Woodman Richard -
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Книги 1—6 из 6.
- A Brig of War
- Жанр: Исторические приключения
- In A Brig of War, Nathaniel Drinkwater is promoted lieutenant of the brig HELLEBORE. He finds routine convoy escort duties end abruptly when Admiral Nelson, pursuing the French fleet to Egypt, sends HELLEBORE to the Red Sea with an urgent warning to the British squadron there. However, Nelson's apprehensions over French ambitions in the East are more than justified. Edouard Santhonax, Drinkwater's old enemy, is already preparing for a French descent on India. The hunt for this elusive Frenchman and his frigate is combined with British naval operations on the flank of Napoleon's Egyptian campaign. It is during the attack on Kosseir that Drinkwater is left for dead. His escape and the subsequent desperate attack on Santhonax leads to a still more dangerous situation under Augustus Morris, former tyrant of the midshipmen's berth on HMS CYCLOPS.
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- A Kings Cutter
- Жанр: Исторические приключения
- The second book in the Nathaniel Drinkwater series.Midshipman Drinkwater is back in the Navy in 1792, appointed to the 12-gun cutter Kestral. Off the French coast, the Kestral becomes involved in the secret and dangerous adventures linked with the rescuing of emigres. Drinkwater plays a vital role in the landing of agents.
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- An Eye of the Fleet
- Жанр: Морские приключения
- The first book in the Nathaniel Drinkwater series.Tells of the rise in the 1780s of Nathanial Drinkwater to the rank of Lieutenant in the Navy. Prior to promotion he saves a young seaman from the brutal attentions of a depraved midshipman and in the process, wins the love of a parson's daughter.
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- Baltic Mission
- Жанр: Исторические приключения
- The seventh book in the Nathaniel Drinkwater series. Written in 1988, Baltic Mission is an installment in Woodman's Nathaniel Drinkwater series. This episode finds the British sailor on a secret assignment for the crown while Napoleon continues to acquire real estate. Drinkwater is soon at odds with his crew and hamstrung by his drunken first mate.
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- El vig?a de la flota
- Жанр: Историческая проза
- Octubre de 1779. Nathaniel Drinkwater ingresa a sus catorce a?os en la Armada Real brit?nica como guardiamarina. Su primer destino ser? la fragata Cyclops, de treinta y seis ca?ones. A partir de ese momento su vida dar? un giro radical; aprender? la dureza de la vida entrecubiertas, llegar? su bautismo en combate frente a las costas del Cabo Santa Mar?a y llevar? a cabo misiones en el Mediterr?neo, en las islas del Canal y, finalmente, en las Carolinas justo en el momento en que los rebeldes americanos presionan m?s a las tropas leales a la Corona.
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- In Distant Waters
- Жанр: Морские приключения
- The eighth book in the Nathaniel Drinkwater series.The capture of a Spanish frigate augurs well for Drinkwater, but he has disturbed a hornets' nest of colonial intrigue. The Spanish are eager to humiliate him and he finds himself in solitary confinement and his ship a prize of the enemy.
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