Silva Daniel -
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Книги 1—18 из 18.
- A Death in Vienna
- Жанр: Триллер
- The sins of the past reverberate into the present, in an extraordinary novel by the new master of international suspense.It was an ordinary-looking photograph. Just the portrait of a man. But the very sight of it chilled Allon to the bone.Art restorer and sometime spy Gabriel Allon is sent to Vienna to authenticate a painting, but the real object of his search becomes something else entirely: to find out the truth about the photograph that has turned his world upside down. It is the face of the unnamed man who brutalized his mother in the ...
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- Angielski Zab?jca
- Жанр: Триллер
- Gabriel Allon, by?y as izraelskiego wywiadu i renomowany konserwator dzie? sztuki, otrzymuje od bankiera Augusta Rolfego zlecenie na renowacj? obrazu Rafaela w prywatnej kolekcji w Szwajcarii.Po przybyciu do rezydencji znajduje gospodarza w ka?u?y krwi. Rolfe zosta? zastrzelony, ale obrazu nie skradziono. W rozwik?aniu zagadki tajemniczego morderstwa postanawia pom?c Gabrielowi c?rka zamordowanego, Anna, ?wiatowej s?awy skrzypaczka, mieszkaj?ca w Portugalii. Wkr?tce okazuje si?, ?e z willi bankiera zgin??y wszystkie dzie?a sztuki zgromadzone przez niego w czasie drugiej wojny ?wiatowej…
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- El Hombre De Viena
- Жанр: Триллер
- A finales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el oficial nazi Radek estaba encargado de hacer desaparecer cualquier evidencia del Holocausto. Hoy, Radek es Vogel, vive en Viena, es el due?o de un banco de inversiones y aporta grandes cantidades de dinero a la campa?a del aspirante a canciller, que es en realidad su hijo secreto. Gabriel Allon (protagonista de El Confesor), es enviado a Viena a investigar un atentado en la oficina de ayuda a v?ctimas de la guerra. La investigaci?n adquiere tintes personales cuando Allon, gracias a unos dibujos del diario de su madre, reconoce en Vogel no s?lo al s?dico Radek sino al hombre que casi mat? a su madre en el campo de concentraci?n. Pero la ayuda que Vogel recibe tanto de la CIA como del mismo Vaticano convierte su investigaci?n en una tarea dif?cil.
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- Juego De Espejos
- Жанр: Шпионский детектив
- Novella d’espionatge amb dues virtuts importants: no ?s de John Le Carr? (algun dia escriur? la ressenya dels llibres que he llegit d’ell, per? aviso que no sortir? massa ben parat) i que est? ambientada en uns fets reals: la Segona Guerra Mundial i la necessitat dels aliats d’evitar que, de la manera que sigui, el punt del desembarcament a les costes franceses sigui conegut pels alemanys o, millor encara, aquests creguin que ser? per un lloc diferent del planificat.El protagonista ?s el director del contra-espionatge angl?s (si no ho recordo malament), un ...
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- Moscow Rules
- Жанр: Триллер
- The extraordinary new Gabriel Allon novel from the 'gold standard' (The Dallas Morning News) of thriller writers.Over the course of ten previous novels, Daniel Silva has established himself as one of the world's finest writers of international intrigue and espionage – 'a worthy successor to such legends as Frederick Forsyth and John le Carr' (Chicago Sun-Times) – and Gabriel Allon as 'one of the most intriguing heroes of any thriller series' (The Philadelphia Inquirer).Now the death of a journalist leads Allon to Russia, where he finds that, in terms of spycraft, even he has something to learn. ...
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- Octubre
- Жанр: Триллер
- Durante los primeros a?os de incertidumbre del proceso de paz en Irlanda del Norte, tres ataques terroristas simult?neos en Belfast, Dublin y Londes rompen la esperanza de que el ba?o de sangre por fin se haya acabado. Los responsables son un nuevo grupo terrorista denominado la Brigada por la Libertad del Ulster. Y tienen un ?nico objetivo: destruir el proceso de paz. Michael Osbourne, el h?roe de La Marca del Asesino, ha abandonado la CIA, amargado y desilusionado. Pero cuando el Presidente de los EEUU escoge a su suegro para ser el pr?ximo embajador en Gran Breta?a, Osbourne es arrastrado a la batalla contra algunos de los m?s implacables y violentos terroristas.
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- Ostatni szpieg Hitlera
- Жанр: Триллер
- Rok 1944. Trwaj? przygotowania aliant?w do utworzenia drugiego frontu we Francji. Angielski wywiad wpada na trop g??boko zakonspirowanej siatki niemieckich szpieg?w, dzia?aj?cej na terenie Wielkiej Brytanii. Jej zadanie: zdoby? informacje o miejscu i terminie inwazji Wojsk Sprzymierzonych na Europ?. Na czele siatki stoi Catherine Blake – m?oda kobieta, bez skrupu??w morduj?ca ka?dego, kto m?g?by odkry? jej to?samo??. Przeciwnikiem jej jest Alfred Vicary.
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- Portrait of a Spy
- Жанр: Триллер
- Gabriel Allon has been hailed as the most compelling creation since 'Ian Fleming put down his martini and invented James Bond' (). A man with a deep appreciation for all that is beautiful, Gabriel is also an angel of vengeance, an international operative who will stop at nothing to see justice done. Sometimes he must journey far in search of evil. And sometimes evil comes to him. For Gabriel and his wife, Chiara, it was supposed to be the start of a pleasant weekend in London — a visit to a gallery in St. James's to authenticate a newly ...
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- Prince of Fire
- Жанр: Триллер
- Few recent thriller writers have excited the kind of critical praise that Daniel Silva has, with his novels featuring art restorer and sometime spy Gabriel Allon.Now Allon is back in Venice, when a terrible explosion in Rome leads to a disturbing personal revelation: the existence of a dossier in the hands of terrorists that strips away his secrets, lays bare his history. Hastily recalled home to Israel, drawn once more into the heart of a service he had once forsaken, Gabriel Allon finds himself stalking an elusive master terrorist across a landscape drenched in generations of blood, ...
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- The Confessor
- Жанр: Триллер
- From The Cover:FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE ENGLISH ASSASSINArt restorer Gabriel Allon is trying to put his secret service past behind him. But when his friend Benjamin Stern is murdered in Munich, he's called into action once more.Police in Germany are certain that Stern, a professor well known for his work on the Holocaust, was killed by right-wing extremists. But Allon is far from convinced. Not least because all trace of the new book Stern was researching has now mysteriously disappeared...Meanwhile, in Rome, the new Pope paces around his garden, thinking ...
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- The defector
- Жанр: Триллер
- Over the course of a remarkable career, Daniel Silva has established himself as one of the world's finest writers of international intrigue, a craftsman worthy of comparison to John le Carr? and Graham Greene. His latest bestseller, Moscow Rules, was not only superior entertainment, but a prescient cautionary tale about the emergence of the New Russia. Now he takes that tale to the next level.Six months after the blood-soaked conclusion of Moscow Rules, Allon is in Umbria, trying to resume his honeymoon with his new wife, Chiara, when a colleague pays him a shocking visit. The man ...
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- The English Assassin
- Жанр: Триллер
- ReviewThe English Assassin brings back Gabriel Allon, the appealingly melancholy art restorer with a double life as an Israeli secret agent, first introduced in 2000's The Kill Artist. Gabriel is sent to Zurich under a pseudonym to restore a Raphael belonging to a prominent Swiss banker and art collector, Augustus Rolfe, but upon arriving he finds Rolfe lying in a pool of blood. When Gabriel tries to leave Zurich, the Swiss police capture him immediately-and moreover, they know his real identity. He's released through some diplomatic string-pulling, but he soon discovers that Rolfe had requested ...
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- The Kill Artist
- Жанр: Триллер
- ReviewFans of Daniel Silva's well-received earlier novels, especially The Marching Season, will welcome his newest novel of espionage, revenge, and Middle Eastern politics. Gabriel Allon is an art restorer who's persuaded out of retirement by Ari Shamron, the crafty Israeli spymaster bent on a deadly mission: killing a Palestinian agent named Tariq before he can carry out his plan to assassinate an old comrade-in-arms, the treacherous peacemaker Yasir Arafat.Tariq's role in the murder of Gabriel's wife and son draws both Gabriel and Sarah Halevy, the beautiful French model whose affair with Gabriel led ...
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- The Messenger
- Жанр: Триллер
- Gabriel Allon, art restorer and spy, has been widely acclaimed as one of the most fascinating characters in the genre and now he is about to face the greatest challenge of his life.Allon is recovering from a grueling showdown with a Palestinian master terrorist, when a figure from his past arrives in Jerusalem. Monsignor Luigi Donati is the private secretary to His Holiness Pope Paul VII, and a man as ruthless as he is intelligent. Now, however, he has come to seek Allon's help. A young Swiss guard has been found dead in St. Peter's Basilica, and ...
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- The Rembrandt Affair
- Жанр: Триллер
- It has been six months since Gabriel's showdown with Ivan Kharkov. Now, having severed his ties with the Office, Gabriel has retreated to the Cornish coast with only one thing in mind: healing his wife, Chiara, after her encounter with evil. But an unspeakable act of violence once again draws Gabriel into a world of danger when an art restorer is brutally murdered and the newly discovered Rembrandt on which he is working taken. Gabriel is persuaded to use his unique skills to trace the painting and those responsible for the crimes; but, as he investigates, he discovers there are terrible secrets connected to the painting, and terrible men behind them. Before he is done, he will have undertaken a journey through some of the twentieth century's darkest history-and come face-to-face with some of the same darkness within himself.
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- The Secret Servant
- Жанр: Триллер
- In Amsterdam, a terrorism analyst named Ephraim Rosner lies dead, brutally murdered by a Muslim immigrant. The Amsterdam police believe the killer is a deranged extremist, but others know better. Just twenty-four hours before, Rosner had requested an urgent meeting with Israeli intelligence. Now it is Gabriel Allon's job to find out what Rosner knew, and when he does, it confirms his worst fears: a major terrorist operation is in the works. But not even Allon could have predicted what it is.In London, a young woman vanishes. She is the daughter of the American ambassador-and goddaughter of ...
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- The Unlikely Spy
- Жанр: Триллер
- Germany 1944. The Allied invasion is not far off and the high command desperately need to know where it will take place. It is time to activate one of Hitler's last spies in Britain. However, British intelligence have their own secret weapon in Alfred Vicary.
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