Dale Stewart's life has become a shadow of what it once was. A respected college professor and successful novelist, he sabotaged his career and his marriage with an obsessive love affair that ended badly.With darkness closing in on him, Dale decides to return to his boyhood home in Illinois. Drawn by a recurring nightmare that has plagued him since his youth -- and a troubling certainty that something is waiting for him there -- he hopes to exorcise his demons.In the last hours of Halloween, he reaches the outskirts of the dying town of Elm Haven. There, ...
Paha Sapa, a young Sioux warrior, first encounters General George Armstrong Custer as Custer lies dying on the battlefield at Little Bighorn. He believes?as do the holy men of his tribe?that the legendary general's ghost entered him at that moment and will remain with him until Sapa convinces him to leave.In BLACK HILLS, Dan Simmons weaves the stories of Paha Sapa and Custer together seamlessly, depicting a violent and tumultuous time in the history of Native Americans and the United States Army. Haunted by the voice of the general his people called "Long Hair," Paha Sapa lives a long life, driven by a dramatic vision he experiences in the Black Hills that are his tribe's homeland. As an explosives worker on the massive Mount Rushmore project, he may finally be rid of his ghosts?on the very day FDR comes to South Dakota to dedicate the Jefferson face.
A Romanian infant who flourishes when given the wrong blood transfusion could hold the key to a cure for AIDS and cancer, but he also shares an intimate link to a clan of vampires.Bram Stoker (nominee)
As an expert in accident reconstruction, it is Darwin Minor’s job to use science and instinct to unravel the real causes of unnatural disasters. But a series of seemingly random high-speed fatal car wrecks — accidents which seem staged — is leading him down a dangerous road.
On June 9, 1865, while traveling by train to London with his secret mistress, 53-year-old Charles Dickens — at the height of his powers and popularity, the most famous and successful novelist in the world and perhaps in the history of the world — hurtled into a disaster that changed his life forever.Did Dickens begin living a dark double life after the accident? Were his nightly forays into the worst slums of London and his deepening obsession with corpses, crypts, murder, opium dens, the use of lime pits to dissolve bodies, and a hidden subterranean London mere research… or something more ...
Anno Domini 3126. Quasi tre secoli dopo la Caduta. Pianeta Hyperion. Raul Endymion, una giovane guida, viene condannato a morte dopo un omicidio commesso per legittima difesa. E la sua morte, al contrario di quella dell'uomo da lui ucciso, sarebbe definitiva, perch? il ragazzo ? fra i pochi a non essersi convertito alla religione della Chiesa ufficiale, non ? un cristiano rinato e non ha accettato su di s? il simbionte crucimorfo che rende possibile la Risurrezione. La sentenza, tuttavia, non viene eseguita. Martin Sileno lo ha infatti scelto per una missione destinata a cambiare il volto dell'universo: accompagnare nel futuro e ...
Su protagonista es Richard Baedecker, un antiguo astronauta del proyecto Apolo y uno de los hombre que caminaron por la Luna. Lo que se cuenta es su relaci?n con sus antiguos compa?eros de misi?n, uno convertido en evangelista y otro en senador, con su hijo, seguidor de un gur? hind?, y con la antigua novia de ?ste. Pero ante todo es la historia de un hombre que se busca a s? mismo despu?s de su momento de gloria, el relato de su b?squeda de la trascendencia, de un sentido para el resto de la ...
The United States is near total collapse. But 87% of the population doesn't care: they're addicted to flashback, a drug that allows its users to re-experience the best moments of their lives. After ex-detective Nick Bottom's wife died in a car accident, he went under the flash to be with her; he's lost his job, his teenage son, and his livelihood as a result.Nick may be a lost soul but he's still a good cop, so he is hired to investigate the murder of a top governmental advisor's son. This flashback-addict becomes the one man who may be able to change the course of an entire nation turning away from the future to live in the past.A provocative novel set in a future that seems scarily possible, FLASHBACK proves why Dan Simmons is one of our most exciting and versatile writers.
Somewhere in western New York there's a remote mountaintop in the moonlight, its dark forests and moon-dappled meadows populated only by corpses, and if ex-PI Joe Kurtz doesn't unravel the secret of that place in five days, he'll be one of them.Everyone seems to want a piece of Kurtz and most succeed in getting one. Unknown assailants gun down Kurtz and his female parole officer, giving Kurtz the headache of a lifetime but putting pretty Peg O'Toole on life support. While working his own case through a haze of concussion migraine, Kurtz has to deal with Toma ...
There's a bitter wind brewing in Buffalo, New York and it's blowing in more than just snow. "Little Skag" Farino, the last don of the local crime family, wants Kurtz dead and is sending in platoons of hit men, starting with the Attica Three Stooges and working up through more competent killers. Little Skag's beautiful sister, Angelina Farino Ferrara, is back from seven years in Sicily and has her own deadly agenda for Kurtz.If that isn't enough, Kurtz is approached by a dying concert violinist who wants his daughter's killer found. Rejecting the case at first, he is soon on the trail of a man who's not just the murderer of one child, but a cold-blooded serial killer who is a master of alternate identities and has the power to send a hundred men after Kurtz. As the bodies pile up like cords of wood, HARD FREEZE hits town with the power of a whiteout blizzard and builds to a truly chilling climax. This is a crime novel where trigger fingers freeze to blue steel.
Joe Kurtz has been wronged one too many times. So when he takes out the drugdealing thug who killed his girlfriend, the exPI gets to cool his heels for 11 years in Attica. It's there that he meets "Little Skag" Farino, the son of an aging Buffalo, New York, mob boss. In exchange for protecting the kid's manhood against any unwanted jailhouse affection, Kurtz gets an audience with Little Skag's father upon his release from prison.Semiretired Don Byron Farino is still clinging to what dwindling power he holds on the New York organized crime scene. He enlists Kurtz's ...
"Nowe, poprawione, wydanie najs?ynniejszej powie?c fantastycznej wszechczas?w Doskona?a, przepi?kna edycja W przygotowaniu kinowa superprodukcja w re?yserii Martina Scorsese W obliczy zbli?aj?cej si? nieuchronnie mi?dzygalaktycznej wojny na planet? Hyperion przybywa siedmioro pielgrzym?w: Kap?an, ?o?nierz, Uczony, Poeta, Kapitan, Detektyw i Konsul. Maj? za zadanie dotrze? do mitycznych grobowc?w, by znale?? w nich budz?c? groz? istot?. Zna ona jednak, by? mo?e, metod?, kt?ra pozwoli zapobiec zag?adzie ca?ej ludzko?ci. Ka?dy z pielgrzym?w b?dzie m?g? przedstawi? jej swoj? pro?b?, lecz wys?uchany zostanie tylko jeden. Pozostali b?d? musieli zgin??. "
L’inquisizione ? tornata a colpire. Nell’anno del Signore 3131, la Chiesa, garante dell’immortalit? fisica a tutti i suoi fedeli, ingaggia una crociata contro gli Ouster, indomiti mutanti di origine umana. E lancia nello spazio una spietata caccia a Aenea — la fanciulla ritenuta il nuovo messia — per carpire il segreto della sua forza misteriosa. Mentre Endymion ? custodito nella cella della morte, la ribellione dei giusti sta per giungere al suo atto finale: tutto ruota intorno a Aenea, dotata di grandi poteri e portatrice di oscure verit?… Dopo «Hyperion», «La caduta di Hyperion» ed «Endymion», Dan Simmons tocca con questo romanzo l’apice della forza visionaria e immaginativa. E conclude una delle pi? celebrate, irresistibili e sensazionali saghe fantascientifiche del nostro tempo.
Taking the events and characters of the Iliad as his jumping off point Dan Simmons has created an epic of time travel and savage warfare. Travellers from 40,000 years in the future return to Homer's Greece and rewrite history forever, their technology impacting on the population in agodlike fashion. This is broad scope space opera rich in classical and literary allusion from one of the key figures in 1990s world SF and marks a return to the genre for one of its greats.
In un lontano futuro di straordinaria complessit? fantastica, la maggior parte dei pianeti della galassia ? collegata da una Rete che permette di trasferirsi in pochi secondi da un mondo all’altro. Ma anche in questo universo, apparentemente perfetto, l’umanit? ? minacciata da pericoli di sconvolgente portata. Ai margini dell’Egemonia si stanno infatti radunando gli Sciami di migrazione degli alieni Ouster, mentre gruppi dotati di sofisticatissimi strumenti tecnologici e strane sette esoteriche premono per conquistare un potere divino. Paradossalmente, per gli uomini, l’unica speranza di salvezza ? un piccolo gruppo di pellegrini sperduti su Hyperion, il mondo nei cui insondabili recessi si nasconde il crudele, onnipotente e misterioso Shrike. Dopo Hyperion, dalla magistrale penna di Dan Simmons un altro grande classico della fantascienza moderna, un romanzo affascinante in cui si fondono l’avventura classica e i temi pi? inquietanti del cyberspazio.
L'H?g?monie gouverne plus de trois cents mondes. Quant aux Extros, ils ont pris le large apr?s l'H?gire. Reviendront-ils ?Un de leurs essaims, depuis trois cents ans, se rapproche d'Hyp?rion. Les habitants de cette plan?te ont fini par devenir nerveux, ils r?clament l'?vacuation. Pour l'H?g?monie, le jeu n'en vaut pas la chandelle.Mais, sur la m?me plan?te, on annonce l'ouverture prochaine des Tombeaux du Temps. Le Techno-Centre n'arrive pas ? produire des pr?visions fiables ? ce sujet. Alors, l'H?g?monie agit : elle envoie sept p?lerins ...
Helen of Troy is in mourning for her dead husband, Paris. Killed in single combat with the merciless Apollo. His body a scorched and blasted thing. Hockenberry, her lover, still sneaks from her bed after their nights of lovemaking. And the Gods still strike out from the besieged Olympos. Their single-molecule bomb casings quantum phase-shifting through the moravecs' force shield and laying waste to Ilium. Or so Hockenberry and the amusing little metal creature, Mahnmut, have tried to explain to her. Helen of Troy does not give a fig about machines. She must dress for the funeral. And man and the gods and the unknown players in this tragedy must prepare for the final act. And a battle that will decide the future of the universe itself.
Jak wszystko, co napisa? Simmons, tak i Ostrze Darwina jest powie?ci? ponadgatunkow?, tym razem mamy do czynienia ze skrzy?owaniem thrillera, powie?ci detektywistycznej, prawniczej i krymina?u. Bohater, Darwin "Dar" Minor, jest by?ym oficerem ?ledczy NTSB (Narodowej Rady Bezpiecze?stwa Transportu) i doktorem fizyki, a obecnie pracuje w prywatnej kalifornijskiej firmie jako specjalista od rekonstrukcji wypadk?w.Pewnego dnia cudem unika ?mierci, gdy strzelaj? do niego m??czy?ni z podrasowanego mercedesa. ?ledztwo w tej sprawie prowadzi prokurator Sydney Olson oraz sam Dar, kt?ry dobiera sobie wsp??pracownik?w z Departamentu Policji San Diego, ...
Ex-astronaut Richard Baedecker sees everything he has ever done as merely preparation for something bigger and his quest for higher meaning leads him to a mysterious young woman who shows him the "places of power" in his own past.
When was published in 1985, Dan Simmons was virtually unknown, having published only a few short stories. But this sharp, vivid novel struck a raw nerve. A startled and amazed readership could only gasp in wonder and horror at the apparent ease with which the author made readers feel that they were living the nightmarish reality he so potently conveyed in the pages of this blood-curdling novel.Here is Calcutta, perhaps the foulest and most crime-ridden city in the world: filthy, stench-ridden, crawling with vermin both human and otherwise, possessed of evils so vile that they beggar description....
In the summer of 1960 in Elm Haven, Illinois, a sinister being is stalking the town's children, and when a long-silent bell peals in the middle of the night, the townfolk know it marks the end of innocence.Bram Stoker (nominee) "An American nightmare with scares, suspense, and a sweet, surprising nostalgia, one of those rare must-read books. I am in awe of Dan Simmons."Stephen King
?mier? przysz?a po nich niespodziewanie z bia?ej pustki.Maj roku 1845. Kierowana przez sir Johna Franklina ekspedycja wyrusza na statkach Erebus i Terror ku p??nocnym wybrze?om Kanady na poszukiwanie Przej?cia P??nocno-Zachodniego. 129 oficer?w i marynarzy wie, ?e czeka ich wiele miesi?cy trud?w, siarczystego mrozu, g?odu, walki z lodem, ?niegiem, huraganowymi wiatrami, zw?tpieniem i chorobami. Nie myl? si?. Spotyka ich to wszystko, a tak?e co? jeszcze. Co? niewyobra?alnie gorszego. Co?, co czai si? w arktycznej pustce, ?ledzi ka?dy ich ruch, karmi si? l?kiem i przera?eniem. ...