Zanim Severian, wygnaniec z konfraterni kat?w, dotrze do miejsca swego zes?ania, Thraxu, musi pokona? licznych wrog?w i wiele czyhaj?cych na niego niebezpiecze?stw. Prze?ladowany przez okrutne wspomnienia i straszne wizje nie wie, czy zawdzi?cza je swej absolutnej pami?ci czy ogarniaj?cemu ?wiat mrokowi. Zawraca z obranej drogi, aby zwr?ci? skradziony klejnot, Pazur ?agodziciela, kt?ry przypadkiem znalaz? si? w jego posiadaniu. Zaatakowany przez dziwne istoty odkrywa, ?e klejnot nie tylko emanuje b??kitnym blaskiem, ale ma te? niesamowit?, magiczn? moc. ?Lubi? Wolfe’a. Szczeg?lnie rozsmakowa?em si? w?a?nie w Ksi?dze Nowego S?o?ca.Otrzyma?a nagrod? Nebula w 1981.Otrzyma?a nagrod? Locus w 1981.Nominowana do nagrody Hugo w 1982.
Powie?? mo?na por?wna? do tkaniny o skomplikowanym, fascynuj?cym wzorze, misternie utkanej z w?tk?w trzech, pozornie odr?bnych, mikropowie?ci. Ka?da z nich stanowi pasjonuj?c? lektur?, razem tworz? natomiast zupe?nie now? jako??; dopiero przewr?ciwszy ostatni? kartk? czytelnik zaczyna sobie u?wiadamia? jak wielkie znaczenie mia?y pozornie ma?o istotne wzmianki rozrzucone w tek?cie i natychmiast zaczyna czyta? ksi??k? od nowa, by m?c w pe?ni doceni? mistrzostwo Gene Wolfe'a, jednego z najbardziej oryginalnych i fascynuj?cych tw?rc?w wsp??czesnej science fiction.
Gene Wolfe’s The Book of the New Sun is an extraordinary epic, set a million years in the future, on an Earth transformed in mysterious and wonderful ways. Severian is a torturer, exiled from his guild after falling in love with one of his victims, and now journeying to the distant city of Thrax, armed with his ancient executioner’s sword, Terminus Est.Won Nebula Award for Best novel in 1981.Won Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel in 1982.Nominated for Hugo and World Fantasy Awards in 1982.
Far from Earth two sister planets, Sainte Anne and Sainte Croix, circle each other. It is said that a race of shapeshifting aliens once lived here, only to become extinct when human colonists arrived. But one man believes they still exist, somewhere out in the wilderness. In , Gene Wolfe brilliantly interweaves three tales: a scientist’s son gradual discovery of the bizarre secret of his heritage; a young man’s mythic dreamquest for his darker half; the mystifying chronicle of an anthropologist’s seemingly-arbitrary imprisonment. Gradually, a mesmerising pattern emerges.
Recently voted the greatest fantasy of all time after and , Gene Wolfe’s is an extraordinary epic, set a million years in the future, on an Earth transformed in mysterious and wonderful ways. Severian is a torturer, exiled from his guild after falling in love with one of his victims, and now journeying to the distant city of Thrax, armed with his ancient executioner’s sword, Terminus Est.Won BSFA Award and World Fantasy Award in 1981.Nominated for Nebula and John W. Campbell Memorial Award in 1981.
Banished for the sin of mercy, Severian, one of the ancient guild of Torturers, flees from exile. In a mountain wilderness he meets the Alzabo, in whom those eaten seem to live on, adopts as son only to lose him in battle, discharges an old debt to vengeance, encounters fanged aliens who hide behind masks of beauty, and helps the people of the floating islands in their unending battle for freedom.Won British Fantasy Award in 1983.Won Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel in 1983.Nominated for BSFA Award in 1982.Nominated for Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1982.Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1983.Nominated for World Fantasy Award in 1983.
The final volume of series.Severian, formerly a member of the Torturers’ Guild and now Autarch of Urth, travels beyond the boundaries of time and space aboard the Ship of Tzadkiel on a mission to bring the New Sun to his dying planet. Wolfe demonstrates his mastery of both style and content in this complex, multilayered story of one man’s eternal quest.Nominated for Nebula, Hugo, and Locus awards in 1988.
Naprawd? mam na imi? Severian. Przyjaciele, kt?rych nigdy nie mia?em zbyt wielu, nazwali mnie Severianem Kulawym. ?o?nierze, kt?rych niegdy? mia?em mn?stwo, cho? nie a? tak wielu, jakbym chcia?, nazywali mnie Severianem Wielkim. Nieprzyjaciele, kt?rzy mno?yli si? jak muchy na bitewnych polach zas?anych trupami, nazywali mnie Severianem Oprawc?. By?em ostatnim Autarch? Wsp?lnoty, a tym samym jedynym prawowitym w?adc? planety znanej pod?wczas jako Urth.