Sparks Nicholas -
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Книги 1—13 из 13.
- A Bend in the Road
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Miles Ryan's life seemed to end the day his wife was killed in a hit-and-run accident two years ago. Missy had been his first love, and Miles fervently believes she will be his last. As a deputy sheriff in the North Carolina town of New Bern, he not only grieves for Missy, but longs to bring the unknown driver to justice.Then Miles meets Sarah Andrew. The second-grade teacher of his son, Jonah, Sarah had left Baltimore after a difficult divorce to start over in the gentler surroundings of New Bern. Perhaps it is her own emotional wounds ...
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- El Mensaje En La Botella
- Жанр: Современная проза
- …QUE CLASE DE HOMBRE ESCRIBIRA CARTAS DE AMOR A LA MUJER QUE EXTRA?A Y LAS ARROJARIA DENTRO DE UNA BOTELLA AL MAR?… LA CLASE DE HOMBRE QUE TE GUSTARIA CONOCER…El libro cuenta la historia de Theresa, una mujer reci?n divorciada, que un d?a paseando por la playa encuentra una botella con un mensaje dentro. El mensaje es una carta de amor de un hombre en la que cuenta c?mo extra?a a una mujer.Theresa la leer? cientos de veces y siempre acabar? llorando.Se la ense?a a su ...
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- Fantasmas Del Pasado
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Jeremy Marsh es un periodista especializado en desenmascarar fraudes con apariencia de hechos sobrenaturales. All? donde parece darse un caso extra?o que escapa a toda explicaci?n l?gica, ?l se empe?a en demostrar que para encontrarla s?lo hace falta investigar el caso a fondo y seguir en todo momento los dict?menes de la raz?n. Hasta ahora nunca se ha equivocado, y con esa determinaci?n viaja a Boone Creek, una peque?a localidad de Carolina del Norte, en busca de la causa real que se esconde detr?s de unas apariciones fantasmag?ricas ...
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- Jesienna Mi?o??
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Jest rok 1958. Beztroski siedemnastolatek, Landon Carter, rozpoczyna nauk? w ostatniej klasie szko?y ?redniej w Beauford w Karolinie P??nocnej. Jego ojciec kongresman pragnie, by syn zrobi? karier? – tymczasem Landon, podobnie jak reszta klasy, nie zacz?? jeszcze zastanawia? si?, co zrobi? z doros?ym ?yciem. Jedynie Jamie Sullivan, cicha, spokojna dziewczyna, opiekuj?ca si? owdowia?ym ojcem, pastorem, jest inna. Nie rozstaje si? z Bibli?, nie chodzi na prywatki, a dzie? bez dobrego uczynku uwa?a za stracony. Tymczasem zbli?a si? doroczny bal. Nie maj?c akurat dziewczyny, Landon w odruchu desperacji zaprasza Jamie, na kt?r? nikt ...
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- List w butelce
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Teresa, znana dziennikarka, podczas wakacji na Cape Code znajduje na pla?y butelk?, a w niej wzruszaj?cy list mi?osny napisany do zmar?ej ?ony przez m??czyzn? o imieniu Garett. Przej?ta do g??bi wymow? listu, pragnie pozna? cz?owieka, kt?ry potrafi tak mocno i wiernie kocha?. Spotkanie tych dwojga zaowocuje wielk? mi?o?ci?.Autor o ksi??ce:"Uwa?am 'List w butelce' za histori? bardzo osobist?. ?r?d?em inspiracji by?y losy mojego ojca, kompletnie zdruzgotanego po ?mierci mojej matki. 'List w butelce' stanowi studium konfliktu uczuciowego, jaki prze?ywa? ...
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- Safe Haven
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- When a mysterious young woman named Katie appears in the small North Carolina town of Southport, her sudden arrival raises questions about her past. Beautiful yet self-effacing, Katie seems determined to avoid forming personal ties until a series of events draws her into two reluctant relationships: one with Alex, a widowed store owner with a kind heart and two young children; and another with her plainspoken single neighbor, Jo. Despite her reservations, Katie slowly begins to let down her guard, putting down roots in the close-knit community and becoming increasingly attached to Alex and his family. But even as ...
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- The Last Song
- Жанр: Триллер
- #1 bestselling author Nicholas Sparks's new novel is at once a compelling family drama and a heartrending tale of young love.Seventeen year old Veronica "Ronnie" Miller's life was turned upside-down when her parents divorced and her father moved from New York City to Wilmington, North Carolina. Three years later, she remains angry and alientated from her parents, especially her father…until her mother decides it would be in everyone's best interest if she spent the summer in Wilmington with him. Ronnie's father, a former concert pianist and teacher, is living a quiet life in the beach town, immersed in creating a work of art that will become the centerpiece of a local church.The tale that unfolds is an unforgettable story of love on many levels-first love, love between parents and children – that demonstrates, as only a Nicholas Sparks novel can, the many ways that love can break our hearts…and heal them.
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- The Lucky One
- Жанр: Триллер
- In his 14th book, bestselling author Nicholas Sparks tells the unforgettable story of a man whose brushes with death lead him to the love of his life.Is there really such thing as a lucky charm? The hero of Nicholas Sparks's new novel believes he's found one in the form of a photograph of a smiling woman he's never met, but who he comes to believe holds the key to his destiny. The chain of events that leads to him possessing the photograph and finding the woman pictured in it is the stuff of love stories only a master such as Sparks can write.
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- The Notebook
- Жанр: Современная проза
- An elderly man reads to an elderly woman every day from a yellowed notebook that he carries around with him. He hopes that this notebook, which contains the memories of his love and life, will jog her memory, but it is not to be. Yet, he tries each day and does not give up because within its pages tells the story of Noah Taylor Calhoun, a young Southerner, and his great passion and love for Allison Nelson.Noah, who has just graduated from high school, and Allie, who is a junior, meet in the summer of 1932 and fall ...
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- Un Paseo Para Recordar
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Corre el a?o 1958. Landon Carter es el t?pico estudiante de secundaria. Lo ?nico que le interesa es salir con sus amigos, pasar el menor tiempo posible en el colegio y disfrutar de sus ?ltimos a?os de libertad antes de ir a la universidad. Jamie Sullivan, en cambio, no es una chica com?n. No sale por las noches, no acude a fiestas ni se maquilla como hacen las dem?s chicas de su edad. Hija del pastor del pueblo, se pasa los mediod?as leyendo la Biblia, las tardes como voluntaria en un orfanato y los veranos en el campamento de la parroquia. No podr?a haber dos personas m?s diferentes. Hasta que, una noche de Navidad, todo cambia. En apenas un mes, Landon descubrir? cosas que lleva una vida entera aprender, verdades acerca de la naturaleza de la belleza, la alegr?a de vivir, el dolor de la p?rdida y, sobre todo, el poder real y milagroso del primer amor…
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