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Книги 1—4 из 4.
- C?rka Nastawiacza Ko?ci
- Жанр: Современная проза
- "Pocz?tkiem zawsze jest matka. Od niej zaczyna si? wszystko". O tej prawdzie wykaligrafowanej w dzienniku Lu Ling, wnuczki tytu?owego nastawiacza ko?ci, m?wi? wszystkie powie?ci Amy Tan. Odnawiaj?c zerwan? wi?? z matk?, bohaterki odnajduj? siebie.W ostatniej ksi??ce, podobnie jak w poprzednich ("?ona Kuchennego Boga", "Sto tajemnych zmys??w", "Klub rado?ci i szcz??cia") opowie?ci matki i c?rki nawzajem si? przeplataj?.Historia Ruth, wsp??czesnej Amerykanki chi?skiego pochodzenia, krzy?uje si? ze wspomnieniami Lu Ling. Ruth zaczyna je czyta?, kiedy u jej matki pojawiaj? si? objawy demencji. ...
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- El club De la buena Estrella
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Cuatro mujeres chinas se re?nen regularmente en San Francisco para jugar al mah-jong, disfrutar de la comida china y contarse historias relacionadas con su pasado.A la muerte de su madre, June Woo debe ocupar su puesto en esos nost?lgicos encuentros. A partir de ah?, June no s?lo redescubrir? la figura de su difunta madre, sino las diversas vivencias de esas valientes mujeres que se enfrentan al desinter?s que sus hijas demuestran por su cultura de origen.Un libro vigoroso y lleno de magia que nos descubre lo que puede unir y salvaguardarse entre distintas generaciones, entre dos conceptos de vida radicalmente distintos.
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- The Bonesetters Daughter
- Жанр: Современная проза
- In memories that rise like wisps of ghosts, LuLing Young searches for the name of her mother, the daughter of the Famous Bonesetter from the Mouth of the Mountain. Trying to hold on to the evaporating past, she begins to write all that she can remember of her life as a girl in China. Meanwhile, her daughter Ruth, a ghostwriter for authors of self-help books, is losing the ability to speak up for herself in front of the man she lives with and his two teen-aged daughters. None of her professional sound bites and pat homilies work for her ...
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- The Joy Luck Club
- Жанр: Современная проза
- The Joy Luck Club, published by G. P. Putnam's Sons in 1989, presents the stories of four Chinese-immigrant women and their American-born daughters. Each of the four Chinese women has her own view of the world based on her experiences in China and wants to share that vision with her daughter. The daughters try to understand and appreciate their mothers' pasts, adapt to the American way of life, and win their mothers' acceptance. The book's name comes from the club formed in China by one of the mothers, Suyuan Woo, in order to lift her friends' spirits and distract them ...
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