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Sheckley Robert - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 26—50 из 106.

  • Gli orrori di Omega
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Questa ? la storia di Will Barrent, che esiliato dalla Terra piomba in quel mondo d’incubo che ? Omega. E’ un pianeta di fuorilegge, che ha una sua particolare religione, una sua precisa idea sugli svaghi, una sua assurda organizzazione sociale in base alla quale solo l’assassino pi? abile, pi? feroce, e pi? fortunato, in un mondo fatto di assassini, pu? aspirare alla ricchezza e al potere. Un mondo in cui le propriet? della vittima vengono per legge ereditate dall’uccisori. E su questo mondo Will Barrent cerca disperatamente i ricordi che gli hanno tolto, la ragazza che l’...

  • Kroki w nieznane. Tom 4
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Wiele opowiada? tego tomu reprezentuje ten w?a?nie, tak trafnie scharakteryzowany przez Vonneguta, nurt science-fiction. Wi?kszo?? z nich to utwory nowe, daj?ce poj?cie o aktualnym stanie ?wiatowej fantastyki; jedynie opowiadania Bradbury’ego, Asimova, Wyndhama i Tunel pod ?wiatem Pohla pochodz? z lat wcze?niejszych. Ogromna wi?kszo?? ?wiatowej literatury fantastyczno-naukowej pochodzi z angielskiego obszaru j?zykowego. W obr?bie tego wielkiego „wsp?lnego rynku” fantastyki przyznawane s? dwie najpowa?niejsze nagrody literackie. Nagroda „Hugo”, nazwana tak na cze?? ameryka?skiego autora i wydawcy Hugo Gernsbacka, przyznawana jest od 1953 roku na dorocznych konwencjach mi?o?nik?...

  • Mindswap
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • In the future, interstellar travel to alien worlds will be too expensive for most ordinary people. It certainly is for Marvin, a college student who wants to take a really good vacation. And so he signs up for what he can afford, a mindswap, in which your consciousness is swapped into the body of an alien lifeform. But Marvin is unlucky, and finds himself in the body of an interstellar criminal, a body that he has to vacate fast. But that criminal consciousness has stolen Marvin’s earthly body, and Marvin has to find a body on the black market. Travel from world to world with Marvin, each one crazier than the last, as he keeps finding far from ideal bodies in awful situations, just to stay alive.