. Sawyer into the limelight as one of science fiction's hot new writers, earning him the prestigious Nebula Award in the process. In this fast-paced thriller, Dr. Peter Hobson's investigations into death and afterlife lead him to create three separate electronic versions of himself: one has no memory of physical existence and represents life after death; one has no knowledge of death or aging and represents immortality; and the third is left unaltered as a control. But all three have escaped into the worldwide matrix...and one of them is a killer.The story was first serialised in magazine in the mid-December 1994 to March 1995 issues, under the name , before its first novel publication in May, 1995.Won Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1995.Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1996.

  • Vuelta atr?s
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • La doctora Sarah Halifax logr? descifrar y contestar el primer mensaje enviado por extraterrestres. Al cabo de treinta y ocho a?os, cuando ella es ya casi nonagenaria, llega la respuesta. S?lo Sarah es capaz de descifrarla, si vive el tiempo suficiente… Sarah y su esposo Don son sometidos a un costoso tratamiento de rejuvenecimiento (vuelta atr?s). Don recupera la fortaleza f?sica de sus veinticinco a?os, pero Sarah…Sawyer ofrece de nuevo una interesant?sima exploraci?n ?tica y moral, esta vez a escala humana y tambi?n c?smica, sobre la vida y el papel de la tecnolog?a en el desarrollo futuro del ser humano.

  • Wake
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Caitlin was born blind, and when, newly arrived in tenth grade, she is offered a chance at an experimental procedure to give her sight, she leaps at it, despite previous disappointments. When she returns from the Tokyo hospital in which she underwent the procedure, it seems a failure. Soon enough, though, she discovers that, instead of reality, she is perceiving the Web. What’s particularly interesting is the background noise. Something strange is floating around behind the nodes of normal Webspace; a closer look reveals that, whatever it is, it’s not just meaningless noise. Caitlin’s story alternates ...

  • Watch
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Webmind is an emerging consciousness that has befriended Caitlin Decter and grown eager to learn about her world. But Webmind has also come to the attention of WATCH—the secret government agency that monitors the Internet for any threat to the United States—and they’re fully aware of Caitlin’s involvement in its awakening.WATCH is convinced that Webmind represents a risk to national security and wants it purged from cyberspace. But Caitlin believes in Webmind’s capacity for compassion—and she will do anything and everything necessary to protect her friend.

  • Wonder
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Webmind—the vast consciousness that spontaneously emerged from the infrastructure of the World Wide Web—has proven its worth to humanity by aiding in everything from curing cancer to easing international tensions. But the brass at the Pentagon see Webmind as a threat that needs to be eliminated.Caitlin Decter—the once-blind sixteen-year-old math genius who discovered, and bonded with, Webmind—wants desperately to protect her friend. And if she doesn't act, everything—Webmind included-may come crashing down.