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Wambaugh Joseph - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—7 из 7.

  • El caballero azul
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • El caballero azul era una narraci?n en primera persona. Bumper Morgan es un polic?a de la calle a punto de jubilarse. No quiere dejarlo. Tiene cincuenta y tantos. Est? con una mujer espl?ndida. La perspectiva de un amor eterno mano a mano lo desconcierta. Est? enganchado al placer mundano y a veces apasionante del trabajo policial. En el fondo del coraz?n, tiene miedo. El trabajo en su territorio de ronda le permite vivir en un nivel distanciado y circunscrito. Reina ben?volamente en su peque?o reino. Da y recibe afecto de una forma compartimentada ...
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  • Hollywood Crows
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • When LAPD cops Hollywood Nate and Bix Rumstead find themselves caught up with bombshell Margot Aziz, they think they're just having some fun. But in Hollywood, nothing is ever what it seems. To them, Margot is a harmless socialite, stuck in the middle of an ugly divorce from the nefarious nightclub-owner Ali Aziz. What Nate and Bix don't know is that Margot's no helpless victim: the femme fatale is setting them both up. But Ms. Aziz isn't the only one with a deadly plan.In HOLLYWOOD CROWS, Wambaugh returns once again to the beat he knows best, taking readers on a tightly plotted and darkly funny ride-along through Los Angeles with a cast of flawed cops and eccentric lowlifes they won't soon forget.
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  • Hollywood Moon
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • There's a saying at Hollywood station that the full moon brings out the beast-rather than the best-in the precinct's citizens. One moonlit night, LAPD veteran Dana Vaughn and "Hollywood" Nate Weiss, a struggling-actor-turned cop, get a call about a young man who's been attacking women. Meanwhile, two surfer cops known as Flotsam and Jetsam keep bumping into an odd, suspicious duo-a smooth-talking player in dreads and a crazy-eyed, tattooed biker. No one suspects that all three dubious characters might be involved in something bigger, more high-tech, and much more illegal. After a dizzying series of twists, turns, and chases, ...
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  • Hollywood Station
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • They call their sergeant the Oracle. Hes a seasoned LAPD veteran who keeps a close watch over his squad from his understaffed office at Hollywood Station. They are: Budgie Polk, a 27-year-old firecracker whos begrudgingly teamed with Fausto Gamboa, the oldest, tetchiest patrol officer. Andi McCrea, a single mom who spends her days studying at the local community college. Wesley Drubb, a USC drop-out who joined the force to see some action. Flotsam and Jetsam, two aptly named surfer boys who pine after the petitebut intrepidMeg Takara. And Hank Driscoll, the one who never shuts up. Together they spend ...
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  • Los nuevos centuriones
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • En Los nuevos centuriones Joseph Wambaugh nos presenta los cinco a?os de complejo aprendizaje de tres polic?as de Los ?ngeles durante la d?cada de los sesenta. En este tiempo, investigan robos y persiguen a prostitutas, sofocan guerras entre bandas y apaciguan ri?as familiares. Pero tambi?n descubren que, a pesar de coincidir en una base autoritaria, sus puntos de vista divergen en la necesidad de cada uno de rozar el mal y el desorden. Con un ritmo vertiginoso, en esta historia de casos urgentes y frustraciones cada semana implica nuevos peligros y nuevas rutinas, largas ...
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