Originally, this work was posted on the Guardian newspaper website, in at least 94 installments from November 1999 to October 2001. Set between the novels and .
Powie?? otwieraj?ca zabawny i zarazem ironiczny cykl o fajt?apowatym brytyjskim nastolatku Adrianie Mole’u. Dlaczego nikt opr?cz samego ciamajdy zdaje si? nie dostrzega? jego geniuszu?M?ki dojrzewania nigdy jeszcze nie by?y tak bolesne – i tak zabawne – jak w s?ynnym sekretnym dzienniku Adriana Mole’a. Uporczywe pryszcze i kryzys ma??e?ski rodzic?w, pora?ki na polu literatury i drwiny kumpli ze szko?y – gdyby nie k?ody rzucane pod nogi przez okrutny los, geniusz Adriana, niedocenianego intelektualisty i poety, z pewno?ci? rozb?ysn??by pe?nym blaskiem. Mo?e dostrze?...
At 13 years old, Adrian Mole has more than his fair share of problems—spots, ill-health, parents threatening to divorce, rejection of his poetry and much more—all recorded in his diary.
The day her children leave home, Eva climbs into bed and stays there. She's had enough – of her kids' carelessness, her husband's thoughtlessness and of the world's general indifference. Brian can't believe his wife is doing this. Who is going to make dinner? Taking it badly, he rings Eva's mother – but she's busy having her hair done. So he rings his mother – she isn't surprised. Eva, she says, is probably drunk. Let her sleep it off. But Eva won't budge. She makes new friends – Mark the window cleaner and Alexander, a very sexy handyman. She discovers Brian's been having ...