Книги 1—6 из 6.
- Ashes To Dust
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- Th?ra peered at the floor, but couldn't see anything that could have frightened Mark?s that much, only three mounds of dust. She moved the light of her torch over them. It took her some time to realize what she was seeing- and then it was all she could do not to let the torch slip from her hand. 'Good God,' she said. She ran the light over the three faces, one after another. Sunken cheeks, empty eye-sockets, gaping mouths; they reminded her of photographs of mummies she'd once seen in National Geographic. 'Who are these people?...
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- Das letzte Ritual
- Жанр: Криминальный детектив
- In der Universit?t von Reykjavik wird die Leiche eines jungen Deutschen gefunden. Der Geschichtsstudent war fasziniert von alten Hexenkulten, und sein M?rder hat ihm ein merkw?rdiges Zeichen in die Haut geritzt.Aber die isl?ndische Polizei glaubt an ein Drogendelikt und verhaftet einen Dealer. Die Eltern des Opfers misstrauen den Ermittlungen: Sie beauftragen die junge Anw?ltin D?ra Gu?mundsd?ttir, den Fall noch einmal aufzurollen. Und auf der Suche nach dem wahren M?rder findet D?ra ?ber dunkle Rituale mehr heraus, als ihr lieb ist …
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- Last Rituals
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- "Dark, deep and icy as an Icelandic fjord; this is a rich and rewarding debut novel of ancient mysteries and very modern murder." – Mark BillinghamThe spellbinding debut and international sensation being published in thirty countries featuring Th?ra Gudmundsd?ttir, a smart, sexy lawyer and investigator whose hunt for a modern murderer points to a very odd-and evil-chapter in Iceland's past.After the body of a young German student-with his eyes cut out and strange symbols carved into his chest-is discovered at a university in Reykjav?k, the police waste no time in making an arrest. ...
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- My Soul to Take
- Жанр: Криминальный детектив
- A grisly murder is committed at a health resort situated in a recently renovated farmhouse, which turns out to be notorious for being haunted. Attorney Th?ra Gudmundsd?ttir is called upon by the owner of the resort—the prime suspect in the case—to represent him. Her investigations uncover some very disturbing occurrences at the farm decades earlier—things that have never before seen the light of day. is a chilling, dark and witty crime novel, and a welcome return for Th?ra, the heroine of the highly-acclaimed .
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- Neem mijn ziel
- Жанр: Криминальный детектив
- Op het schiereiland Snaefellsness wordt dicht bij een wellnesscentrum, waar in het verleden onverklaarbare dingen zijn gebeurd, een vrouw dood op het strand aangetroffen. Ze is verkracht en er steken naalden in haar voetzolen. Is er een verband met het huiveringwekkende kindergehuil dat soms midden in de nacht opklinkt? Advocaat Th?ra Gudmundsd?ttir wordt erbij geroepen door de eigenaar van het wellnesscentrum — tevens hoofdverdachte in deze moordzaak — om hem te verdedigen. Th?ras naspeuringen brengen enkele zeer verontrustende gebeurtenissen aan het licht die zich tientallen jaren eerder hebben afgespeeld. Is Th?ra op een afschuwelijk familiegeheim gestuit?
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- The Day Is Dark
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- When all contact is lost with two Icelanders working in a harsh and sparsely populated area on the northeast coast of Greenland, Thora is hired to investigate. Is there any connection with the disappearance of a woman from the site some months earlier? And why are the locals so hostile?Already an international bestseller, this fourth book to feature Th?ra Gudmundsd?ttir ('a delight' – Guardian) is chilling, unsettling and compulsively readable.
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