Sayers Dorothy -
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Книги 1—16 из 16.
- Clouds of Witness
- Жанр: Классический детектив
- In this classic mystery, murder strikes close to home. Lord Peter Wimsey's brother is accused of murdering the man who is about to marry their sister. The body has been found at Riddlesdale Lodge, the Wimsey family retreat. Lord Peter must solve the case and clear the family name. The Los Angeles Times called Sayers “one of the greatest mystery writers of the 20th century.” “First-rate… [A] marvelous reading.” – Chicago Sun-Times
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- Five Red Herrings
- Жанр: Классический детектив
- Lord Peter Wimsey could imagine the artist stepping back, the stagger, the fall, down to where the pointed rocks grinned like teeth. But was it an accident? Or murder? Six people did not regret Campbell's death… five were red herrings. Set in the unusual background of an artists' colony in Galloway, in the south of Scotland, the book is one of the best of Dorothy Sayers' murder-mystery novels which made her the leading writer in the detective fiction field.
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- Gaudy Night
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- Obscene graffiti, poison pen letters and a disgusting effigy greeted Harriet Vane on her return to Oxford. A graduate of ten years before and now a successful novelist, this should have been a pleasant, nostalgic visit for her. She asks her lover, Lord Peter Wimsey, for help.
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- Have His Carcass
- Жанр: Классический детектив
- A young woman falls asleep on a deserted beach and wakes to discover the body of a man whose throat has been slashed from ear to ear…The young woman is the celebrated detective novelist Harriet Vane, once again drawn against her will into a murder investigation in which she herself could be a suspect. Lord Peter Wimsey is only too eager to help her clear her name. Murder brings Lord Peter and Harriet together again: when walking on a Dorset beach, Harriet discovers a corpse, the throat cut from ear to ear. Lord Peter comes to her assistance, and their inquiries lead from a distinctive razor blade to the salons of London's fashionable Jermyn Street, from a Russian ?migr? and professional dance-partner to a mysterious man with one shoulder higher than the other. As they investigate the trail of coded messages and secret agents, Harriet and Lord Peter's relationship becomes as tangled as the cat's-cradle of hints and clues that they are trying to unravel.
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- Los nueve sastres
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- La noche de fin de a?o, Peter Wimsey sufre un accidente de coche y se ve obligado a pernoctar en Fenchurch St. Paul, donde el p?rroco de la aldea le ofrece alojamiento. Muchos de los aldeanos han enfermado a causa de una fuerte gripe, entre ellos el campanero, de modo que Wimsey se ofrece a cubrir su puesto esa noche.Meses despu?s, fallece el marido de una de las v?ctimas de la epidemia. Durante el entierro, descubren un cad?ver sin identificar y Wimsey se ver? implicado en la investigaci?n de este desconcertante ...
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- Los secretos de Oxford
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- Cuando Harriet Vane regresa a la Universidad de Oxford, encuentra a los profesores y alumnos de su college nerviosos por los extra?os mensajes de un lun?tico. Con la ayuda de lord Peter Wimsey, Harriet empieza una investigaci?n para desenmascarar al autor de las amenazas.Una novela de misterio, e incluso de terror, Los secretos de Oxford es tambi?n una obra sobre el papel de las mujeres en la sociedad contempor?nea, una reflexi?n sobre la educaci?n y una historia de amor entre dos mentes privilegiadas.Una de las mejores novelas de misterio del siglo XX y la obra maestra de Sayers, precursora de Patricia Highsmith, Iris Murdoch o A.S. Byatt.
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- The Documents in the Case
- Жанр: Классический детектив
- The only one of Sayers' twelve major crime novels not to feature Lord Peter Wimsey, her most famous detective character, written in collaboration with Robert Eustace. This is an epistolary novel, told primarily in the form of letters between some of the characters. This collection of documents — hence the novel's title — is explained as a dossier of evidence collected by the victim's son as part of his campaign to obtain justice for his father.
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- The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club
- Жанр: Классический детектив
- 90-year-old General Fentiman was definitely dead, but no one knew exactly when he had died — and the time of death was the determining factor in a half-million-pound inheritance.Lord Peter Wimsey would need every bit of his amazing skills to unravel the mysteries of why the General's lapel was without a red poppy on Armistice Day, how the club's telephone was fixed without a repairman, and, most puzzling of all, why the great man's knee swung freely when the rest of him was stiff with rigor mortis.
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- The Wimsey Papers
- Жанр: Книги о войне
- Dorothy L. Sayers published "The Wimsey Papers" in in 1939 and 1940, purporting to be between characters from the Wimsey novels. Aside from their interest to fans of Sayers, who would like to know more about her characters and about her views on the war, they're also interesting pieces of social history — these must be one of the last few pieces of writing where the word 'propaganda' is used in a neutral meaning, for example.
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- Unnatural Death
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- "No sign of foul play". So concludes Dr Carr's post-mortem on Agatha Dawson, and the case is closed. But Lord Peter Wimsey is not satisfied and, with no clues to work on, begins his own investigation. No clues, that is, until the sudden and senseless murder of Agatha's maid.
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- Whose Body?
- Жанр: Классический детектив
- The stark naked body was lying in the tub. Not unsual for a proper bath, but highly irregular for murder — especially with a pair of gold pince-nez deliberately perched before the sightless eyes. What's more, the face appeared to have been shaved after death. The police assumed that the victim was a prominent financier, but Lord Peter Wimsey, who dabbled in mystery detection as a hobby, knew better. In this, his first murder case, Lord Peter untangles the ghastly mystery of the corpse in the bath.
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