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Wallace Irving - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—6 из 6.
  • El Documento R
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • El Documento R, la fant?stica historia de una conspiraci?n que pretende derogar la Ley de Derechos de los Estados Unidos y que est? dirigida entre bastidores por el FBI.En un trasfondo de creciente violencia, Wallace pone frente a frente dos fuerzas opuestas: por una parte, aquellos que tratan de modificar la Constituci?n para que el gobierno pueda imponer sin miramientos un programa de `ley y orden`, por otra, quienes creen que tras la Enmienda XXXV se oculta un plan de mayor alcance que tiene por fin subvertir el proceso del gobierno constitucional y reemplazarlo ...
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  • Fan Club
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Sharon Fields, estrella de cine, es una mujer cuyo ?xito parece irresistible a todo el mundo. Existe un silecioso grupo masculino de fans que est? planeando raptarla. Su meta retorcida, sus aspiraciones, son satisfacer sus m?s oscuros deseos y frustraciones con ella. Sharon, a quien la vida sonre?a, se ve secuestrada, atada, humillada y, lejos de rendirse, planea su propia escapada. Uno por uno engatusa a los secuestradores para salir sana y salva de su prisi?n.
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  • La palabra
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • En las ruinas de Ostia Antica, el profesor Augusto Monti descubre un papiro del siglo I d.C. que resulta ser el m?s grande y trascendental descubrimiento arqueol?gico de todos los tiempos. Es el Documento Q, el evangelio escrito por Santiago, hermano menor de Jes?s, y ofrece al mundo moderno a un nuevo Jesucristo, desvela los secretos de sus a?os desconocidos y contradice los relatos existentes sobre su vida. Te?logos, impresores, ling?istas, traductores, crist?logos y otros profesionales de todo el mundo forman un ?nico grupo de trabajo, conocido en clave como Resurrecci?...
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  • The Golden Room
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The ritziest bordello in the world run by two sweet spinster sisters…30 curvaceous prostitutes…a suave but deadly doctor…a lovely mayor's assistant who goes undercover as a "lady of the night"…all gather together in THE GOLDEN ROOM, a wonderfully entertaining and suspenseful turn-of-the-century novel by the best-selling author of THE CELESTIAL BED. Business is booming at the Everleigh Sisters' Club in Chicago – until a newly reelected mayor tries to close them down. When he sends the gorgeous Karen Grant to investigate, she finds a lot more than prostitution under the Club's gilded roof – including love…and murder.
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  • The Man
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The time is 1964. The place is the Cabinet Room of the Where House. An unexpected accident and the law of succession have just made Douglass Dilman the first black President of the United States.This is the theme of what was surely one of the most provocative novels of the 1960s. It takes the reader into the storm center of the presidency, where Dilman, until now an almost unknown senator, must bear the weight of three burdens: his office, his race, and his private life.From beginning to end, The Man is a novel of swift and tremendous drama, as President Dilman attempts to uphold his oath in the face of international crises, domestic dissension, violence, scandal, and ferocious hostility. Push comes to shove in a breathtaking climax, played out in the full glare of publicity, when the Senate of the United States meets for the first time in one hundred years to impeach the President.
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  • The Prize
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • ‘THE NOBEL FOUNDATION OF STOCKHOLM IS PLEASED TO INFORM YOU THAT YOU HAVE TODAY BEEN VOTED THIS YEARS NOBEL PRIZE STOP THE AWARD CEREMONY WILL TAKE PLACE IN STOCKHOLM’… Six people receive the cable of notification; men and women for whom the only common factor is the Nobel citation-‘for researches in support of humanitarian ideals’.These are the major actors in Irving Wallace’s exciting, behind-the-headlines story of the Nobel Prize, five men and a woman elected to receive the supreme palm of mankind’s honours, to be f?ted as almost superhuman beings, their achievements to ...
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