Slaughter Karin -
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Книги 1—15 из 15.
- Blindsighted
- Жанр: Триллер
- The sleepy town of Heartsdale, Georgia, is jolted into panic when Sara Linton, paediatrician and medical examiner, finds Sibyl Adams dead in the local diner. As well as being viciously raped, Sibyl has been cut: two deep knife wounds form a lethal cross over her stomach. But it's only once Sara starts to perform the post-mortem that the full extent of the killer's brutality becomes clear. Police chief Jeffrey Tolliver – Sara's ex-husband – is in charge of the investigation, and when a second victim is found, crucified, only a few days later, both Jeffrey and Sara have to face the fact that Sibyl's murder wasn't a one-off attack. What they're dealing with is a seasoned sexual predator. A violent serial killer…
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- Broken
- Жанр: Триллер
- When the body of a young man is discovered deep beneath the icy waters of Lake Grant, a note left under a rock by the shore points to suicide. But within minutes, it becomes clear that this is no suicide. It's a brutal, cold-blooded murder. All too soon former Grant County medical examiner Sara Linton – home for Thanksgiving after a long absence – finds herself unwittingly drawn into the case. The chief suspect is desperate to see her, but when she arrives at the local police station she is met with a horrifying sight – he lies dead in his cell, ...
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- El n?mero de la traici?n
- Жанр: Триллер
- En la sala de urgencias del hospital m?s ajetreado de Atlanta, la doctora Sara Linton se ocupa de los pobres, de los heridos y de los desafortunados. De esta manera se refugia de la tragedia que hizo tambalear su vida hace unos a?os. Es entonces cuando una mujer muy malherida entra en el hospital y Sara se ve trasladada de nuevo a un mundo de horror y violencia. La mujer, desnuda y con evidentes signos de haber sido torturada, ha sido atropellada, pero est? claro que antes hab?a sido la presa de una mente retorcida....
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- Faithless
- Жанр: Триллер
- The gripping new thriller from international bestseller Karin Slaughter A walk in the woods takes a sinister turn for police chief Jeffrey Tolliver and pediatrician Sara Linton when they stumble across the body of a young girl. Incarcerated in the ground, she has quite literally been scared to death. Detective Lena Adams is called in from vacation to help with the investigation, and the trail leads to a neighbouring county – and to a long-buried secret in Sara's mother's past. Forced to go undercover to protect the people she loves most, Sara – along with Jeffrey and Lena – soon learns that nothing comes without a price.
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- Fatum
- Жанр: Триллер
- Historia zaczyna si? wr?cz banalnie, ale to wszystko pozory. W strzelaninie na posterunku dw?ch zamaskowanych bandyt?w zabija policjanta, rani komendanta Jeffreya Tollivera i bierze zak?adnik?w, w?r?d kt?rych jest lekarka Sara Linton, jego by?a ?ona. Bezwzgl?dni napastnicy nie zg?aszaj? ?adnych roszcze?. Pozostali w mie?cie koledzy po fachu – Lena i Frank – usi?uj? gor?czkowo ustali? to?samo?? zab?jc?w…
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- Fractured
- Жанр: Триллер
- ‘No one does American small-town evil more chillingly… Slaughter tells a dark story that grips and doesn't let go' – The Times‘Without doubt an accomplished, compelling and complex tale, with page-turning power aplenty' – Daily Express‘Slaughter deftly turns all assumptions on their head… Her ability to make you buy into one reality, then another, means that the surprises – and the violent scenes – keep coming' – Time Out‘A great read… crime fiction at its finest' – MICHAEL CONNELLY‘A fast-paced and unsettling story… A compelling and fluid read' – Daily Telegraph‘Criminally spectacular' – OK!‘Slaughter knows ...
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- Indelible
- Жанр: Триллер
- The internationally bestselling author shows off her superb talent with this brilliantly conceived, skillfully executed tale of suspense.In Karin Slaughter's exciting new thriller, an officer is shot point-blank in the Grant County police station and police chief Jeffrey Tolliver is wounded, setting off a terrifying hostage situation with medical examiner Sara Linton at the center. Working outside the station, Lena Adams, newly reinstated to the force, and Frank Wallace, Jeffrey's second in command, must try to piece together who the shooter is and how to rescue their friends before Jeffrey dies. For the sins of the past have caught up with Sara and Jeffrey – with a vengeance…Deftly interweaving present and past, Slaughter – dubbed "the new face of crime" by Book magazine – offers another brilliant knife-edge tale of suspense that cements her place among the most outstanding practitioners of crime fiction today.
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- Kisscut
- Жанр: Триллер
- "Engrossing…[with] meticulous characterizations." – People"Like the atmosphere of casual malevolence in Shirley Jackson's 'The Lottery' or the contagious suspicion that fuels Rod Serling's 'The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street,' creepiness spreads like kudzu in Slaughter's small-town setting." – Washington Post Book World"Karin Slaughter deserves all the praise she gets for her razor-sharp plotting and forensic detail. But for me the hook is in her characters and relationships.They are right on the mark." – Michael Connelly"The undertone of violence is pervasive, even at quiet moments, amplifying Slaughter's equation of intimacy with ...
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- Like A Charm
- Жанр: Триллер
- 'It's fascinating to see some of my favourite crime novelists coming together to create a taut, tense thriller; each chapter stands alone as a powerful story, yet they also combine seamlessly into a great read. Genuinely gripping.' – Harlan Coben***With each crime writer picking up the story in their usual locale, each of the authors tell a gripping story of murder, betrayal and intrigue. Running through each story is a charm bracelet which brings bad luck wherever it's found. Set in locations ranging from nineteenth-century Georgia to wartime Leeds, the book features stories from contributors such as Peter Robinson (writing about 1940s Leeds), Fidelis Morgan, Lynda La Plante (1970s Britain), Val McDermid (1980s Scotland) and Mark Billingham tackling contemporary London.
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- Martin Misunderstood
- Жанр: Триллер
- Martin Misunderstood tells the story of Martin Reed, an average man who wonders how he has wound up with such an abysmally empty existence. Working as a senior accountant at Southern Toilet Supply and still living with his nagging mother, his sole source of excitement is the crime novels he cherishes. So immersed is Martin in these escapes he fails to notice the crimes going on all around him. When first one, then another, of his co-workers is brutally murdered, Martin steps in to help the investigation, bringing his amateur detecting skills to bear. But Martin realizes too late that what he has mistaken for the glow of the spotlight, is actually the harsh glare of interrogation.
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- Perseguidas
- Жанр: Триллер
- Hay muchas formas de morir, pero unas son m?s aterradoras que otras… Un paseo por el bosque se convierte en algo siniestro para el jefe de polic?a Jeffrey Tolliver y la forense Sara Linton, cuando topan con el cuerpo de una joven. Las evidencias iniciales sugieren que ha sido asustada literalmente hasta la muerte. Pero cuando Sara comienza a hacer la autopsia, algo todav?a m?s horripilante sale a la luz… Algo que incluso conmociona a Sara. La detective Lena Adams es llamada durante sus vacaciones para resolver el caso, y la pista pronto conduce al condado vecino, una comunidad aislada, y a un terrible secreto.Aunque la policia lo ignora, no es la primera vez que ocurre, y quiz? tampoco sea la ?ltima. Aquella desdichada joven, sepultada en vida no es s?lo la v?ctima de un crimen atroz. Para su asesino es fruto de cumplir con su obligaci?n. Abby Bennett merec?a terminar as?, y tambi?n las otras, perseguidas y condenadas a pagar el precio de sus actos.
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- Skin Privilege
- Жанр: Триллер
- It's no simple case of murder. Lena Adams has spent her life struggling to escape her past. She has only unhappy memories of Reece, the small town which nearly destroyed her. She's made a new life for herself as a police detective in Heartsdale, a hundred miles away – but nothing could prepare her for the violence which explodes when she is forced to return. A vicious murder leaves a young woman incinerated beyond recognition. And Lena is the only suspect. When Heartsdale police chief Jeffrey Tolliver, Lena's boss, receives word that his detective has been arrested, he has no ...
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- Snatched
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- Ever-popular crime and mystery book writer Karin Slaughter gives us a brand new Will Trent novella, exclusively in eBook format. For those of us not familiar with Trent, Slaughter’s hero from many earlier mystery books, this is a great introduction to the agent with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI). Will is relegated to checking airport restrooms for illicit sexual activity as punishment for not keeping his hair at regulation GBI length. While on duty at the Atlanta airport, Trent overhears a young girl in the next restroom cubicle pleading with the man she’s with to be ...
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- Temor Fr?o
- Жанр: Триллер
- El suicidio de un joven estudiante en una peque?a universidad sure?a de E.E.U.U. no tendr?a la mayor importancia si no fuera que a la hermana de la forense protagonista del libro no la hubieran atacado en el lugar donde fue hallado el cad?ver del estudiante. Cuando al poco tiempo se producen un par de suicidos m?s en la misma universidad todo parece indicar la existencia de un psic?pata. La investigaci?n revelar? que en la pac?fica localidad existe un turbio mar de fondo de secretos ocultos y envidias.
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- Triptych
- Жанр: Триллер
- From Atlanta 's wealthiest suburbs to its stark inner-city housing projects, a killer has crossed the boundaries of wealth and race. And the people who are chasing him must cross those boundaries, too. Among them is Michael Ormewood, a veteran detective whose marriage is hanging by a thread – and whose arrogance and explosive temper are threatening his career. And Angie Polaski, a beautiful vice cop who was once Michael's lover before she became his enemy. But unbeknownst to both of them, another player has entered the game: a loser ex-con who has stumbled upon the killer's trail in the ...
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