Bahzell Bahnakson of the Horse Stealer hradani never wanted to be a champion of the War God. Unfortunately, Toman?k had insisted. Even more unfortunately, Bahzell's own sense of responsibility hadn't let him say, "No."Which was how he found himself in the Empire of the Axe, where even people who didn't actively hate hradani regarded them with suspicion and fear. Of course, that was only the start of his problems. Next, there was the Order of Toman?k, many of whom were horrified by the notion that their deity had chosen a hradani as a champion . . . and intended ...
Someone is assassinating the leaders of both the Star Kingdom of Manticore and the recently liberated former slave planet of Torch. Though most believe the Republic of Haven is behind the murders, Anton Zilwicki and Havenite secret agent Victor Cachat believe there is another sinister player behind the scenes. Queen Berry of Torch narrowly escaped one assassination attempt, and a security officer from Beowulf has been assigned to protect her, a task complicated by the young monarch's resentment of bodyguards, and the officer's growing attachment to her. Meanwhile, powerful forces in the Solarian League are maneuvering against each other to gain the upper hand, not realizing or, perhaps, not caring that their power struggle is threatening the League's very existence and could plunge the galaxy into war. Once again best-selling authors David Weber and Eric Flint join forces in an exciting new novel in the Honorverse. Cover Art by David Mattingly
Honor Harrington, ju? jako pe?noprawny oficer Kr?lewskiej Marynarki i dow?dca eskadry, otrzymuje rozkaz, w wyniku kt?rego wpada w zasadzk? zastawion? przez wyj?tkowo uzdolnionego admira?a. Ma dwa wyj?cia: stoczy? bitw?, w kt?rej straci okr?t i za?og?, albo podda? okr?t i uratowa?. Wybiera to drugie, na honorowych warunkach. Okazuje si? jednak, ?e w Ludowej Republice Haven politycy maj? wi?cej dopowiedzenia ni? admira?owie i Honor l?duje na pok?adzie okr?tu, kt?rego celem jest wi?zienna planeta Hades, na kt?rej ma si? odby? jej egzekucja. Przysz?o?? rysuje si? w czarnych barwach, ale jedyne,czego Honor Harrington nigdy si? nie nauczy?a to poddawa? si? rezygnacji.
NO ONE WANTED ANOTHER WARThomas Theisman didn't. After risking his life and a fresh round of civil war to overthrow the Committee of Public Safety's reign of terror and restore the Republic of Haven's ancient Constitution, an interstellar war was the last thing he wanted.Baron High Ridge didn't. The Prime Minister of Manticore was perfectly happy with the war he had. No one was shooting anyone else at the moment, and as long as he could spin out negotiations on the formal treaty of peace, his government could continue to milk all those "hostilities only" ...
In The War God’s Own, Bahzell had managed to stop a war by convincing Baron Tellian, leader of the Soth?ii, to “surrender” to him, the War God’s champion. Now, he has journeyed to the Soth?ii Wind Plain to oversee the parole he granted to Tellian and his men, to represent the Order of Toman?k, the War God, and to be an ambassador for the hradani. What’s more, the flying coursers of the Soth?ii have accepted Bahzell as a windrider-the first hradani windrider in history. And since the windriders are the elite of ...
Nikt nie chcia? tej wojny — ani Thomas Theisman, ani Kr?lestwo Manticore, ani Imperium Anderma?skie. A ju? na pewno nie Honor Harrington. Mimo to wybuch?a, i to na kilku frontach r?wnocze?nie. Teraz za? nie by?o ju? szans na ucieczk? w ci?gn?ce si? latami negocjacje pokojowe. Co gorsza, wszystko zacz??o wskazywa? na to, ?e zwi?kszy si? zar?wno jej skala, jak i liczba uczestnik?w. Tymczasem kolejna pr?ba pozbycia si? admira? Harrington spe?z?a na niczym za spraw? jej wiernych przyjaci?? i nieprzeci?tnych zdolno?ci taktycznych.