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Thomas Ross - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—1 из 1.
  • The Fourth Durango
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The Fourth Durango is not your ordinary Durango. It's not in Spain, or Mexico, and it's not a ski town in the Colorado Rockies, although Durangos do exist in all of those places. This Durango has an industry, albeit a rather odd one – it is a hideout business, a place where people pay to find sanctuary from former friends and associates who are either trying to kill them or have them killed. Into this Durango comes a former chief justice of a state supreme court, followed by son-in-law Kelly Vines to act as his emissary to the beautiful and savvy mayor. It takes a Ross Thomas to stir these characters into a witty and ingenious mix readers will not be able to – and certainly would not want to – resist
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