Swanwick Michael -
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Книги 1—19 из 19.
- Bones of the Earth
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- Paleontologist Richard Leyster has achieved professional nirvana: a position with the Smithsonian Museum plus a groundbreaking dinosaur fossil site he can research, publish on, and learn from for years to come. There is nothing that could lure him away—until a disturbingly secretive stranger named Griffin enters Leysters office with an ice cooler and a job offer. In the cooler is the head of a freshly killed Stegosaurus.Griffin has been entrusted with an extraordinary gift, an impossible technology on loan to humanity from unknown beings for an undisclosed purpose. Time travel has become a reality millions of ...
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- Domani il mondo cambier?
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- ? un romanzo affascinante e ricco d’azione, ma che si presta a molte letture. Siamo su un pianeta distante anni-luce dalla Terra, in un’epoca in cui l’umanit? si ? ormai stabilita fra le stelle: ma la grandiosa tecnologia che permette all’uomo di imbrigliare le forze dell’universo qui non ? mai arrivata. Non ? un caso: il pianeta ? tenuto in isolamento artificiale, una specie di “quarantena” tecnologica che potr? essere spezzata solo con un gesto disperato, un furto di sapore prometeico… L’avvincente storia raccontata da Swanwick ? quella di tale furto, della caccia all’uomo che ne segue e ...
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- Stations of the Tide
- Жанр: Космическая фантастика
- As the planet Miranda slowly drowns under the weight of its own tides, a bureaucrat from the Division of Technology Transfer conducts an investigation into the life of a local celebrity, a “magician” who possesses proscribed technology and whose personal powers hold much of the dying planet in thrall.Won Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1992.Nominated for Hugo and Campbell awards in 1992.Nominated for Arthur C. Clarke Award in 1993.
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- The Dragons of Babel
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- A fantasy masterpiece from a five-time Hugo Award winner! A war-dragon of Babel crashes in the idyllic fields of a post-industrialized Faerie and, dragging himself into the nearest village, declares himself king and makes young Will his lieutenant. Nightly, he crawls inside the young fey's brain to get a measure of what his subjects think. Forced out of his village, Will travels with female centaur soldiers, witnesses the violent clash of giants, and acquires a surrogate daughter, Esme, who has no knowledge of the past and may be immortal. Evacuated to the Tower of Babel -- infinitely ...
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- The Iron Dragons Daughter
- Жанр: Эпическая фантастика
- With these words, author Michael Swanwick ushers us into a remarkable realm of darkest fantasy, erotic dreams and industrial magicks—equaling the undiluted power and uniqueness of vision of his Nebula award-winning masterwork Jane is a human changeling child coming of age in a world of violence and monsters. An abused outcast, she toils unceasingly alongside trolls, dwarves, shifters and feys in the dank, stygian bowels of a steam dragon plant—helping to construct the massive, black iron flying machines the elvan rulers use for waging war. Young Jane's days are bleak and her future seems hopeless—...
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