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Sheffield Charles - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—25 из 27.
  • Aftermath
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • In 2026, the Earth faces an unexpected disaster. A supernova in the nearby Alpha Centauri system has apparently wiped out nearly every electronic component on the planet, leaving human civilization paralyzed. Phones don't work, transportation grinds to a halt, and essential services such as medical care are thrown back into the Stone Age. As the world tries to cope with this technological cut-off, a man dying of cancer begins a journey to save his life and that of his fellow patients, a master criminal escapes a sentence of “judiciary sleep,” a returning Mars expedition faces what looks like certain death, and U.S. president Saul Steinmetz strives to keep his country from falling apart. Author Charles Sheffield has taken a classic hard-SF concept, applied it to the real world, and created a gripping story of survival.

  • Between the Strokes of Night
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • After the Nuclear Spasm in the 21st century, was extinct, save for a tiny remnant scattered in small, primitive space colonies. At first Solar Humanity had only one goal: survival. But when the battle for existence was won, humankind began moving outward in slow, multi-generation space ships, and as then millennia passed, planet-based civilizations emerged in many star systems. In the year 27,698 A.D, to these new worlds come the Immortals, beings with strange ties to ancient Earth, who seem to live forever, who can travel light years in days — and who use their strange powers to control the existence of ordinary mortals. On the planet Pentecost, a small group sets out to find and challenge the Immortals. But in the search they themselves are changed: as Immortals, they discover a new threat, not just to themselves, but to the galaxy itself.

  • Dark as Day
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • The Great War is over and humans have spread across the solar system, but mathematician Alex Ligon’s complex computer model has just predicted that humanity is inexplicably doomed within a century. At the same time, scientist Milly Wu has identified what appears to be an extraterrestrial signal, and the idiosyncratic genius Bat searches for weapons from the Great War to add to his collection, finding much more than he bargained for. Their stories and others are intertwined in this tightly plotted and thoroughly engaging follow-up to Sheffield’s . Nebula Award winner Sheffield distinguishes himself as a writer ...

  • El ascenso de Proteo
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • En el siglo XXII, la combinaci?n de una bio-realimentaci?n potenciada por ordenador con unas nuevas t?cnicas de quimioterapia ha permitido al ser humano no s?lo curarse (eliminando la profesi?n m?dica), sino tambi?n alterar a voluntad su forma f?sica. La alteraci?n f?sica, sin embargo, presenta aspectos oscuros, y la Agencia de Control de Formas que dirige Behrooz Wolf tiene la misi?n de impedir que formas ilegales o peligrosas se difundan. Mientras investiga proyectos de apariencia siniestra, Wolf encuentra pistas que lo conducen al mensaje legado hace millones de ...

  • Entre los latidos de la noche
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • 2010 D.C.S?lo unos pocos seres humanos que habitan en las primitivas colonias en ?rbita en torno a la Tierra logran escapar a la hecatombe Nuclear. Deben iniciar el ?xodo en busca de nuevos mundos lejos de la Tierra destruida.27.698 D.C.A estos mundos llegan los inmortales, seres con extra?os lazos con la vieja tierra, que parecen vivir eternamente, que pueden recorres a?os luz en s?lo unos d?as, y que utilizan sus extra?os poderes apara controlar la existencia de los simples mortales. En el planeta Pentecostes, un peque?o grupo se prepara para encontrar a los Inmortales y enfrentarse a ellos. Pero en la b?squeda deber?n transformase ellos mismos en inmortales y descubrir?n una nueva amenaza que se cierne no s?lo sobre ellos mismos sino sobre toda la galaxia.

  • Gezeitensturm
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Der Gezeitensturm r?ckt n?her: die Zeit, wenn die Zwillingsplaneten Opal und Erdsto? ihrer Sonne am n?chsten kommen. Unglaubliche Gezeitenkr?fte wirken auf die beiden Welten ein. Diesmal soll es besonders schlimm werden, denn die Gro?e Konjunktion der Sterne und Planeten steht bevor. ?ber Erdsto? wurde ein absolutes Einreiseverbot verh?ngt. Doch einige Leichtsinnige lassen sich davon nicht abschrecken. Manche von ihnen sind einer untergegangenen Zivilisation auf der Spur. Andere sind auf Verbrecherjagd. Die Planetenverwalter Hans Rebka und May Perry haben keine Wahl: Sie m?ssen selbst nach Erdsto? reisen, um die Besucher von der Welt zu schaffen. Sie begeben sich auf eine lebensgef?hrliche Mission, die ungeahnte Geheimnisse bereith?lt?

  • La odisea del ma?ana
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • El excepcional m?sico Drake Merlin se hace congelar junto a su esposa moribunda, Ana, con la esperanza de que el inter?s por sus estudios haga que le despierten en el futuro y pueda encontrar una cura para su amada. Cuando esto sucede, cinco siglos m?s tarde, Drake descubre que Ana a?n no puede ser sanada, y emprende una apasionante carrera hacia el futuro despertando y congel?ndose en busca de la salvaci?n de su esposa, atravesando el tiempo y hasta el espacio, desafiando las leyes f?sicas. Una emotiva y monumental historia escrita con una concisi?n y una garra pasmosas, repleta de ideas brillantes.

  • Las cr?nicas de McAndrew
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Como Newton en el siglo XVII o Eintein en el XX, McAndrew es el genio indiscutido de la f?sica del siglo XXII. Los , min?sculos agujeros negros cargados y en rotaci?n, no tienen secretos para quien ha descubierto la forma de usarlos como fuente de energ?a. Su dominio de la ciencia y un sin par sentido pr?ctico le llevan a inventar los m?s sorprendentes artilugios como la primera nave interestelar sin efectos de inercia. La pilota su compa?era, la capitana Jeanie Roker y juntos explorar?n a fondo el sistema solar interior, el Halo de cometas que le rodea y llegar?n a viajar a Alfa Centauro, en medio de las m?s sorprendentes situaciones.Seguir a McAndrew en sus aventuras es adentrarse con gran amenidad en un mundo de brillante especulaci?n y saborear las delicias de la inteligencia.

  • Le guide dellinfinito
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Solo una minima parte dell’umanit? riusc? a sfuggire alla catastrofe nucleare che nel 21° secolo devast? la Terra, rifugiandosi in primitive colonie orbitali attorno al pianeta. Ma una volta vinta la battaglia per la sopravvivenza, cominci? il grande esodo verso nuovi mondi nelle zone pi? remote dello spazio.Dopo vari millenni ecco incombere su questi mondi la presenza degli Immortali, esseri che possiedono strani legami con la vecchia Terra, apparentemente in grado di estendere la propria vita all’infinito e di superare distanze di anni luce in pochi giorni. Sul pianeta Pentecoste, alcuni lontanissimi discendenti dell’umanit? cercano ...

  • Marea estival
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • En el brazo espiral de la galaxia se han encontrado m?s de mil doscientos misteriosos y gigantescos artefactos creados por la ignota y ya desaparecida especie de los Constructores. La pr?xima “Marea Estival” en el sistema planetario formado por los gemelos Sismo y ?palo, ha de ser el fruto de una Gran Conjunci?n de estrellas y planetas que s?lo sucede cada 350.000 a?os. Los mejores estudiosos de la tecnolog?a de los Constructores coinciden en suponer que ser? una oportunidad ?nica para desentra?ar el misterio de esos sorprendentes artefactos. Por ello, humanos y alien?genas, con sus rencillas y enfrentamientos, se dan cita en el sistema y se exponen a sus peligros.

  • My Brother
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Lionel Salkind was a rising musical star. His twin brother, Leo Foss, was a researcher in government work that he couldn’t talk about. Then the helicopter they were flying crashed. When he woke up, Lionel learned that both he and Leo had sustained fatal injuries, and he was only alive because the surgeon had used organs from Leo to repair Lionel’s slightly less damaged body. More than half of Lionel’s brain was gone, and had been replaced with Leo’s. Lionel, in fact, had become The book was written in 1982 and revised in 1998.

  • Proteo desencadenado
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • En el siglo XXII, la combinaci?n de una bio-realimentaci?n potenciada por ordenador con unas nuevas t?cnicas de quimioterapia ha permitido al ser humano no s?lo curarse (eliminando la profesi?n m?dica), sino tambi?n alterar a voluntad su forma f?sica. La alteraci?n f?sica, sin embargo, presenta aspectos oscuros, y la Agencia de Control de Formas que dirige Behrooz Wolf tiene la misi?n de impedir que formas ilegales o peligrosas se difundan. Mientras investiga proyectos de apariencia siniestra, Wolf encuentra pistas que lo conducen al mensaje legado hace millones de ...

  • Starfire
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • The sky is falling — again. Following up on 1998’s excellent , subjects planet Earth to yet another cosmic blast from the Alpha Centauri supernova. But while the blast that hit Earth in simply cooked the Southern hemisphere and knocked out unshielded technology with a flash of gamma rays, this wave promises to do some real damage, with a sleet of trillion-nuclei bundles moving at one-tenth the speed of light.Warned by the first catastrophe, Earth began building an electromagnetic shield out of the orbiting station to divert the incoming apocalypse. But not only will the storm come earlier than ...

  • Summertide
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • It was just before Summertide, the time when the twin planets, Opal and Quake, would orbit closest to their sun, subjecting both — but Quake in particular — to vast tidal forces. And it was to be the most violent Summertide ever, due to the Grand Conjunction of the system’s stars and planets, something that happened only every 350,000 years.Access to the unstable Quake was supposed to be prohibited, but some very insistent travelers were determined to make the trip. Professor Darya Lang, who had made a career studying artifacts left by the long-vanished aliens called the Builders, had ...

  • The Amazing Dr. Darwin
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • 18th Century Europe: It is an age when superstition is beginning to give way to the force of human reason, and no man so fully embodies the spirit of the times as Dr. Erasmus Darwin. Thinker, healer, and explorer of the bizarre and the seemingly supernatural, no mystery can stand for long against Darwin’s enlightened analysis. And there are far more mysteries than history knows…For Erasmus Darwin’s world is filled with oddities that most cannot believe: from unknown beings lurking just outside the boundaries of civilization, to anomalies that even the greatest natural philosophers will ...

  • The Compleat McAndrews
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Presenting the space adventures of Arthur Morton McAndrew, space-time expert and scientist extraordinaire, and his long-suffering companion, spaceship skipper Jeanie Roker. Jeanie first met McAndrew on a routine run to Titan and quickly learned he was a genius of the caliber of Newton or Einstein. When McAndrew invented a space drive that let frail humans survive hundreds of gravities of acceleration, he disappeared while testing it, and Jeanie had to find him, using a trail of cryptic messages he had left behind. That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship, in spite of the gray hairs that Jeanie began accumulating as a result of McAndrew’s impractical nature and his talent for getting himself into trouble with much more practical villains, such as…

  • The Spheres of Heaven
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Banned from interstellar travel for their aggressiveness, humans have one last chance to regain the stars, provided they can solve the mystery of the disappearance of a pair of alien ships lost somewhere in the unknown part of space known as the Geyser Swirl. This sequel to continues Sheffield’s far future history of humanity’s attempts to explore the universe. His skill at blending hard science with fast-paced plotting and colorful characters makes this a first-rate SF adventure that belongs in most libraries.

  • The Web Between the Worlds
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Rob Merlin was the best engineer who had ever lived. That was why "The King of Space" had to have him for the most spectacular construction project ever — even though Rob was a potentially fatal threat to his power…Thus begins a breakthrough novel by the former President of the American Astronautical Society, about an idea whose time has come: a shimmering bridge between Earth and space that mankind will climb to the stars!Sound like fantasy? The concept has been in the literature of physics for over three decades, but only a writer with the scientific background of a Sheffield or a Clarke could bring the idea to life.