Sniegoski Thomas -
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Книги 1—4 из 4.
- A Hundred Words for Hate
- Жанр: Городское фэнтези
- As an Angel, Remy possesses powers and skills only to be used if the situation calls for it. And the sudden reappearance of the Garden of Eden is just such a situation. Two opposing forces of immortals want the Key to the Gates of Eden, so Remy must turn for help to a fallen angel who is sometimes friend, sometimes foe—and always deadly.
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- Nefilim
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- Aaron nie jest z?ym ch?opakiem. Po prostu jest inny… Osierocony w dzieci?stwie, porywczy i sk?onny do niezrozumia?ych zachowa?. Samotnik i outsider. Po latach tu?aczki znalaz? wreszcie swoje miejsce w domu Toma i Lori Stanley. Teraz stara si? ?y? tak samo jak inni ludzie.Ale nie jest cz?owiekiem.W wigili? osiemnastych urodzin zaczyna ?ni?. Widzi pole bitwy, chaos, powalane kurzem zbroje, wzniesione miecze. Krew. S?yszy szcz?k broni, nienawistne okrzyki, j?ki konaj?cych.I ?opot ogromnych skrzyde? przys?aniaj?cych burzowe niebo.Zrodzony z anio?a i ?...
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- Where Angels Fear to Tread
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- Six year-old Zoe York has been taken and her mother has come to Remy for help. She shows him crude, childlike drawings that she claims are Zoe's visions of the future, everything leading up to her abduction, and some beyond. Like the picture of a man with wings who would come and save her—a man who is an angel.Zoe's preternatural gifts have made her a target for those who wish to exploit her power to their own destructive ends. The search will take Remy to dark places he would rather avoid. But to save an innocent, Remy will ally himself with a variety of lesser evils-and his soul may pay the price…
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