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Книги 1—18 из 18.
- Fire and Sword
- Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
- The third in this epic quartet of novels focusing on two giants of European history, Wellington and Napoleon. In the early years of the nineteenth century, Arthur Wellesley (elevated to Viscount Wellington in the course of the novel) and Napoleon Bonaparte are well-established as men of military genius. Wellesley has returned from India, where his skill and bravery made a remarkable impression on his superiors. He faces trials and tribulations on the political scene before becoming embroiled militarily in Copenhagen, then Portugal and finally Spain. Napoleon, established as Emperor, is cementing his control on Europe, intending finally to crush his hated foe across the Channel: Britain. The time is fast approaching when Wellington and Napoleon will come face to face in confrontation and only one man can emerge victorious...
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- Las Garras Del ?guila
- Жанр: Триллер
- Tras la sangrienta conquista de Camuloduno, durante el crudo invierno del a?o 44 d.C. el ej?rctio romano se prepara para extender la invasi?n de Britania con un contingente de 20.000 legionarios armados hasta los dientes. El general Aulo Plautio conf?a en que la llegada de la primavera facilite la campa?a, pero, inesperadamente, su familia es raptada por los druidas de la Luna Oscura.
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- Roma Vincit!
- Жанр: Современная проза
- En el verano del a?o 43 d. C., la invasi?n romana de Britania se encuentra con un obst?culo inesperado: la desconcertante y salvaje manera que tienen los rudos britanos de enfrentarse a las disciplinadas tropas imperiales. La situaci?n es desesperada, y quiz? la inminente llegada del emperador Claudio para ponerse al frente de las tropas en la batalla decisiva sea el revulsivo que unos legionarios aterrados y desmoralizados necesitan.
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- When the Eagle Hunts
- Жанр: Триллер
- Britain 43 AD: after a series of bloody battles, Camulodunum (modern-day Colchester) has fallen to the invading Roman army. The Emperor has returned to Rome, leaving the fearless Centurion Macro and his young Optio, Cato, to rest and regroup, along with the rest of the Second Legion. But trouble is not far ahead and as their noble leader General Plautius plans the next phase of their campaign, word arrives that the ship carrying his family to join him was wrecked in a storm off the south coast. His wife and children have fallen into the hands of a dark sect of Druids, who now demand the return of those of their brotherhood taken prisoner by the Romans. Unless their demands are met within one month, Plautius's family will be burned alive. Will Cato and Macro discover where the Druids are hiding their hostages? Can they find some way to rescue them before time runs out?
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