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Schettler John - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—3 из 3.
  • Kirov
  • Жанр: Альтернативная история
  • The battlecruiser , is the most powerful surface combatant that ever put to sea. Built from the bones of all four prior battlecruisers, she is updated with Russia’s most lethal weapons, given back her old name, and commissioned in the year 2020. A year later, with tensions rising to the breaking point between Russia and the West, is completing her final missile trials in the Arctic Sea when a strange accident transports her to another time. With power no ship in the world can match, much less comprehend, she must decide the fate of nations in the most titanic conflict ...
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  • Kirov II: Cauldron of Fire
  • Жанр: Альтернативная история
  • The saga continues…Days after the shocking discovery of Halifax Harbor, battlecruiser heads east into the Atlantic, a lost ship in a forsaken and devastated world. Twelve days later they have entered the Mediterranean Sea finding nothing but blackened destruction on every shore. Disheartened and stricken with remorse, the ship turns west for the long voyage back to the Straits of Gibraltar when a sudden and unexpected attack leads them to the astounding conclusion that they have once again moved in time, not forward but back, returning to the cauldron of fire of the Second World War. Only ...
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  • Kirov III: Pacific Storm
  • Жанр: Боевая фантастика
  • The saga continues in Volume III…Admiral Tovey’s visit to Bletchley Park soon reaches an astounding conclusion when the battlecruiser vanishes once again to a desolate future. Reaching the Pacific the ship’s officers and crew soon learn that has once again moved in time. Now First Officer Anton Fedorov is shocked to finally learn the true source of the great variation in time that has led to the devastated future they have come from and the demise of civilization itself. They are soon discovered by a Japanese fleet and the ship now faces its most dangerous ...
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