Willis Connie -
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Книги 1—25 из 45.
- Bellwether
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- Statistician Sandra Foster and chaos theorist Bennett O’Reilly are brought together by a misdelivered package and urged into their own chaotic world of million-dollar grants, unlucky coincidences, setbacks, and eventually the ultimate answer.Nominated for Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1998.
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- Blackout
- Жанр: Социальная фантастика
- In her first novel since 2002, Nebula and Hugo award-winning author Connie Willis returns with a stunning, enormously entertaining novel of time travel, war, and the deeds—great and small—of ordinary people who shape history. In the hands of this acclaimed storyteller, the past and future collide—and the result is at once intriguing, elusive, and frightening.Oxford in 2060 is a chaotic place. Scores of time-traveling historians are being sent into the past, to destinations including the American Civil War and the attack on the World Trade Center. Michael Davies is prepping to go to Pearl Harbor. Merope ...
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- Die Jahre des Schwarzen Todes
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- Eine faszinierende Reise in die finsterste Zeit des Mittelalters.Es sollte das gr??te Abenteuer ihres Lebens werden: Die junge Kivrin wird aus dem Jahr 2054 ins mittelalterliche England geschickt. Doch bei der ?bertragung kommt es zu Problemen, und so landet die Geschichtsstudentin nicht wie geplant im Jahr 1320, sondern im Jahr 1348 — dem Todesjahr, in dem die Pest England entv?lkerte. Und eine R?ckkehr in die Zukunft scheint unm?glich zu sein …
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- Dooms Day Book
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- For Kivrin, preparing an on-site study of one of the deadliest eras in humanity’s history was as simple as receiving inoculations against the diseases of the fourteenth century and inventing an alibi for a woman traveling alone. For her instructors in the twenty-first century, it meant painstaking calculations and careful monitoring of the rendezvous location where Kivrin would be received.But a crisis strangely linking past and future strands Kivrin in a bygone age as her fellows try desperately to rescue her. In a time of superstition and fear, Kivrin—barely of age herself—finds ...
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- Doomsday Book
- Жанр: Социальная фантастика
- This new book by Hugo- and Nebula-award-winning author Connie Willis is an intelligent and satisfying blend of classic science fiction and historical reconstruction. Kivrin, a history student at Oxford in 2048, travels back in time to a 14th-century English village, despite a host of misgivings on the part of her unofficial tutor. When the technician responsible for the procedure falls prey to a 21st-century epidemic, he accidentally sends Kivrin back not to 1320 but to 1348 — right into the path of the Black Death. Unaware at first of the error, Kivrin becomes deeply involved in the life of the family that takes ...
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- El Libro del D?a del Juicio Final
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- A mediados del siglo XXI, Kivrin, una audaz estudiante de historia, decide viajar en el tiempo para estudiar `in situ` una de las eras m?s mort?feras y peligrosas de la historia humana: la Edad Media asolada por la Peste Negra. Pero una crisis que enlaza extra?amente pasado, presente y futuro atrapa a Kivrin en uno de los a?os m?s peligrosos de la Edad Media, mientras sus compa?eros de Oxford en el a?o 2054, atacados de repente por una enfermedad desconocida, intentan infructuosamente rescatarla. Perdida en una ?poca de superstici?n y de miedo, ...
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- Fire Watch
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- FROM THE INCREDIBLE WORLDS OF CONNIE WILLISIn “Service for the Burial of the Dead,” a young woman mourning her lover comes upon a surprising funeral guest.Biblical prophecies turn out to have unexpected meanings as the End Times approach in “Lost and Found.”The dangers of ordering merchandise from the back pages of pulp magazines become apparent in “Mail-Order Clone.”In “Blued Moon,” a young man uncovers a scientific property of coincidence—and falls in love.As a tourist attraction, a total eclipse draws an even wider audience than (almost) anyone realizes ...
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- Il fattore invisibile
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- Sandra ? una scienziata molto particolare: si occupa di mode passeggere e il suo compito ? prevedere quali saranno le manie del futuro prossimo. Insieme al collega Bennett O’Reilly, esperto di teoria del caos, ? convinta di poter individuare la causa della diffusione di tali fenomeni, e aggiudiarsi cos? un congruo finanziamento per il progetto. Ma raramente la ricerca scientifica ? semplice e lineare, e la strada del successosar? piena di imprevisti… Un libro scintillante e originalissimo da una delle migliori scrittrici di fantascienza contemporanee.Nominato per il premio Nebula per il miglir romanzo in 1997.
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- Ksi?ga S?du Ostatecznego
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- Kirvin studiuje histori? na uniwersytecie w Oksfordzie, przenosi si? na pocz?tek XIV wieku, by si? przekona? jak wygl?da?o ?ycie w ?redniowieczu. Jednak z powodu drobnego b??du w obliczeniach zjawia si? w wyznaczonym miejscu kilka lat p??niej ni? planowa?a - dok?adnie wtedy, gdy Angli?, a tak?e niemal ca?? Europ? , zawisa straszliwe niebezpiecze?stwo.
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- Lanno del contagio
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- Per la giovane Kivrin, che si prepare a studiare dal vivo una delle epoche pi? oscure della storia, regno della paura, della superstizione e di tremendi flagelli, viaggiare nel tempo ? un'esperienza unica e affascinante, ma in fondo non troppo difficile: l'importante ? prepararsi con cura e osservare scrupolosamente tutte le regole perch? il suo improvviso arrivo nel XIV secolo risulti plausibile e, soprattutto, passi inosservato. Il resto ? compito di una straordinaria tecnologia che rende possibile un simile trasferimento temporale. Tuttavia il suo viaggio nel Medioevo, dove l'esistenza quotidiana ? un'avventura per la sopravvivenza e dove si sta scrivendo un nuovo libro dell'Apocalisse, sar? molto pi? che la realizzazione di un sogno.
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- Le grand livre
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- Quoi de plus naturel, au XXI si?cle, que d’utiliser des transmetteurs temporels pour envoyer des historiens v?rifier sur place l’id?e qu’ils se font du pass? ?Kivrin Engle, elle, a choisi l’an 1320, afin d’?tudier les us et coutumes de cette ?poque fascinante qu’aucun de ses contemporains n’a encore visit?e : le Moyen Age.Le grand jour est arriv?, tous sont venus assister au d?part : Gilchrist, le directeur d’?tudes de Kivrin ; l’arch?ologue Lupe Montoya, le docteur Ahrens ; sans oublier ce bon professeur Dunworthy, qui la trouve trop jeune et inexp?riment?e pour se lancer dans pareille aventure et qui s’inqui?te tant pour elle.Ses craintes sont ridicules, le professeur Gilchrist a tout pr?vu ! Tout, mais pas le pire…
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- Nie licz?c psa
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- Na poz?r Anglia w lecie 1888 roku jest najspokojniejszym miejscem na ?wiecie — leniwe popo?udnia w ??dce na Tamizie, proszone herbatki, krykiety na zielonych trawnikach — a podr??nik w czasie Ned Henry rozpaczliwie potrzebuje wypoczynku. Zadanie, kt?re musi wype?ni? jest pozornie proste, lecz b?dzie musia? sobie poradzi? z ekscentrycznym oksfordzkim donem, spirytystycznym medium, rozpieszczon? m?od? dam? i jeszcze bardziej rozpieszczonym kotem (nie licz?c psa). Nie licz?c psa to jednocze?nie powie?? sensacyjna, fantastyka naukowa i szekspirowska komedia, dowcipna i pomys?owa historia o pomy?kach, nieporozumieniach i chaotycznym ?wiecie, gdzie najkr?tsz? drog? pomi?dzy dwoma punktami nigdy nie jest linia prosta, a tajemnica wszech?wiata naprawd? zawiera si? „w szczeg??ach”.
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- Oveja mansa
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- Sandra Foster estudia las modas, desde las mu?ecas Barbie hasta el : c?mo empiezan y qu? significan. Bennett O'Reilly es un especialista en teor?a del caos que observa la conducta de un grupo de monos. Aunque ambos trabajan para la corporaci?n Hitek, no se conocen hasta el d?a que se produce un error en la entrega de un paquete. Es un momento de sincron?a que les sumerge en un sistema ca?tico propio con todo tipo de equ?vocos, una beca de investigaci?n de un mill?n de d?lares, caf? con leche, ...
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